Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2013-14
BEU Alm.del Bilag 175
Delegate Booking FormDELEGATEFEES1 Place2+ PlacesNational Governmental Organisations,Executive Agencies, Legal Sector, Private SectorLocal and Regional Authorities, Universitiesand Colleges, Trade Unions, Think Tanks
€395 / £345per delegate€345 / £295per delegate
€345 / £295per delegate€310 / £265per delegate
Delegate DetailsDelegate Name1. titleEmployment and Social Inclusionin Europe
Email Address
Key Contact DetailsName:Organisation:Department:Address:Telephone:Fax:Email:I wish to receive joining instructions exclusively onbehalf of the delegate(s)
Invoice DetailsName:Organisation:Department:Address:Telephone:Fax:Email:Same as key contact detailsTick if youDO NOTwish to receive invoice by emailPurchase Order No. (if applicable):
Method of PaymentI will pay/£by credit card.Please contact me to obtain the necessary detailsPlease invoice my organisation for/£I enclose a cheque for/£payable to Public Policy Exchange Ltd
NOTE:UK registrationsare subject to VAT whichis charged at 20%
ConfirmationI/We agree to notify you of all cancellations and changes in writing no less than 30 days prior to the date of the event. I/Wefurther agree to pay €120/£100 administration charge per place on cancellation. If cancellation is received less than 30 days priorto the date of the conference then the full fee is payable; however, a substitute may be sent.
PLEASE EMAIL BACK TO [email protected]OR FAX BACK TO +44 845 606 1539Public Policy Exchange Ltd Registered in England & Wales,№ 7350384|