Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2013-14
ERU Alm.del Bilag 77
Response from the Danish Government to the online consultation on
Internet governance
Denmark appreciates the opportunity to set forth our views on the futureof Internet governance at this critical juncture in Internet governance his-tory. The growing demand for legitimate and sustainable solutions to thecurrent and future challenges of Internet governance makes the status quofragile and necessitates careful consideration and extensive multi-stakeholder dialogue before commitment to common approaches aremade.Denmark strongly believes in a free and open Internet governed on thebasis of a multi-stakeholder model. In our view, the active and equal in-volvement of civil society, the business community and governments inInternet governance has been key in the historic success of the Internetand is therefore key to the future success of the Internet as well.The current multi-stakeholder set-up and mechanisms can certainly beimproved to be even more inclusive, transparent and accountable to thebenefit of all Internet stakeholders. Denmark therefore welcomes themain principles set forth in the Montevideo Statement on the Future ofInternet Cooperation1, in particular an accelerated internationalisation andglobalization of ICANN and the IANA functions, while continuing toensure a stable and secure management of Internet resources. We believethat a new framework for ICANN and IANA must be discussed in anopen process with global stakeholders.Denmark also views the increased participation by developing countriesin multi-stakeholder fora and decisions as an important step towards abetter functioning and more balanced model of Internet governance, andtherefore welcomes the Commission’s Global Internet Policy Observa-tory (GIPO) initiative as a useful tool in achieving this objective.Trust is one of the key conditions for a well functioning and ever growingInternet. In the current crisis of confidence, where Internet users questiontheir governments’ ability to safeguard basic rights and online privacy, itis important not to take premature actions or regulatory measures. This1
could risk harming and fragmenting the global and open Internet as anengine for growth, development and innovation.Denmark supports the OECD Council Recommendation on Principles forInternet Policy Making as a good basis for further multi-stakeholder dis-cussions on a global principle-based framework.Denmark is looking forward to the Commission’s announced communi-cation on Internet governance and to participating in the further discus-sions on this important subject.