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Curriculum Vitae for Bo Cerup-SimonsenMay 2014
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Curriculum Vitae for Bo Cerup-Simonsen May 2014
PersonalName:Profession:Birth:Sex, Nationality:FamilyPrivate Address:Private Phone:Address at work:Email at work:Email private:
Bo Cerup-SimonsenPh.D., M.Sc. Eng. (Mech. Eng., Naval Architecture), MBAApril 28, 1968 in Egvad, DenmarkMale, DanishTwo children (born 1999 and 2002)Linde Alle 7, DK-3050 Humlebæk, Denmark(+45) 21 78 94 03Maersk Maritime Technology, A.P. Moller Maersk A/S, Esplanaden 50, DK-1098 Copenhagen K, Denmark[email protected][email protected]
EmploymentAug 08 – PtNov 07 – Aug 08Jan 05 – Nov 07Aug 03 – Dec. 04Sep 02 – Aug 03Jun 00 – Aug 03Jun 97 – May 00:Sep 93 - Feb 97:Jan 96 - Nov 96:Jan 95 - Jul 95:Jan 91 - Jul 91:Jun 90 - Jul 90 :Sep 89 - Jun 90:Jan 89 - Dec 92:
Head Maersk Maritime Technology, Vice President, A.P. Moller Maersk A/S,Esplanaden 50, DK-1098 Copenhagen K, DenmarkResearch and Development Programme Head; Maritime EnvironmentalTechnology and Service Development Programme, DNV Maritime, DetNorske Veritas, N-1322 Høvik, NorwayHead of Department: Maritime Technical Consultancy, DNV Maritime(MTPNO360), Det Norske Veritas, N-1322 Høvik, NorwayHead of Section: Hydrodynamics and Structures (MTPNO361), Det NorskeVeritas, N-1322 Høvik, NorwayHead of Section: Section of Maritime Engineering, Department ofMechanical Engineering, Technical University of DenmarkAssociate Professor (Naval Architecture) at the Department of MechanicalEngineering, Maritime Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.Assistant Professor at the Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore,Technical University of Denmark.Ph.D. student at the Department of Naval Architecture and OffshoreEngineering, Technical University of Denmark.Substitute for an Associate Professor at the Technical University of Denmark.Research Engineer in the Tanker Safety Team at MIT, Cambridge, USA.Trainee in LICengineering (upheaval buckling of offshore pipelines,vibrations of marine risers, buckling of offshore conductors).Engineer trainee on the container ship m/s Selandia with EAC A/S (ØK).Research assistant at Dept. of Mechanial Engineering, Technical Universityof DenmarkTeaching assistant at Technical University of Denmark in various courses,e.g. “Machine elements", "Mechanics" and "Physics".
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EducationOct 07 – Aug 09Apr – Aug 06Jan 02 – Jul 02Sep 93 – Feb 97Jan 95 - Jun 95
Sep 93Sep 91 – Jun 92Sep 88 – Sep 93
Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics (theBlue MBA),CopenhagenBusiness School, DenmarkLeadership and management course, IMD, “DNV Port 2” training modulesover several weeks, Lausanne/Switzerland and Høvik/NorwayVisiting scholar (Fulbright) at UC Berkeley, California, USAPh.D. Student at Department of and Naval Architecture and OffshoreEngineering, Technical University of Denmark.Research engineer at the Department of Ocean Engineering, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA. Involved in the Joint MIT-Industry Program on Tanker Safety conducted by Prof. Tomasz Wierzbicki.Graduated M.Sc. (Mech. Eng.) in Naval Architecture and OffshoreEngineering, Technical University of Denmark.Fulbright Scholar Graduate Student (Mech. Eng.) at the University ofWashington, Seattle, USA.Student (Mech. Eng.) at the Technical University of Denmark.
Scholarships and Distinctions2012Maersk Maritime TechnologyawardedMaersk Business Unit of the Yeartogether with Maersk Procurement and Maersk Oil Trading2008Awarded theWeilbach Award;‘thehighest recognition for production andcommunication of new knowledge in the Maritime Sector’2005-2008DNV Fellow in Computational Mechanicswith corporate mandate to developengineering applications of leading-edge methods within scientificcomputing, Det Norske Veritas2006Awarded theRINA-Lloyd’s Register Ship Safety Awardfor research anddevelopment within Risk and Safety of High Speed Craft2001Awarded theBronze Medal from the Royal Institution of Naval Architects,RINA, London for the paper “Bottom Raking Damage to High Speed Craft”,RINA Transactions, 2000.2001Fulbright Scholarship for research in USA1998Gorm Petersens Mindelegat for outstanding research achievements.1992Ib Laderrieres Mindelegat for outstanding scholastic achievements.1991Fulbright Scholarship for studies in the USA.
