Grønlandsudvalget 2013-14
GRU Alm.del Bilag 18
DRAFTArctic Peoples’ ConferenceA Celebration of40 years of Indigenous cooperationThursday November 21 at Landstingssalen, Christiansborg, Copenhagen.Security check in at “Besøgsindgang”12.00Opening13:0013:1013:2013:30Sandwiches served in front of the conference hall
Welcome – Aqqaluk Lynge, ICC ChairWelcome – Mogens Lykketoft, President of the Danish ParliamentWelcome – Aleqa Hammond, Premier of GreenlandOpening ceremony – Ida Heinrich and the Aavaat Choir
The first Arctic Peoples’ Conference in 197313:40Why, 1973? – Dr Robert Petersen, Professor emeritus13:40Parallel slideshow – Jens BrøstedAchievements and present state of the indigenous organisations13:50The Saami Council – Aile Javo, President14:10RAIPON – Gregory Ledkov, President14:30Inuit Circumpolar Council – Aqqaluk Lynge14:50Panel discussion and questionsCoffee break15:30Coffee and tea served outside the conference hallIndustrialisation on indigenous lands16:00Mining and people – Minik Rosing, Professor16:20Questions16:40Industrialisation and the Sámi, Olav Mathis Eira, Saami Council17:00Questions17:20Development for and with Inuit – Okalik Eegeesiak, President of the Qikiqtani InuitAssociation17:40QuestionsClosing18:00Closing of the first day and practical information on evening reception
Evening19:30-21:00 Reception (Canapés served) at Nordatlantens Brygge, Strandgade 91
Friday November 22, 10:00 at Landstingssalen, Christiansborg, CopenhagenSecurity check in at “Besøgsindgang”09:00Opening10:00Coffee and tea served in front of the conference hallWelcome – Aqqaluk Lynge, ICC Chair
Presentations on the Arctic Cooperation10:10Danish Arctic Policy – Erik V. Lorenzen, Arctic Ambassador10:30Democracy in the Arctic - Sara Olsvig, MP, Chair of the Arctic Parliamentarians10:50Norwegian Arctic Policy – Ingvard Havnen, Norwegian Ambassador11:10U.S Arctic Policy – Julia Gourley, U.S. Senior Arctic Official.11:30Panel discussion and questionsLunch break12:30Sandwiches served outside the conference hallPresentations on visions of the Arctic13:30From Igaliko to Washington – Per Stig Møller, former Minister of F.A.13:50Korea and the Arctic – Kim Byung-ho, Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Korea14:10Magnús Jóhannesson, Director of the Arctic Council Secretariat, Tromsø14:30EU and the Arctic – Steffen Weber, Secretary General, EU-ARCTIC Forum14:50Panel discussion and questionsCoffee break15:00Coffee and tea served outside the conference hallPresentations on specific indigenous issues15:20Mining conflict in Kallo/Gallok –Lars Anders Baer15:40Language and the customary rights, C. Chr. Olsen, Vice Chair ICC16:00Partnering with oil companies – Tara Sweeney, ASRC, Alaska16:20Indigenous rights and laws in Greenland – Thomas Trier Hansen16:40Panel discussion and questions17:00Concluding RemarksClosing17:30
Closing of the second day and practical information on the evening programme
We thank Member of the Danish Parliament, Ms. Sara Olsvig for hosting this event.
Closing reception and cultural programme – Nordatlantens Brygge, Strandgade 91Good nightEntertainment: Aavaat Choir, Ida Heinrich, Karina Møller, Aviaja Lumholt and MaluRohmann