Udenrigsudvalget 2012-13
URU Alm.del Bilag 245
Photo: CISU - Civilsamfund i Udvikling
Photo: Søren Bjerregaard
Registration before 17 October: www.tagdel.dk/ontrackforchange
The world is changing, and so is the role of civil societyJoin the online debate: www.tagdel.dk/ontrackforchange
Photo: Jakob Dall
Photo: Jakob Dall
ON TRACK FOR CHANGE?DANISH CIVIL SOCIETY RALLY 2013,COPENHAGENSunday 27th– Monday 28thOctoberWhat is the future role of civil society?Be inspired, engage in dialogue andgain a greater understanding of thechallenges and opportunities civil soci·ety will face in the coming decade. Par·ticipate in the Danish Civil Society Rally2013 and have your opinion on our roleas global citizens of the future heard.A changing worldThe world as we know it is changing. In the comingtwo decades new, emerging economies will disruptformer North/South dichotomies and lessen theblatant inequality between North and South. Ine·quality is likely to increase internally within nationstates. Competition over vital natural resources willincrease and all over the world environmental is·sues and climate change will force us to alter ourconsumption patterns. Urbanisation will accele·rate dramatically, and job creation for the cominggenerations living in the urban centres will remaina huge challenge. Technological development hasenabled financial capital to reach previously un·seen levels of power. International capital transfershave increased exponentially and pose a challengefor international financial stability and democraticgovernance. Yet new technologies, especially with·in communication, have also opened new spheresof social organization and spaces of resistance forglobal civil society.
New partnerships and development financeWhile foreign direct investment and other capital trans·fers have increased substantially since the mid nine·ties, the proportion of ‘traditional’ development aid inthe global economy has decreased. In the future newmodes of financing for development will occupy an im·portant place on international agendas and the rolesof the international institutions and multilateral donoragencies will change. This will influence developmentcooperation and cooperation with civil society organi·sations. Increasingly civil society organisations all overthe world face shared agendas as the challenges be·come more global. Issues such as climate change,resource depletion, food security, tax havens, tax eva·sion, forced migration and human rights abuses willgain momentum. The civil society partners in the Southwill most likely no longer need the kind of support theNorthern partners have been delivering, and privatebusinesses will possibly become major recipients aswell as deliverers of development aid in the future. Newtypes of partnerships will be formed.Input to the new Danish Civil Society PolicyThe Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is formulating anew civil society policy due to be ready at the begin·ning of 2014. It is therefore the right moment for theDanish civil society to meet and discuss civil society’srole in the future. And the right moment to invite inter·national friends and partners to contribute with theirinsights and perspectives. The outcome of the discus·sions during the Rally will serve as input to the new civilsociety policy.
Time:Sunday 27 October 2013: 9.00am–9pm
Monday 28 October 2013: 8.30am– 4pmPlace:
LokomotivværkstedetOtto Busses Vej 5A2450 Copenhagen
RegistrationRegistration for all participantsbefore 17 October:www.tagdel.dk/ontrackforchangeFee:350 DKK for Danish participants.Registration is free for invited resourcepersons and partners from the globalsouth.Online debate:www.tagdel.dk/ontrackforchangeThe final programme will be
available at:www.ngoforum.dk andwww.tagdel.dk/ontrackforchange
Day 1:
PROGRAMME OUTLINESunday 27thFinal programme will be uploadedthree weeks before the Rally at:www.ngoforum.dk andwww.tagdel.dk/ontrackforchange9–10am: Registration, tea and coffee10–11am: Welcome and warm up - expect a surprise!
11am–3pm (including lunch): Looking to the futureThis session will be based on a keynote speech and three con·current thematic debates on major trends and themes for thefuture role and work of civil societies.Keynote speech
Theory of change – Who and what will be the drivers?Will the world be a better, more just and sustainable place to livein 10–15 years time? Who and what will have been the drivers ofchange? What role will civil society have played and how?
Solidarity and conflict – What will be the issues and whatwill unite and divide us?Poverty, inequality, climate change, accountability, humanrights? What will be the issues on which we can build interna·tional solidarity and joint action? What will divide us and wherewill the lines of conflict be at state level, within civil society andthe market?
The state, the private sector, multinational institutions andaid – Who will play what roles and how will we as civil soci-ety organisations relate to the different actors?How will development finance and the aid architecture changeand what implications will this have for the role of Danish andInternational NGOs? How will the role and structure of the pri·vate sector change? What role will civil society play in relation tothe private sector, the state and the multinational institutions andwhat will be the added value?
