July 2013
NRA specific report –
Summary Data e3grid2012 for Energinet.DK
Background and structure of report
Electricity transmission system operators are regulated by national and European
directives. Revenue allowances are set by national regulatory authorities (NRAs).
One task of NRAs in many countries is to assess that the regulated revenues are
based on efficient costs. Such analysis is often based on cost benchmarking
among network companies. Given the limited number of national transmission
system operators (TSOs) many European NRAs have decided to collaborate to
develop an international sample of comparator companies.
E3grid2012 is the project to benchmark the cost efficiency of a set of European
electricity transmission operators. The purpose of this NRA specific report is to
provide an overview of included company data as well as efficiency scores. In this
NRA specific report, we present more detailed information on the efficiency
scores and sensitivities of your company. We note that the information in this
NRA specific report is based on the analysis undertaken and documented in the
main e3grid2012 report
The summary is structured as follows:
Part A: DEA Scores
– The note provides information on the individual
efficiency score of your company as well as an indication of how your
company is positioned within the set of companies. In addition, we report
the efficiency scores of your company for variants of the model.
Part B: Data summary
– The note provides a summary of confidential data
submitted by your regulated company in e3grid2012 benchmarking and as
used for calculation of the efficiency scores. Further details on the
calculation of these costs are included in two separate excel files attached to
this NRA specific report.
Part C: Descriptive statistical analysis
– The note also provides some
descriptive statistical analysis of your regulated company in comparison to
other companies. This does not substitute for the actual formal
This NRA specific report does not include calculations based on data which were not included in
the e3grid2012 data set e.g. due to delay in data submissions. In addition sensitivity analysis, which is
not covered in the main report, e.g. returns to scale variants, are not included in this report. We note
that NRAs have the option to request such specific runs in a separate study.
NRA specific report –
Summary Data e3grid2012 for Energinet.DK