Committee and Board Work2013 – pt: Member of the board of Danelec A/S (Danish maritime electronics company todevelop, produce, sell and service products)2012 - : Member of the board of Esvagt A/S (Danish ship owning/operating company)2010 -: Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Danish Shipowners’Association2008 -: Chairman of the board of Desmi Ocean Guard A/S, a company to develop,produce and deliver ballast water cleaning systems.2012 -: Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Blue MBA, Copenhagen BusinessSchool, Denmark
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2010 -: Chairman of Nordisk Søsikkerhedskomite (Nordic Safety Committee), DetNorske Veritas, Norway2008 - 2010 : Member of the board of Nadiro A/S, a company to develop, produce anddeliver life boat systems.2008 -: Member of the Advisory Board of Mechanical Engineering at the TechnicalUniversity of Denmark.2009 – pt: Member of Akademiet for Tekniske Videnskaber, ATV (Academy ofTechnical Sciences)2003 – 2008: Chairman of the Danish Accident Investigation Team for OffshoreConstructions (Formand for den danske “Havarikommission for visse havanlæg”)2006-2009: Member of the International Ship Structures Committee (ISSC), TechnicalCommittee V.1 Damage Assessment after Accidental Event.2007 –:Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Marine Structures, ElsevierPress.2007 –:Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Marine Engineering andTechnology, IMAREST, UK.2006 –:Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Marine Science andTechnology, The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, Springer Verlag.2002 – 2003: Member of the board of the Danish Naval Architecture Society and theDanish Naval Architecture Foundation (medl. af bestyrelsen for Skibsteknisk Selskab ogSkibsteknisk Selskabs Fond).2000-2003: Chairman of the International Ship Structures Committee (ISSC), TechnicalCommittee III.1: Ultimate Strength.2001-2004: Editorial Board of Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment,Elsevier2002-2003: : Organizing committee of World Maritime Technology Conference, to beheld in San Francisco, 20032001-2004: Scientific board of HIPER (High Performance Vehicles)1999-2001: Chairman of the scientific board of the 2ndInternational Conference onCollision and Grounding of Ships (ICCGS01), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2001.1997-2000: Member of ISSC Technical Committee on “Ultimate Strength”.
Publications in Journals1. B. Cerup-Simonsen, J. d. Kat, O.G. Jakobsen, L.R. Pedersen, J.B. Petersen, T. Posborg. Anintegrated approach towards cost-effective operation of ships with reduced GHG emissions,Proceedings SNAME Annual Meeting 2009, Submitted for journal publication.2. B.Cerup-Simonsen, R. Törnqvist and M. Lützen. ASimplified Grounding Damage PredictionMethod and its Application to Modern Damage Stability Requirements,Marine Structures, 22,pp. 62-83, 2009.3. B. Cerup-Simonsen,Accurate prediction formulas for narrow and wide grounding damages.Submitted for journal publication, 2008
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4. C. M. Rizzo, J. K. Paik, F. Brennan, C. A. Carlsen, C. Daley, Y. Garbatov, L. Ivanov, B. C.Simonsen, N. Yamamoto and H. Z. Zhuang,Current practices and recent advances in conditionassessment of aged ships,Ships and Offshore Structures, SAOS, Vol. 2 No. 3 pp. 261–271,20075. Berggreen, C., Simonsen, B. C. and Borum, K. K., “Experimental and Numerical Study ofInterface Crack Propagation in Foam-cored Sandwich Beams”,Journal of Composite Materials,Vol. 41, No. 4, pp. 493-520, 20076. S. Li and B.C. Simonsen.Meshfree Simulations of Ductile Crack Propagations,InternationalJournal for Computational Engineering Science, Vol. 6, pp. 1-19, 20057. Berggreen, C. and Simonsen, B. C., “Non-Uniform Compressive Strength of DebondedSandwich Panels - II. Fracture Mechanics Investigation.”,Journal of Sandwich Structures andMaterials,in press, 20058. B.C. Simonsen and S. Li.Meshfree Modelling of Ductile Fracture,International Journal forNumerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 60, pp. 1425-1450, 20049. B.C. Simonsen and R. Törnqvist.Experimental and Numerical Modelling of Ductile CrackPropagation in Large-scale Shell Structures,Marine Structures, Vol. 17, pp. 1-27, 200410. P. Rigo, B.C. Simonsen, E. Lehman, T. Yao.Ultimate Strength of Welded AluminiumStructures,Marine Structures, Vol. 16, pp. 437-468, 