ON TRACKFOR CHANGE?SESSION 23–7pm: New challenges and opportunitiesBased on twelve parallel workshops followed by open space sessions this session willexplore future opportunities and challenges within five major development themes andtrends. The issues explored during this session will lead to the identification of the agen·das for the second day of the Rally.HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACYSolidarity, campaigning and new social media in 2020Civil society from the bottomTransformation or preservation - The role of faith-based organisationsGREEN GROWTHThe role of the private sector and the emerging new social economyGreen growth, green transformation and sustainable development modelsSOCIAL PROGRESSThe role of civil society in securing people’s social rights in fragile states aswell as in functioning statesUrbanisation, urban displacement and the urban poorSTABILITY AND PROTECTIONFragile states, humanitarian responses and the link to developmentNatural resources, power struggles and conflicts – the role of civilsociety in 2020GLOBAL AGENDASCitizen engagement, global citizenship, emerging social movements andorganisational formsFinance for development and the role of aid in 2020Strengthening co-operation between civil society organisations andinternational organisations in development practice and policy processesfrom the global to the local level7–8pm: Light dinnerA bar will be available for participants to buy their own drinks.8–9pm: Entertainment - in Danish.
Day 2
PROGRAMME OUTLINEMonday 28thFinal programme will be uploadedthree weeks before the Rally at:www.ngoforum.dk andwww.tagdel.dk/ontrackforchange8.30–9am: Registration, tea and coffee
9am–1pm: Suggestions for future action for Danish civilsocietyCo-create key messages for the future.Based on the discussions and briefing notes from sessions 1and 2 this session will identify the key messages and actions forour future work and serve as input to the new civil society policy.In thematic work stations we generate the key messages for thefuture based on the emerging agendas of the Rally’s first day’swork.1–2pm: Lunch
2–4pm: On track for change?Identifying and mandating representatives/ambassadors forthe key agendas and messagesConclusions from the discussions will be drawn up. Supportfor the conclusions will be sought and the representatives/ambassadors will commit to draw on the conclusions asinput to the new civil society policy.
ON TRACKFOR CHANGE?FOLLOW·UPNGO FORUM’s standing committee/ambassadors will meetwithin two weeks after the Rally to discuss:1) How the outcomes can be included in the development ofthe new civil society policy.2) How emerging agendas and messages can be promotedover the coming years.
PARTICIPANTSDanish civil society representativesDanish researchers, politicians, private sector representa·tives, individual opinion makers and other stakeholdersInternational resource persons, INGO representatives, rep·resentatives from social movements and NGOs, CBOs withparticular interests and viewpoints on the future role of civilsociety in development
PRACTICAL INFORMATIONFor participants travelling to Copenhagen, we are offering ba·sic accommodation from Saturday night until Monday afternoonfree of charge at:Mellemfolkelig SamvirkeFælledvej 122200 Copenhagen N.This accommodation is offered on a first come, first served ba·sis. Please notify Maria Thye Møller ([email protected]) beforethe 9th of October 2013 if you need accommodation.The Danish NGO FORUM will arrange transport to/from Fælled·vej on Sunday morning and evening as well as Monday morning.
Photo: Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke
Photo: Vibeke Quaade
NGO FORUM is a Danish membership body for non-profit organisations working in interna·tional development. NGO FORUM has over 60 member organisations ranging from largebodies with a world·wide presence to smaller, specialist organisations working in certainregions or with specific groups of people. Together with the member organisations NGOFORUM facilitate active engagement between the Danish civil society organisations, thepoliticians and governmental bodies as well as the media.www.ngoforum.dk
Photo: Vibeke Quaade
Registration will be open for all Danish civil society organizations andparticipants from international partner organizations fromMonday thSeptember.
The registration fee for Danish participants:350 DKKR(which includDinner and Revy on Sunday, and lunch on Monday).It will be free of charge to participate in the Convention for partners frooping countries in the South, however – they will need to cover own traRegistration will be closed Wednesday the 9th of October.
Photo: Jakob Dall
Practical information
For participants travelling from far distances to Copenhagen, we are oaccommodation from Saturday night until Monday afternoon free of chMellemfolkelig SamvirkeFælledvej 122200 Copenhagen N.
This accommodation opportunity will be based on first come, first servPlease notify Maria Thye Møller if you need accommodation beforethe 9th of October 2013.
The Danish NGO FORUM will arrange transport to/from Fælledvej 12morning and evening and Monday morning. This will be further specififinal programme.
Tekst: Vibeke Quaade - Layout: Westring + Welling A/S