Europaudvalget 2013-14
EUU Alm.del
RättsenhetenMona Karlsson0150-48 70 58
SwedishunemploymentinsuranceMethod to determine unemployment benefit’s amount-Which are the different unemployment benefits?There are two different unemployment benefits. One is the basic insurance and theother one is the income loss-insurance.Compensationunder basicinsuranceisprovidedtothosewhoare not membersof anunemploymentinsurancefund, or aremembersof anunemploymentinsurancefundbutdo notmeettheconditionsforentitlementtoanincome-relatedbenefit. Compensationunderincomeloss-insuranceisprovided to thosewhohave beenmembers ofanunemploymentinsurancefundforat least twelvemonths, providedthat thememberafterthelastentryin the fundfulfilledtheworkrequirement.About the amount of each kind of unemployment benefit:-What are the lower and the higher amounts of benefit?Compensationunder basic insuranceisprovidedby anamountperdaywhichisnotbased on previousincome (basic amountbenefit). It is amaximum of 320 SEK and the amountdepends on theapplicantscalculatedaverageworkinghours per week. If the amount of thebenefitislessthan 10 SEK per dayitdoesn’tgetpaid to the applicant.Compensation underincomeloss-insuranceprovidedby an amountperdayisbased onpreviousincome (income-relatedbenefits).Income-relatedbenefitisdeterminedbasedontheapplicant'sdailyearningsandaverageworkinghours. The maximum amountis 680 SEK per day.
May someone hold concurrently several unemployment benefits or anemployment benefit and another income?An applicant can work part time or have a side-line job and at the same timeuphold unemployment benefitthatcorrespondstothenumber of unemployedhoursper week. The unemploymentbenefitisthendetermined by the government-setadjustmenttable.-Replacement rate of the previous salary and its degression?Income related benefit is the followingpercentageof the applicant'sdailyearnings:Itis80 percentduringthe first 200 daysofthebenefitperiod, and70 percentfor theremainderofthebenefitperiod.However, the dailypaymentcanneverbemorethan 680SEK per day.-Method to calculate benefits’ amount (linked to the previous salary, tothe duration of the previous work?)


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Thebasic amountbenefitdepends on the applicantscalculatedaverageworkinghoursper week. The applicantsaverageworkinghoursarehis orhersaverageworkinghoursperweekduringthe time frame.The total number ofhoursthe applicanthasworkedduring the time frameisdividedbythenumberofweeksin a yearwhichis 51.96 (4.33 weeksper month).40 hours per weekis the maximum(full time) of the averageworkinghour. For exampleif theapplicantscalculatedaverageworkinghoursis 40, the basic amountbenefitis 320SEK. If the averageworkinghoursis 20, the basic amountbenefitis 160 SEK perday.In thiscase,yourcompensationisbasedon how muchyou have workedduring thetime frame. Didyouworkon average40 hours per week(full time)during the timeframeisyourdailyallowanceasbasicinsurance 320SEK.Didyouworklessthanthatonaveragewecalculatedailyallowanceasfollows:320 xnormalworkinghours40The income-relatedbenefitisbasedontheapplicant'sdailyearningsandaverageworkinghours. Thetotal of earningsduring the working-frame period of 12 monthsisthendivided bythe number of hoursworked in a year.Wages per hourwethenmultiplywithyour normal workinghours. Wedivide the sumby five, the numberofworkingdays in a week. Wethengetyourdailyearnings. Thedailybenefitis 80% of dailyearnings but amaximum of 680 SEK.Example 1: You have been working full time with no absences. You have workedfull-time for twelvemonthsbeforebecomingunemployed. Full-timeisequivalent to176 hoursamonth (22 days x 8 hours). Yoursalary was16 700 SEK. You have notbeen sick or hadother absence fromwork.
Averageworkinghours:176 x 12 = 2112 hours in a year.2112 / 51.96 = 40Averageweeklyhours= 40Income:16 700 x 12 = 200 400 SEK200 400/2112 = 94.89 SEK/hour94.89 x 40 = 3 795.6 SEK/week3 795.6 /5 = 759.12Daily earnings are 759.12 SEK
The dailyallowanceis 608 SEK (759.12*0.8)Example 2: You have worked full-time fortenmonthsbeforebecomingunemployed. Twomonthsyouhave not workedandthosemonthshave to beincluded in the time frame eventhoughthereis noincome and no workinghours in eithermonth. Yoursalaryatworkwas 16 700 SEK.You have not beenill or hadother absence fromwork.Averageworkinghours176 x 10 = 1760 hours in a year1760 / 51.96 = 34Averageweeklyhours = 34Income16 700 x 10 = 167 000 SEK167 000/1760 = 94.89 SEK/hour94.89 x 34 = 3 226.26 SEK/week3 226.26 / 5days = 645.25Daily earnings are 645.25 SEKThe dailybenefitis 517 SEK-Allocated time of benefitsThe benefit time is a total of 300 days. If the applicant has a child under 18 yearsold by the end of the 300th day he or she automatically gets 150 more days ofbenefit with 70 per cent of the previous salary of daily earnings.-Are these benefits paid every day, or just from Monday to Friday?It’s week based insurance. The benefits are paid for a fulltime unemployedapplicant, five days a week.-Yes.-Are there taxes on those benefits?
Are there adjustments, regarding personal situations of unemployedpersons (for example, family context, part-time work)? If yes, whichare they?In assessingwhetherthereisasuitablejobweadjust to conditionssuchasmedicalbarriers, geographic location, familyreasons, housing, labourconflicts, contracts of otherworkand labourwage.In case of a part-time work, is there a wage upper limit to be allowedto receive unemployment benefits?No, it’s not the wage limit that determines the right. The right to benefit whileworking part-time is determined by theadjustment table. On the adjustment table-
you can find out how many benefit days you are entitled too. The number ofbenefit days depends on what your calculated average working hours are and thenumber of hours per week that you are unemployed and not in any way hinderedto seek work or to work.Rules to be allowed to receive unemployment benefits, for each kind ofallowance:-AgeThe basic amountbenefitcanbepaidat the earliest on the daythat theunemployedpersonturns 20 yearsold. The income-relatedbenefit has no agelimit aslong as the otherrequirements are fulfilled.-minimum duration of work and minimum duration of subscriptionTo beentitled to unemploymentbenefits a person has to fulfill thefollowingrequirementsduringa timeframeoftwelvemonthsimmediatelyprecedingthecommencement of unemployment1.been gainfullyemployedforat least 6months and have performedworkfor aminimum of80hours per calendarmonth, or2.been gainfullyemployedforat least 480hoursduring acontinuousperiodofsixcalendarmonthsanddone the workforat least50hoursduringeachofthesemonths(working).This iscalled the workrequirement.In ordertobeentitledtoincome-relatedbenefits, applicants must have mettheworkrequirementsincehis or herlatestentryintotheunemploymentfund.In evaluatingwhethertheworkingconditionis met, theunemploymentinsurancefundtakesintoaccountanymembership time inanotherfund, immediatelyprior to entry into the current one.Compensation underincomeloss-insuranceisprovided to thosewhohavebeenmembers of anunemploymentfundforat least twelvemonths.Particular rules in relation to personal situations of unemployedpeople (family etc.)The rules about suitable job, prolongation of the number of benefit days and thetermination of an employment due to valid reasons are some which considerspersonal situations.-