Europaudvalget 2013-14
EUU Alm.del Bilag 190
DåtO/* .
N° 21/52660
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Unofficial translation
The Embassy of Georgia to the Kingdom of Denmark presents its compliments to the Parliament of
the Kingdom of Denmark and has the honour to submit the Statement of the Parliament of
Georgia on Eastern Partnership Vilnius Summit, dated November 27, 2013 and the Statement of
the Parliament of Georgia on Ukraine, dated December 11, 2013.
The Embassy of Georgia to the Kingdom of Denmark avails itself of the opportunity to renew to
the Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark the assurances of its highest consideration.
Attachment: 2 pages
Copenhagen, December 26, 2013
Parliament of the Kingdom of Denmark
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Unofficial translation
The S t a t e m e n t
of the Parliament of Georgia
Eastern PartnershipVilnius S u m m i t
Declaring t h a t European and Euro-Atlantic integration is the f i r m choice of the people of Georgia;
Considering the Joint Declarations of the Prague Eastern Partnership Summit in 2009 and t h e Warsaw Eastern
Partnership Summit in 2 0 1 1 ;
Stressingthe significant progress made by the Eastern Partnership countries, including Georgia, in terms of getting
doser t o Europe;
Considering the Article 8 and 49 of the Treaty of the European Union which foresee the membership perspective for
European countries, and the paragraphs 38 and 4 1 of the European Parliament Resolution of November 17, 2 0 1 1 ,
that encouragedthe negotiations of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement and ensured a European perspective for
Bearing in mind t h e paragraphs 38-41 of the European Parliament Resolution of 23 October on the European
Neighborhood Policy according t o which Georgia proved its c o m m i t m e n t t o European values by conducting the
Parliamentary elections in 2012 and the Presidential elections in 2013;
Whereas the i m p l e m e n t a t i o n of the Association Agreement will positively affect the domestic reforms of Georgia;
Acknowledges the political and cultural diversities of t h e Eastern Partnership countries and respects their individual
approaches in t h e process of Europeanintegration, f u r t h e r m o r e the importance of consolidating the efforts in
different directions, including in the field of regional security, tråde and energy;
Considering t h e above-mentioned The Parliament of Georgia:
the supports t o The President of Georgia and
Government of Georgia for
initialing the
Association Agreement at the Vilnius Summit;
Expresses readiness t o take every action for ensuring the signing of the Association Agreement in 2014;
Proceeds cooperation in bilateral and multilateral track of Eastern Partnership, as well as in t h e framework of
Eastern Partnership -EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly;
Believes t h a t t h e international community and t h e democratic world will strengthen efforts for supporting
the Eastern partnership countries and for protecting their sovereignty; expresses hopes that Eastern
partnership countries will enjoy the inalienable right for free choice in the process of European integration;
Recalls the European Union to enhance and strengthen instruments for assistance t o ensure the democratic
development of t h e Eastern Partnership countries and t o intensify the people t o people contacts;
Expresses hopes t h a t the European Union will alter the Eastern Partnershipproject asmore effective, flexible
and result-oriented.
Kutaisi, Georgia
November 27, 2013
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Dato U
/ -
Unofficial translation
The Statement of Parliament of Georgia
o n Ukraine
The Parliament of Georgia expressing full solidarity to t h e Ukrainian people, w h i c h fights for
t h e freedom of choice, t h e Parliament of Georgia expresses deep concern over t h e recent
developments and use of force against peaceful Citizens.
T h e Parliament of Georgia supports the will of t h e Ukrainian people to become a full -fledged
m e m b e r of t h e European and Euro-Atlantic family and believes t h a t despite t h e existing
problems, both Georgia and Ukraine will take a dignified place in t h e international democratic
T h e Parliament of Georgia welcomes the efforts by t h e international c o m m u n i t y
democratic world aimed at supporting Eastern Partnership countries and protecting their
sovereignty and declares that in the process of European integration these countries should
h a v e t h e freedom in making an inviolable choice and Russia, or any other country, has no
right to interfere in this process.
T h e Parliament of Georgia also welcomes t h e efforts by t h e European Union and Ukraine to
resume negotiations between t h e sides on signing t h e Association Agreement and Deep and
Comprehensive Free Tråde Area with the purpose to timely resolve problems in this respect.
W e believe that Ukraine's politicai leaders will find a dignified, peaceful solution, w h i c h will
be in benefit of t h e people,
December 11, 2013