2003.11. W. Abromowicz and B.C. Simonsen.Effect of Fracture on Crushing of Ship Structures,Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 47, No. 3, September 2003, pp. 194-207, 200312. B.C. Simonsen.Real-time Simulation of Ship Impact for Crew Training,Marine Technology,Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 249-257, 200313. P.F. Hansen and B.C. Simonsen.GRACAT: software for grounding and collision risk analysis.Marine Structures, Vol. 15, pp. 383-401, 200214. H. Naar, P. Kujala, B.C. Simonsen, H. Ludolphy.Development of Crashworthy Bottom andSide Structures,Marine Structures, Vol. 15, pp. 443-461, 200215. B.C. Simonsen and L.P. Lauridsen.Energy Absorption and Ductile Failure in Metal Sheetsunder Lateral Indentation by a Sphere,International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 24,pp. 1017-1039, 2000.16. B.C. SimonsenBottom Raking Damage to High Speed Craft,IMO publication 1998, Presentedat RINA spring meeting 1999, RINA Transactions, Volume A, 2000, pp.41-58.17. M. Kaminski, J. Amdahl, E. Fasano, P.A. Frieze, J.M. Gordo, P. Grundy, P.E. Hess, Y.Kawamoto, P. Kujala, J.K. Paik, U. Röhr, B.C. Simonsen,Ultimate Strength,Report ofCommittee III.I, pp. 253-323, 14thInternational Ship and Offshore Structures Congress 2000,Nagasaki, Japan. Published by Elsevier, pp. 255-321, ISBN: 008-043021-X
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18. B.C. Simonsen and P. Friis Hansen.Theoretical and Statistical Analysis of Ship GroundingAccidents.Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 122, pp. 200-207, 200019. B.C. Simonsen and P. Terndrup PedersenOn Grounding of Fast Ships,Accepted forpublication in Marine Structures, 15 pages.20. B.C. Simonsen and H. Ocakli.Experiments and Theory on Deck and Girder Crushing,Thin-walled Structures, Vol 34, pp. 195-216, 1999.21. B.C. Simonsen and P.T. PedersenPrevention of Catastrophes at Sea, Forebyggelse afSkibskatastrofer,In Danish, For the natural science magazine,Naturens Verden,September,1998. pp. 375-384.22. B.C. SimonsenShip Grounding on Rock: I Theory,Marine Structures, Vol. 10, pp. 519-562,1997.23. B.C. SimonsenShip Grounding on Rock: II Validation and Application,Marine Structures,Vol. 10, pp. 563-584, 1997.24. B.C. Simonsen.Plate Tearing by a Cone,Int. J. Mech. Sci., Vol. 40, No. 11, pp. 1145-1158,1998.25. B.C. Simonsen and T. Wierzbicki.Plasticity, Fracture and Friction in Steady State PlateCutting. Int. J. of Impact Engineering,Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 667-691, 1997.26. B.C. Simonsen and T. Wierzbicki.Grounding Bottom Damage and Ship Motion over a Rock.Int. J. of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 195-204, Sep. 1996.27. P. Terndrup Pedersen and B.C. Simonsen.Dynamics of Ships Running Aground.Journal ofMarine Science and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 37-45, 1995.
Publications in Proceedings and Books28. Vermeiden, J.G. et al.A Systematic Experimental Study on Powering Performance of FlappingFoil Propulsors,29thsymposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Gothenburg, Sweden, 26-31August 201229.Nestegård, A., Hansen, V., Rognebakke, O., Cerup-Simonsen, B., “Significant Achievementsin Marine Hydrodynamics”, OMAE 2008.30.Cerup-Simonsen, B., “Computational Mechanics to help solve the challenges of globalenvironment and climate change”. MARINE2007, Barcelona, Spain, June 2007.31.Cerup-Simonsen, B., “State-of-the-art report on Ship Design for Operation”, presented atInternational Marine Design Conference, IMDC2006, Michigan, USA.
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32. Berggreen, C. and Simonsen, B. C., “Residual Strength of In-plane Loaded DebondedSandwich Panels - Fracture Mechanical Modelling”,7th International Conference on SandwichStructures,29-31 August 2005, Aalborg University, Denmark33.Berggreen, C., Simonsen, B. C. and Törnqvist, R., "Modelling of Debond and CrackPropagation in Sandwich Structures Using Fracture and Damage Mechanics". In J.R.Vinson,Y.D.S.Rajapakse and L.A.Carlsson (eds.),Proc. of 6th International Conference on SandwichStructures,Ft.Lauderdale, Florida, USA, March 31 to April 2 2003, CRC Press, Boca Raton,682-69334.Berggreen, C. and Simonsen, B. C., “The effect of Curvature on the Strength of LaterallyLoaded Sandwich Panels”,Proceeding of The Eighth International Symposium on PracticalDesign of Ships and Other Floating Structures (PRADS),16-21 September 2001, Shanghai,China, pp. 1323-1329.
