Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2013-14
BEU Alm.del Bilag 289
Supporting Entrepreneurship in Europe:
Creating Sustainable Employment and Growth
Tuesday 28
October 2014
Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie
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Supporting Entrepreneurship in Europe:
Creating Sustainable Employment and Growth
Given the extended period of the economic crisis, Europe is in more need than ever of
finding a sustainable way to create jobs and growth. With 4 million new jobs created every
year, small and medium-sized enterprises create the most new jobs in Europe. Today, SMEs
account for 99% of enterprise in Europe and have been identified as key drivers in achieving
the growth and development needed for economic recovery. Entrepreneurs are the driving
force behind these businesses and are, therefore, vital to this process.
Amongst other things, the EU has launched its Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan to
promote entrepreneurship in the EU28. Whilst innovative projects and initiatives are
positive steps towards accessing this potential, much more still needs to be done to unleash
Europe’s entrepreneurial potential, both at national and European level. Eurostat figures
show that entrepreneurship is not seen as a viable and successful career path because
common barriers such as access to finance, administrative burden and fear of failure remain
in most European Member States.
Specific groups such as women, young people and migrants must be actively supported in
their journey through entrepreneurship; support mechanisms, pan-European projects and
networks are important ways to realise their enormous potential. Currently, women are
considered as one of the biggest sources of potential growth and new jobs in the European
Union; they make up 52% of the population of Europe but only account for 34.4% of those
self-employed in Europe.
For young people as well, entrepreneurship can be a viable option that should start with
education and training in schools. Current figures put the youth unemployment rate at
23.5% in the EU, and fostering young entrepreneurs can help to address this, as well as
ensuring sustainable growth.
This international symposium seeks to analyse current entrepreneurship practices across
Europe. It aims to monitor and measure the impact of partnership working, exchange
good practice at local, national and international levels and ensure that current measures
are both inclusive and transposable on a supranational level. The symposium seeks to
integrate European knowledge in order to help shape sustainable EU-wide inclusive
entrepreneurship strategies.
The Symposium will support the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in
thought-provoking topical debate with local and regional practitioners and policymakers
at EU level.
More entrepreneurs mean more jobs, more innovation and more
competitiveness. Becoming an entrepreneur and making a vision come true
takes a lot of personal risk and effort. Entrepreneurs are the heroes of our
time. Entrepreneurship is also the most powerful driver of economic growth in
economic history. Therefore, we want to make entrepreneurship an attractive
and accessible prospect for European citizen. This is the key message of our
action plan. If we can unleash Europe’s entrepreneurial potential, we can bring
back growth to Europe…”
- EU Commission Vice President, Antonio Tajani, January 2013
Why Attend?
Gain insights into EU initiatives and
policy developments to promote
entrepreneurship in Europe
Assess entrepreneurship practices
and stimulate partnership working at
all levels
Explore solutions to promote and
develop female entrepreneurship
Discuss and promote early
intervention mechanisms
to strengthen inclusive
Who Should Attend?
Small Business Federations
Chambers of Commerce
Social Funds
Gender Equality Councils
Local Authorities
Training Managers
Recruitment Advisers
Organisational Development
Equal Opportunities Officers
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
Equal Opportunity Ombudsman
Women’s Associations
Women’s Enterprise Agencies
Institutes for Occupational Health
Child Care Service Agencies
Associations for Education and
Development of Women
Institutes for Training and Employment
Institutes for Social Inclusion of Women
Women’s Centres
Anti-Discrimination Agencies
Research Centres for Gender Equalities
Academics and Universities
National Agencies on Gender Equality
Women’s Networks
Trade Unions
Employers’ Associations
Equal Opportunity Agencies
Women’s Lobbyist Groups
Women’s Councils
Women’s NGOs Networks
International and Regional
National Ministries and Institutes
Confederations of Women’s
Joint Committees on Women
National Coordinators on Gender
Equality and Equal Opportunities
Social Exclusion Officers
Judges and Lawyers
Human Rights Groups
Disability Forums and Associations
Confederations of Independent Unions
Women in Legal Careers Associations
and Bodies
Medical Women Associations
Social Care Professionals
Venue and Accommodation
Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie
Avenue Louise 91-93
B-1050 Brussels
Enquiries: 0845 606 1535
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Supporting Entrepreneurship in Europe:
Creating Sustainable Employment and Growth
Registration and Morning Refreshments
Chair’s Welcome and Opening Remarks
Promoting Entrepreneurship in Europe - Initiatives and Developments
Insights From the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan
• Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Entrepreneurs as Key Players
in Economic Growth
• Improving Support to Entrepreneurs and Reducing Red Tape
• Existing EU Funding Mechanisms for Entrepreneurship
First Round of Discussions
Morning Coffee Break
Reigniting the European Entrepreneurial Mindset
• Reducing Administrative and Financial Burdens for Entrepreneurs at a National
• Creating the Right Business Environment for SMEs and Entrepreneurs
• Supporting Entrepreneurial Diveristy and Minority Groups
• Current Initiatives and Projects
Second Round of Discussions
Networking Lunch
Realising the Potential of Female Entrepreneurs
• Providing Better Access to Finance and Care for Female Entrepreneurs
• More Effective Training in Business Skills for Women
• Empowering Female Entrepreneurs - The Importance of Role Models and
• Recommendations and Examples From Existing Initiatives
Third Round of Discussions
Afternoon Coffee Break
Promoting and Developing Youth Entrepreneurship
• Education and Skills - Fostering Youth Entrepreneurial Attitudes
• Entrepreneurship as an Attractive Carrier Path for Young People
• Integrating Entrepreneurship into European Education Systems
• Example of Best Practices
Fourth Round of Discussions
Chair’s Summary and Closing Comments
Networking Reception
Symposium Close
**Please note that the programme is subject to change without notice**
Event Details
Tuesday 28
October 2014
10:00am – 4:30pm
Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie,
Forthcoming Events
Improving Food Safety and Labelling
in the EU: Smarter Rules for a
Sustainable Agri-Food Chain
10th September 2014
E-skills for New Jobs: Accelerating
Europe’s Competitiveness and
Inclusive Growth
17th September 2014
oung People and Sexual Health:
Reducing Risky Behaviour through
Education and Empowerment
23rd September 2014
Marketing and Exhibition Opportunities
We offer a range of opportunities to enable your organisation to raise its profile and
communicate with key decision makers in the public sector.
For further information please contact:
Parvin Madahar
+44 (0) 20 3137 8630
or email
[email protected]
Enquiries: 0845 606 1535