Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2013-14
BEU Alm.del Bilag 13
Fra:Rugilė Andziukevičiūtė [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:2. oktober 2013 16:36Til:Folketingets OplysningEmne:Invitation of member of Parliament to Lithuania
Dear Sir/ Madame,I am Rugile Andziukeviciute, from an FDI promoting agency “Invest Lithuania”. “Invest Lithuania” is anagency under the ministry of Economy of Invest Lithuania. Together with Prime Minister’s Office, we areorganising the Investment Advisory Council (IAC) meeting, which will be held on November 7th, 2013 inVilnius. The Investment Advisory Council, established by the Lithuanian Government in 2009, providesadvice to the Government, Ministries and other state institutions on investment policy. Chaired by theMinister of Economy, the Council’s membership includes top managers from leading internationalbusinesses with a demonstrated interest in Lithuania’s development as a preferred destination forinvestment in the Baltic Sea region.At the meeting we plan to discuss labour market regulation: how to balance flexibility and security inlabour market regulation; what are the challenges and opportunities for a small economy faced with ahighly global labour force; and, finally, how to address the shortage of certain specialist skills and the supplyof the skills more effectively.Speakers and participants at this event include the Prime Minister, the Minister of Education, the Ministerof Economy, representatives of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Members of Parliament, ManagingDirectors of foreign companies that have a presence Lithuania, representatives of recruitment companies,academics and others.We would be honoured to invite a member of Danish Parliament to speak about the context how theflexicurity policies were implemented in Denmark, what were the main driving forces to amend the labourlaws in more flexible manner and what were the main fears from the opposition, and are employees andemployers satisfied with the current regulation.I would like to kindly ask you to help to identify the member of Parliament who is interested in flexicuritypolicies. We would then send official invitation, signed by our member of Parliament. Flights andaccommodation will be booked by Invest Lithuania.I would be happy to provide you with more information over the phone or by e-mail.Thank you for your kind agreement to help.
Kind regards,Rugile AndziukeviciuteProject Manager | Project Management DepartmentTel: +370 5 263 6386 | Mob.: +370 613 32329 | Fax: +370 5 212 0160[email protected]INVEST LITHUANIAJogailos g. 4, LT – 01116 Vilnius, Lithuania