Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2013-14
ERU Alm.del Bilag 12
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTCommittee on Regional Development
2009 - 2014
The implementation challenges of the future CohesionPolicy:Towards productive investment for growth and cohesionthrough improved synergies between local, national and EUlevel to deliver the EU 2020 StrategyWednesday, 27 November 2013, 15:00 – 18:30European Parliament, BrusselsRoom - TBCAll speakers have yet to be confirmedOrganised with the support of the Directorate for Relations with national Parliaments
United in diversity
Order of businessWednesday, 27 November 201314.00 - 15.0015.00 - 15.10Registration of participantsWelcome and introductory remarks by Danuta HÜBNERChairof the Committee on Regional development of the EuropeanParliamentSESSION I -The future Cohesion Policy - A modernised andresult based policy for sustainable growth and jobs in the EUMs Danuta HÜBNER,Chair of the Committee on RegionalDevelopment of the European ParliamentMr Lambert VAN NISTELROOJandMs Constanze KREHL,MEP's,co-rapporteurs on the Cohesion Package 2014-2020Mr Johannes HAHN,Commissioner for Regional Policy, EuropeanCommissionH. E. Mr Raimundas KAROBLIS,Ambassador, PermanentRepresentative of Lithuania to the EUDebate with national Parliamentarians and MEPs
15.10- 16.50
16.50 - 18.30
SESSION II -The implementation of the new policy in MemberStates: What challenges?
Possible topics for discussion in this session could include:The role of national Parliaments and of European Parliament in monitoring thenew cohesion policy.Strategic programming and coordination of the funds (European Structural andInvestment funds) and policies (Cohesion Policy; Horizon 2020; COSME;...) orhow to improve synergies in a multi-level governance process.Co-financing, administrative capacity and quality of projects.How to strengthen the territorial dimension of the new policy ?Moderator:Speakers:16.50-17.00.Ms Danuta HÜBNER,Chair of the Committee on RegionalDevelopment of the European ParliamentMr Derek VAUGHAN,MEP, rapporteur on the EU Member Stateson preparedness and timely start of the new cohesion Policyprogramming period.Mr Walter DEFFAA,Director General for regional and urbanpolicy, European CommissionKeynote speaker from the corresponding committee of a nationalParliamentKeynote speaker from the corresponding committee of a nationalParliamentDebate with national Parliamentarians and MEP'sClosing remarks byMs Danuta HÜBNER,Chair of the Committeeon Regional Development of the European ParliamentCocktail
ANNEXIMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THOSE WISHING TO ATTEND THE MEETINGThis meeting is open to the public. However, for security reasons, participants who do not have a EuropeanParliament access badge must obtain a pass in advance. Those wishing to obtain such a pass should contact thesecretariat ([email protected])beforeIt is essential to provide us with yourLAST NAME, Firstname, date of birth, nationality, type of ID (passport, identity card, driving licence, etc.), number of ID,address and company/institution/organisation.Without this information, the Security Service will not provideentry passes.1All participants fromnational Parliaments(Members, officials and Brussels-based representatives)need tocomplete the online registration form for the event at the following web address: (tobe communicated soon)PRACTICAL GUIDELINES FOR THE DEBATEDuring the discussion, so as to make it possible for the highest number of parliamentarians to intervene, speaking timeof speakers will be betweentenandtwenty minutesand speaking time of other participants at leasttwo minutespercontribution or question.Members are kindly asked to fill in the sheet requesting speaking time (indicating their name andParliament/Chamber) which will be distributed in the meeting room.Speakers wishing to supplement their speeches may do so in writing by submitting a document (preferably in English orFrench) in advance to the respective secretariats of the REGI committee (email:[email protected])and of the Directorate for relations with national Parliaments (email:[email protected]).Thesedocuments will be circulated during the meeting.Meeting documents will be progressively added to the Events section of the REGI Committee pages: to the WebNP eventwebpage: MEETING IS BROADCASTED LIVE AND RECORDEDREGI Committee pages: INFORMATION

REGI Secretariat

Stefan MANEVAdministratorPhone: +32(0)2 28 46193[email protected]Inna DOLGOVSKAJAAssistantPhone: +32(0)2 28 42494[email protected]

Directorate for Relations with


Federico BOSCHI ORLANDINIAdministratorPhone: +32(0)2 28 41529[email protected]Brigitte DELAUNOYAssistantPhone: +32(0)2 28 42510[email protected]


The processing of personal data is subject to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001of 18 December 2001 (OJ.L 812.1.2001, p. 1