Udenrigsudvalget 2012-13
URU Alm.del Bilag 208
I. PROMOTING GROWTH, INCOME & EMPLOYMENTA. Enhancing Competitiveness in Ghana's Private SectorPolicy ObjectiveMDBS 2010MEANS OF VERIFICATIONMDBS 20111. Number of businesses registeredincrease to a total of 55,000.Baseline 31.12.2009: 45,030
MDBS 20121. Number of businesses registeredincrease to a total of 65,000.Baseline 31.12.2009: 45,030
Expected OutcomesIncrease in incomes and number of jobsbeing created by MSMEs to reducepoverty.
A1. Sector strategy in place to1. Business registration procedures have beenprovide basis of sector financingstreamlined and as a result more entrepreneursand planning.have registered their businesses.
Registrar-General's Department(Statistics).Responsibility: Minister of Trade andNumber of businesses registered increase to a total of Industry with Registrar -General50,000 in 2010.Baseline 31.12.2009: 45,0302. Government has established a GovernanceStructure for PSDS II and commencedimplementation of the PSDS II action plan.(a) Terms of Reference for entireGovernance Structure signed by Ministerof Trade and Industry or Presidency.(b) Appointment of members.(c) Progress Report prepared by thePSDS II Coordinator on theimplementation of the action plan.Responsibility: Minister of Trade, andIndustry and PSDS CoordinatorForwarding letter to Cabinet onthe Plan.Responsibility: Minister of Finance &Economic Planning
2. (a) Oversight Body chaired by thePresidency has held at least one meeting.(b) A sub-presidential implementationoversight body has held at least 2meetings.MoV:Minutes or summary reports of meetingssigned by Chairperson(s)
2. MoTI and /or Oversight body hasassigned responsibility for a reviewmission to evaluate PSDS IIimplementation.MoV:External Review Report
A2. Create a more diversifiedfinancial sector and improveaccess to financial services.
3. Financial Sector Strategic Plan IIsubmitted to Cabinet for decision.
3. The costed project document ready for 3. Funding in place for projectdiscussion with development partners.implementation.
Financial Sector improved.
B. Infrastructure, Energy and Human Settlements Development - Energy
B1. To improve the financialperformance of TOR.
4.Government through MoFEP and MoENsubmits to Cabinet for decision an actionplan regarding the restoration of Tema OilRefinery (TOR) financial sustainability.5. Government through MoEN submits toCabinet for decision a policy proposalestablishing a petroleum regulatoryauthority.
Letter of Submission to Cabinet.Responsibility: Minister of Finance &Economic Planning and Minister ofEnergyLetter of Submission to Cabinet.Responsibility: Minister of Energy
4.Begin implementation of the action plan. 4. Continue implementation of actionMoV:plan.Work plan to MoFEP and MoEN.
Improve financial health of TOR.
B2.To effectively regulatepetroleum upstream sector.
5. Submission of Regulatory Bill toCabinet.MoV:Letter of Submission to Cabinet6. Continue implementation.
5. Submission of Bill to Parliament.MoV:Letter of submission to Parliament.6. Continue implementation.
Efficient regulation of PetroleumUpstream Sector.
B3. To improve financial6. The Public Utilities Regulatoryperformance of power utilities.Commission (PURC) establishes andimplements the electricity automatic tariffadjustment mechanism.
Gazette Notice.Responsibility: PURC
Sustain financial viability of PowerUtilities.
C. Infrastructure, Energy and Human Settlements Development - Transport
C1. Create and sustain anefficient transport system thatmeets user needs.
7. Submission to Parliament of Road TrafficRegulations.
Letter of submission to Parliament.Responsibility: Minister of Roads &Highways
7. Effective implementation of Axle loadcontrol as per the Ghana Road TrafficRegulations.
7. Effective implementation of Axle load Preservation of road network assets.control as per the Ghana Road TrafficRegulations.
MUTLI DONOR BUDGET SUPPORT (MDBS) POLICY MATRIX 2010 - 2012:GOVERNMENT'S REFORM STRATEGY AND PROGRESS INDICATORSMDBS 20108. 60% of Road Fund resources spent onmaintenance (routine and periodic) activities.
C1. Create and sustain anefficient transport system thatPolicy Objectivemeets user needs.
Preservation of road network assets.