35. B.C. Simonsen and R. Törnqvist.A Formula for Predicting Grounding Damage withApplication to Damage Stability Safety.Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Conference onCollision and Grounding of Ships, ICCGS2004, Izu, Japan, pp. 34-42, 2004.36. R. Törnqvist and B.C. Simonsen.Safety and Structural Crashworthiness of Ship Structures;modelling tools and application in Design.Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Conference onCollision and Grounding of Ships, ICCGS2004, Izu, Japan, pp. 285-294, 2004.37. B.C. Simonsen, R. Törnqvist and M. Lützen.A Proposal for the Extent of Bottom RakingDamage in the High Speed Code.Proceedings of the RINA Conference on High Speed CraftNov. 17-19 2004, Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London, UK, 2004.38. Lützen, M., Simonsen, B.C. (2003).Theoretical and Statistical Analysis of Ship GroundingAccidents.Proceedings of the World Maritime Technology Conference (SNAME),WMTC2003, Washington DC, USA.39. W. Abramowicz and B.C. Simonsen.Crushing Strength of Ship Structures,In Advances inDynamics and Impact Mechanics, eds. C.A. Brebbia and G.N. Nurick, WIT Press,Southampton, Boston, pp. 55-86, 200340. C. Berggreen, B.C. Simonsen and R. Törnqvist.Modelling of debonding and crackpropagation in sandwich structures using fracture and damage mechanics.Proceedings of theSixth International Conference on Sandwich Structures, Ft. Lauderdale, USA, 31. March – 2.April 2003.41. P.F Hansen, B.C. Simonsen.Integrated Software for Risk Analysis of Shipping,Proceedings ofthe 2ndInternational Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships, ICCGS, Copenhagen,July 2001, pp. 1-12.42. H. Naar, P. Kujala, B.C. Simonsen, H. Ludolphy.Development of Crashworthy Bottom andSide Structures,Proceedings of the International Conference on Collision and Grounding ofShips (ICCGS), Copenhagen, July, 2001, pp. 179-188
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43. C. Berggreen and B.C. Simonsen.The effect of Curvature on the Strength of Laterally LoadedSandwich Panels,Proceeding of The Eighth International Symposium on Practical Design ofShips and Other Floating Structures (PRADS), 16-21 September 2001, Shanghai, China, pp.1323-1329.44. P.M. Abildgaard, P.W. Hansen. and B.C Simonsen.Strength of Welded Aluminium Structures,proceedings of HIPER 2001, Hamburg, May 2001, 15 pages.45. E.S. Ravn,., J. Urban and B.C. Simonsen.Damage and Loss of Stability for HSC in Groundingor Collision Accidents,proceedings of HIPER 2001, Hamburg, May 2001, 15 pages.46. M. Lützen, B.Cerup Simonsen and P.T. Pedersen.Rapid Prediction of Damage to Struck andStriking Vessels in a Collision Event,Proceeding of the Ship Structures Committee symposium,Washington DC, June, 2000, 12 pages47. E.S. Ravn, B.C. Simonsen, J. Baatrup & J.J. Jensen.Damage Stability Analysis of an HSCafter Grounding,Proceedings of IMDC2000, Korea, 2000.48. J. Urban, P.T. Pedersen and B.C. Simonsen,Collision Risk Analysis for HSC,Proceedings ofFAST99, Seattle, USA, August, 1999.49. B.C. Simonsen and N.-E. Ottesen Hansen.Protection of Marine Structures by ArtificialIslands,Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Bridge Aerodynamics,Ship Collision Analysis, Operation and Maintenance, Copenhagen, May 1998, pp. 201-215.50. P. Little, D. Pippenger and B.C. Simonsen.Development of a Computational Model forPredicting Damage to Tankers,Presented at the International Conference on Designs andMethodologies for Collision and Grounding Protection of Ships, San Fransisco, USA, 1996.51. N.-E. Ottesen Hansen, B.C. Simonsen. et al.The Ship Impact Protection of the Great BeltSuspension Bridge,Third Symposium on Strait Crossings, 1994, Aalesund, Norway.52. P. Terndrup Pedersen and B.C. Simonsen. Dynamics of Fast Ships Running Aground, NOKOSConference, Rauma, 1995.53. N.-E. Ottesen Hansen and B.C. Simonsen.The Soil Mechanics of Ship Beaching,The 24'thInternational Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE94, Kobe, Japan, 1994.Selected Technical Reports54. Simonsen, B.C, Lützen, M. and Törnqvist, R.Introductory and Summary Report,The Maritimeand Coastguard Agency, UK, MCA Research Project 501, Technical Report no. 1, April, 2004.55. Lützen, M. and Simonsen, B.C.Representative Vessels, Structures, Materials and GroundingScenarios,The Maritime and Coastguard Agency, UK, MCA Research Project 501, TechnicalReport no. 2, April, 2004.
