Moreover, the ITER Council called for decisive action in addressing the findings of thebiannual ITER Organization Management Assessment, which put forward a series ofrecommendations to enhance the project's management, organization and governancestructure. The action plans tackling these issues will be reviewed and endorsed by the ITERCouncil at an extraordinary meeting to be held in February 2014.Last but not least, the Commission has consistently pointed out to the ITER governing bodiesthat the budget set by the EU Council for Europe's contribution to the construction phase ofthe project must be strictly respected (€ 6.6 billion in 2008 value).Developments on the European Joint Undertaking for the development of Fusion
Energy (Fusion for Energy - F4E)
Following the retirement of the Director of Fusion for Energy (F4E), the Governing Board ofFusion for Energy appointed Dr HenrikBindslev as the new Director of F4E.Dr.HenrikBindslev took up his position on 1 January 2013.F4E is delivering Europe's contribution to ITER and by the end of 2012 had awardedcontracts for an amount of €1.8 billion, representing around 40% of the procurements neededto deliver the European contribution to ITER.In June 2013, F4E awarded the largest contract ever: the contract for thesupply andinstallation of themechanical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, electrical andhandling equipment for the Tokamak complex (3 buildings) and surrounding buildings (8buildings) for a value of more than € 500 million. Moreover, a number of initiatives havebeen put in place at F4Eto improve its project management system, based on internal andexternal performance assessments and to seek further measures to mitigate the costs risks.At the end of 2013,Deloittehas deliveredthe second independent annual assessment of F4Eactivitieswhich concludes that F4E’s contribution to the ITER Project is progressingreasonably well in general terms, bearing in mind that F4E’s performance depends to a largedegree on the information and input received from the ITER Organization.At the same time,F4E has issued its second report to the Council on the progress of the implementation of theircost containment and savings plan, the performance and management of F4E and thefulfilment of scheduled activities. Both documents were requested by the Council of the EU inJuly 2010 and have been transmitted recently to the Council and to the European Parliament.