Europaudvalget 2013-14
EUU Alm.del Bilag 575
Kære folketingsmedlem, medlem af Europaudvalget
Hver gang vi har haft EU parlamentsvalg har det lydt: ”nu skal vi have borgerne til at interessere sig for EU /
Få EU tættere på borgerne”.
Jeg vil gerne give jer et eksempel på hvor ”nemt” det er som borger, at give sin mening til kende i en såkaldt
åben høring. Nemlig den høring der pt. afholdes om EU/USA frihandelsaftale.
1. Hvordan ved borgerne overhovedet, at der er åbne høringer man kan deltage i og at man finder
dem på kommissionens hjemmeside. Se nedenfor.
2. Når først man har fundet siden går det fint indtil man rent faktisk trykker på høringen – så findes
teksten kun på engelsk! Se nedenfor.
3. Når man så har kæmpet sig igennem den engelske tekst kommer man til selve spørgeskemaet
benævnt ”Online questionnaire” - ARRRGH det kan de simpelthen ikke mene seriøst! 23 sider fylder
det som PDF plus 44 siders referencetekst og ingen hjælpetekst. Hvad er f.eks. sektor (som
privatperson) eller EU’s åbenhedsregister? Se vedhæftede PDF.
Det er for mig meget tydeligt, at man simpelthen ikke ønsker at borgerne kommer til orde når man stiller så
mange hindringer op.
Jeg vil end ikke nævne god forvaltningsskik og andre uvedkommende emner, men da jeg er jurist i en
kommune, kan jeg ikke lade være med at tænke på, hvad der ville ske, hvis vi foretog høringer på denne
Jeg er absolut EU-tilhænger, men EU gør det ikke altid nemt at argumentere for sagen…..
Jeg anbefaler at I arbejder for at ændre høringsprocedurerne ved:
1. At oplyse befolkningen, så den ved at der findes høringer og hvor de kan findes.
2. At de nødvendige dokumenter findes på dansk.
3. At der udover de juridiske dokumenter også findes en ”sagsgennemgang” på dansk – vel og mærke
læseligt dansk!
4. At spørgeskemaet godt må være emneopdelt, men at man (i det mindste som borger) kan få en
simpel udgave.
Der er ikke noget der engagere borgere mere end muligheden for at blive hørt.
Med venlig hilsen
Else Søndergaard Dam
Rørholmsgade 10,
1352 København K
[email protected]
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Kommissionens hjemmeside hvor høringer har en OK placering.
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Listen over høringer – også overskuelig.
Den høring jeg var interesseret i.
Trykkede på “Flere oplysninger” og så kom denne side frem – kun på engelsk!
Online public consultation on investment protection and
investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in the
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement
Policy field: Investment
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Target group: All stakeholders
Closing Date: 06/07/2014
Objective of the consultation
In June 2013, the governments of the EU's Member States unanimously instructed the European
Commission to start negotiating a free trade agreement with the United States. They also gave the
Commission guidelines setting out what the negotiations should include. Already in May 2013, a
large majority in the European Parliament had welcomed the imminent launch of the negotiations .
In the guidelines they gave to the Commission the governments stated that the EU should seek to
include provisions on investment protection and Investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in the
proposed agreement. Negotiations for an agreement – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership (TTIP) – started in July 2013.
The European Commission is consulting the public in the EU on a possible approach to investment
protection and ISDS in the TTIP. The proposed approach contains a series of innovative elements
that the EU proposes using as the basis for the TTIP negotiations. The key issue on which we are
consulting is whether the EU’s proposed approach for TTIP achieves the right balance between
protecting investors and safeguarding the EU's right and ability to regulate in the public interest.
Tips for completing the questionnaire:
The questionnaire is quite long and detailed. Before activating the link to complete the
questionnaire, we strongly recommend that you first print out the notice and the consultation
We recommend that after reading the notice and the consultation document you draft your replies
separately off-line and then copy/paste them or/and upload them into the respective fields in the
questionnaire. Each field has a maximum capacity of 4000 characters – equivalent to about one and
a half pages of text.
Important: For technical reasons the questionnaire must be completed and submitted within 90
minutes. You cannot save your answers in the questionnaire and come back to them later. If the
questionnaire is closed without being submitted, all data will be lost.
Online questionnaire
Available in all official EU languages - please select the language from
the questionnaire's top right drop-down menu.
To ensure that our public consultation is open and transparent, the Commission intends to publish a
Contributions Report on the DG Trade’s website that will include a list of the names of all the
companies/organisations from which we have received contributions.
Individuals/citizens who reply to the consultation can decide if they want to have their name
published in this list by ticking the appropriate box.
In addition, we will also publish the contributions of those companies/organisations and individuals
that have agreed to the publication.
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The deadline for submitting input and comments using the questionnaire is 06/07/2014. For
additional questions please contact:
[email protected]
Please be aware that only replies submitted via the questionnaire will be accepted. Contributions
sent by e-mail will not be accepted.
Privacy statement
Consultation notice
Consultation document
Når man trykker på Online questionnaire kommer skemaet frem. (Se vedhæftede pdf)