Udenrigsudvalget 2012-13
URU Alm.del Bilag 83
Personal invitation
On the occasion of the Leadership Meeting on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015Development Agenda co-hosted by the governments of Denmark and Ghana togetherwith the heads of UNICEF and UN Women, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requests thepleasure of your personal attendance at a reception on
Monday 18 February 2013 from 18:30-20:00UN City Copenhagen, Marmorvej 51, Copenhagen
Programme:18:3019:00Arrival and registration of guestsWelcoming words by Christian Friis Bach, Minister for DevelopmentCooperationSpeech by Her Royal Highness Crown Princess MaryMusical performanceReception ends
Dress code: Business suit
The invitation is strictly personal and cannot be transferred. Registration must becompleted before 4 February 2013 at the following link:www.ereg.me/inequalities2015,password: dcsl. For security reasons, guests registered to attend the reception must bepresent at the venue at the latest at 18:30 hrs. Please present a copy of the invitation andvalid photo ID (passport or EU drivers’ license) to gain access. Given the large number ofguests, all participants are strongly advised to arrive early. Guests not registered forparticipation in the reception and/or not able to present a valid passport will not beallowed access. Doors will be closed at 18:45. Guests arriving after 18:45 will not be able toattend the reception. Any questions can be directed to[email protected].

The UN City Copenhagen:

The new UN City in Copenhagen is located on Marmorvej 51, Copenhagen, a new street in Copenhagenharbour. When it opens in spring of 2013 it will house the headquarters of all UN agencies present inDenmark, including the headquarters of UNOPS, UNICEF Supply Division, UNDP Nordic Office, UNFPANordic Office, WHO Regional Office for Europe and WFP Nordic Office.

Finding the UN City in Copenhagen:

You can reach the UN City by taxi and should show the driver this map. The UN City can be reached withtrain to Nordhavn station from which it is a 10 minute walk.