30. juli 2014 14:19
Mette Vestergaard;
Frontex Consultative Forum - Annual Report
Dear all,
On July 29, the European Union Borders Agency
published the first Annual Report of the
Consultative Forum on Fundamental Rights:
The key task of the Consultative Forum, which FRA and the Jesuit Refugee Service Europe (JRS) have co-
chaired since its inauguration in October 2012, is to provide advice to Frontex on fundamental rights issues.
Core areas on which the Consultative Forum is consulted include the further development and
implementation of Frontex’ Fundamental Rights Strategy and Code of Conduct.
Following its establishment, the Consultative Forum began by assessing which Frontex activities may give
rise to major fundamental rights concerns, in cooperation with the Fundamental Rights Officer, Frontex
staff and the Frontex Management Board. This resulted in a decision for the Consultative Forum to work on
selected issues in the fields of strategic planning, joint operations, risk analysis and training.
The Annual Report provides an overview of the activities undertaken by the Consultative Forum in 2013
and contains the main recommendations made to Frontex and its Management Board, as well as the
subsequent impact of these on the Agency’s work.
The Frontex Consultative Forum comprises the following organisations:
Amnesty International European Institutions Office (AI EIO)
Caritas Europa
Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME)
Council of Europe (CoE)
European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)