Færøudvalget 2013-14
FÆU Alm.del Bilag 25
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Monique & Nigel [mailto:[email protected]]
Sendt: 1. september 2014 18:49
Til: FÆU | Færøudvalget
Emne: Whaling massacre Faroe Islands aided by Danish Navy
Dear Sir/madam
I am writing to you to share with you my horror and shame over the 35 whales killed
over the weekend in the Faroe islands which was aided by the Danish Navy. Denmark
as part of the EU should be following the same rules where whaling is banned. Yet
they instead helped the people who kill these whales inhumanely. This sickening
act makes me ashamed of the human race. I say to the people of Denmark rise up
against your navy and be the voice for these helpless animals who are unable to
defend themselves. I am so proud of those that stood up against these people
especially my countrymen the 2 South Africans. We are the voice for today's wild
animals which a minority of humans are destroying for their own gratification.
Just sickening!!!!
Yours sincerely
Mrs Wray
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