Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2013-14
BEU Alm.del Bilag 175
Employment and Social Inclusion in Europe:Developing Skills and Supporting Disadvantaged Groups
Wednesday 14thMay 2014NH Hotel du Grand SablonBrussels
Employment and Social Inclusion in Europe:Developing Skills and Supporting Disadvantaged GroupsOverviewIn the face of the recent economic downturn, the labour market and social conditionsremain extremely challenging in Europe. In October 2013,Eurostatestimated that over26 million people were unemployed in the EU-28, of whom over 19 million were in theEurozone. Boosting employment in the EU is, therefore, one of the main priorities of policymakers.The European Employment Strategy (EES) seeks to promote a life-cycle approach towork, lifelong learning and improved support for those seeking a job, as well as ensuringequal opportunities. For its actions to be effective, the EU must invest in jobs and peopleand improve the functioning of its labour market by addressing skills mismatches andsegmentation.In line with the Europe 2020 Strategy, the ‘Social Investment Package’ seeks to promotesocial investment across Member States to prevent any form of exclusion or discriminationof vulnerable groups and to ensure their participation in society. High unemployment ratesamong young people and seniors should also be addressed through the implementationof active inclusion policies at national level.This timely International Symposium provides a valuable opportunity to discuss thechallenges behind current unemployment trends in the EU. Delegates will have theopportunity to examine initiatives and innovative projects that have been implemented totackle unemployment and social exclusion at national and EU levels. This Symposium willalso allow delegates to exchange best practices and discuss solutions to boost employmentin the EU.
Why Attend?9Explore solutions to encourage jobscreation in the EU9Discuss social investment andinnovative approaches to improvesocial inclusion9Assess trends and causes for skillsmismatch and its impact on thelabour market9Share best practices in the field ofinnovative and experimental policy-making and implementation
Who Should Attend?Ministries of Employment and SocialAffairsSocial ServicesEmployment AgenciesResearch InstitutesSocial Innovation CentresNational Departments for Social andFamily AffairsLifelong Learning InstitutesSocial AdvisersActive Ageing OrganisationsVoluntary OrganisationsLocal AuthoritiesEmployment and Social InclusionInstitutesLabour Economy Research CentresLabour Market InstitutesAcademicsPhD CandidatesEuropean Social Organisational ScienceConsultanciesEuropean Employment AssociationsSocial PartnersPension OrganisationsAssociations of Social EnterprisesSheltered Employment and LabourIntegration OrganisationsPhysical and Social RehabilitationCentresDisabled People’s Rehabilitation andEmployment UnionsVocational Training CentresInnovation and Personal DevelopmentCentresSpecial Employment Unions
The Europe 2020 Strategy sets ambitious targets for increasing employmentand reducing poverty. We have put in place the European Semester, theEmployment Package and the Social Investment Package in order to guide theMember States in implementing their structural reforms.”- László Andor, EU Commissioner responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion,October 2013
Smart social policies – such as programmes that help the unemployed find jobsor systems that provide social security to vulnerable members of our society -cannot just be considered a cost. They are an investment in our future.”- Guy Ryder, ILO Director General, February 2013
Venue and AccommodationNH Hotel Grand Sablon,Rue Bodenbroek 2/4. B-1000 BrusselsBelgium
Enquiries: 0845 606 1535
Employment and Social Inclusion in Europe:Developing Skills and Supporting Disadvantaged GroupsProgramme09:1510:0010:10Registration and Morning RefreshmentsChair’s Welcome and Opening RemarksTackling Social Exclusion Through a Multi-level Approach - SupportingDisadvantaged Group to Increase Life and Job Opportunities• Multiplying Actions at Different Policy Levels - Housing, Health Care, Education and Social Support• Evaluating and Identifying Shortcomings in Existing Social Policies • Preventing Financial Exclusion and Discrimination of Vulnerable Groups• Developing Partnerships with Civil Society to Improve Cohesion Policies• Progress Made in Achieving the Europe 2020 Employment StrategyFirst Round of DiscussionsMorning Coffee BreakPromoting Social Investment in the EU• Discussing the ‘Social Investment Package’ and its Challenges • Improving Social and Health Services in Member States• Social Experiments and Innovative Solutions • Implementing Active Inclusion Policies - Ensuring Young People, Seniors and Vulnerable Groups’ Participation in Society• Recommendations and Best PracticesSecond Round of DiscussionsNetworking LunchAddressing Skills Mismatches - Exploring Trends and Causes• Understanding the Costs of Skills Mismatch to Jobseekers, Employers and Society• Fostering Better Skills and Turning Them into Better Jobs • Finding Innovative Solutions and Anticipating Mismatches: Aligning Education and Training with Labour Market Needs• Policy RecommendationsThird Round of DiscussionsAfternoon Coffee BreakPromoting the Potential of Jobs-Rich Sectors and New Skills• Examining the ‘New Skills for New Jobs’ Initiative • Analysing Current Trends on the European Job Market and Collecting Better Data on Labour Market Needs• Encouraging Training and Lifelong Learning Systems in Member States• Promoting Long-Term Employment in the EU• Exchanging Knowledge and Best Practices Fourth Round of DiscussionsChair’s Summary and Closing CommentsNetworking Reception
Event DetailsDate:Time: Venue:Wednesday 14thMay 201410:00am – 4:30pm NH Hotel du Grand Sablon,Brussels
Speakers include9Egbert Holthuis,Head of Unit, DGEmployment, Social Affairs andInclusion, European Commission(confirmed)9Vincenzo Spiezia,Senior Economist,International Institute for LabourStudies, International LabourOrganization (confirmed)9Glenda Quintini,Senior Economist,Directorate for Employment Labourand Social Affairs, OECD (confirmed)9Barbara Helfferich,Director, EuropeanAnti Poverty Network (confirmed)9Dr. Thomas Osburg,Director EuropeCorporate Affairs, Intel GmbH(confirmed)9John Halloran,Chief Executive ofthe European Social Network (ESN)(confirmed)9Martin Jefflén,President,EUROCADRES (confirmed)9Konstantinos Pouliakas,Expert -Research and Policy Analysis, Cedefop -European Centre for the Developmentof Vocational Training (confirmed)9Aurélie Duprés,Policy officer,European Network of SocialIntegration Enterprises (ENSIE)(confirmed)
Marketing and Exhibition OpportunitiesWe offer a range of opportunities to enable your organisation to raise its profile andcommunicate with key decision makers in the public sector.For further information please contact: Parvin Madaharon+44 (0) 20 3137 8630or email[email protected]
Enquiries: 0845 606 1535