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56. Lützen, M. and Simonsen, B.C.Raking Experiments and Development of a SimplifiedPrediction Method,The Maritime Coastguard Agency, UK, MCA Research Project 501,Technical Report no. 3, April, 2004.57. Simonsen, B.C., Törnqvist, R. and Lützen, M.Finite Element Modeling and Development of aSimplified Method for Prediction of Grounding Damage,The Maritime and CoastguardAgency, UK, MCA Research Project 501, Technical Report no. 4, April, 2004.58. Simonsen, B.C.Proposal of Rule Formula for the Raking Damage,Maritime CoastguardAgency, UK, MCA Research Project 501, Technical Report no. 5, April, 2004.59. B.C. Simonsen and P.F. Hansen.Risk Assessment of Shipping in Danish Waters related toExcavation o f the Drogden Channel,Copenhagen, December 2001.60. J.J. Thomsen, A. Gudman and B.C. Simonsen.Course Notes: Experimental Solid Mechanics.Department of Mechanical Engineering, 200161. B.C. SimonsenReal-time Simulation of Collision and Grounding Accidents,Department ofMechanical Engineering, Maritime Engineering, 2000.62. J. Urban, T. Wierzbicki, B.C. Simonsen.Failure and Crash Response of AluminiumCruciforms,Impact and Crashworthiness Lab, MIT, Technical Report no 31, June 2000.63. B.C. Simonsen.Basic Modelling Principles and Validation of Software for Prediction ofCollision Damage,ISESO Report no. I108., Department of Naval Architectureand Offshore Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, April 2000.64. B.C. Simonsen.Validation of Software for Prediction of Grounding Damage,ISESO Reportno. I107., Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, TechnicalUniversity of Denmark, April 2000.65. B.C. Simonsen.Energy Absorption under Structural Collapse,Lecture notes for the course76583; Plates and Shells, Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering,Technical University of Denmark, 1999.66. B.C. Simonsen.Theory and Validation for the Collision Module,Joint MIT-Industry Programon Tanker Safety, Report no 66, 1999.67. B.C. Simonsen.DAMAGE Theory Validation,Joint MIT-Industry Program on Tanker Safety,Report no 63, May 1998.68. B.C. SimonsenMechanics of Ship Grounding,PhD thesis, Department of Naval Architectureand Offshore Engineering, the Technical University of Denmark, February 1997.69. B.C. Simonsen and T. Wierzbicki.Theoretical Manual on Grounding Damage of a HullBottomStructure, Vol. III, Joint MIT-Industry Program on Tanker Safety, Report no 59, June1997.
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70. T. Wierzbicki and B.C. Simonsen.Global Structural Model of Bow Indentation into Ship Side,MIT Project on Rupture Analysis of Oil Tankers in a Side Collision, Report no. 2, September1996.71. B.C. Simonsen and T. Wierzbicki.Theory of Bow Cutting through Decks,MIT Project onRupture Analysis of Oil Tankers in a Side Collision, Report no. 1, September 1996.72. B.C. Simonsen and T. Wierzbicki.Theoretical Manual on Grounding Damage of a HullBottom Structure, Vol. II,Joint MIT-Industry Program on Tanker Safety, Report no 55, 1996.73. B.C. Simonsen, T. Wierzbicki and C.K. Choi.Theoretical Manual on Grounding Damage of aHull Bottom Structure,Vol. I, Joint MIT-Industry Program on Tanker Safety, Report no 52,June, 1995.74. B.C. Simonsen.User's Manual for SOFTGROUND, PC Computer Program for AnalyzingShip Groundings on Sandy Ocean Beds.Joint MIT-Industry Program on Tanker Safety, Reportno 45, 1995.75. L. Banke and B.C. Simonsen.Experimental Analysis of Light Weight Efficient OffshoreFenders,Department of Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, DTU, 1995.