MEANS OF VERIFICATION(a) 2009 Annual Report of Road Fundsubmitted to Parliament.(b) 2009 External Audit Report of RoadFund.Responsibility: Minister of Roads &Highways.
MDBS 20118. XX% of Road Fund resources spent onmaintenance (routine and periodic)activities (% to be determined in duecourse).
MDBS 20128. XX% of Road Fund resources spenton maintenance (routine and periodic)activities (% to be determined in duecourse).
Expected Outcomes
D. Accelerated Agricultural Modernization and Sustainable Natural Resource Management
D1. Agricultural sector funding.9. DP and GoG contributions to theimplementation of the Medium Term SectorInvestment Plan (METASIP) for 2009-2010assessed to better define funding gaps and keyareas.
MoFA's Analytical Assessment Report on 9. Use results of analysis of agricultureDP-GOG funding to the sector.sector funding to inform 2012 annualResponsibility: Minister of Food andplanning and budgeting process of MoFA.AgricultureMoV:MoFA's 2012 Annual Plan and Budgetincorporating results of funding analysis.
9. Ensure that continuing MoFA/DP/CivilSociety consultations are mainstreamedinto the annual planning and budgetingprocess.MoV:(a) MoFA's records of consultations.(b) MoFA's report on progress towards anAgriculture Sector Wide Approach (SWAp).
Greater coordination of agriculture-related spending across Government ofGhana, Private Sector and DPs, enablesthe agriculture sector to be the majordriver of the economy.
D2. Effective institutionalcapability in the agriculturesector.
10. Terms of Reference and Governance Structureof the Comprehensive African AgriculturalDevelopment Plan (CAADP) Country Team for theimplementation of METASIP, to be drafted andsubmitted to the signatories of the CAADP GhanaCompact.
Terms of Reference and a GovernanceStructure for the CAADP Country Team.Responsibility: Minister of Food andAgriculture.
10. A functional Governance Structureestablished and led by MoFA, to overseethe implementation of METASIP.MoV:(a) Minutes of meetings of GovernanceStructures.(b) Review reports by MoFA onimplementation of METASIP programmes.11. ENRAC convenes and provides policyguidance on the following issues:(a) First implementation report of theclimate change policy framework;(b) review environmental and socialissues on mining (especially mining inForest Reserves);(c) Review sustainable land managementas option for adaptation of climate;(d) Review of 2010 Forest Master Plan;(e) Improving the Domestic Wood Marketsupply; and(f) Strategic Direction for ReductionEmission from Deforestation and ForestDegradation (REDD+)MoV:Sector Discussion documents ,ENRACCalendar of Meetings, Minutes of Meetings,Policy directive(s)
10. Outputs and recommendations ofMOFA better equipped to deliver onthe CAADP Country Team incorporated institutional mandate.by MoFA into its annual work plan andbudget.MoV:MoFA's budget reflecting outputs andrecommendations of CAADP Country Team.
D3. Improve cross-sectoralnatural resources andenvironmental management.
11. The Environment and Natural ResourcesAdvisory Council (ENRAC) convenes and providespolicy guidance on the following issues:(a) Strategic Environmental Assessment on oil andgas;(b) Strategic Direction for the National ClimateChange Policy Framework;(c) Strategic direction for the SustainableDevelopment Action Plan (SDAP); and(d) Implementation of the National PlantationDevelopment Program.
(a) Minutes of the meetings of theEnvironment and Natural ResourcesAdvisory Council.(b) Copies of policy guidance/directives.Responsibility: Minister of Lands & NaturalResources and Minister of EnvironmentScience & Technology.
11. ENRAC convenes and providespolicy guidance on the following issues:(a) Cost of Environmental degradation;(b) Review of implementation of theNPDP;(c) Review implementation of SDAP;(d) Implementation of NCCPF; and(e) Follow-up of REDD.MoV:Sector Discussion documentsENRAC Calendar of MeetingsMinute of Meetings
Enhanced inter-sectoral coordination,improved sector-wide partnership andaccountability in view of enhancedcoherence in policies and decisionmaking, integration of environmentalissues into policy, plans and budgets.
MUTLI DONOR BUDGET SUPPORT (MDBS) POLICY MATRIX 2010 - 2012:GOVERNMENT'S REFORM STRATEGY AND PROGRESS INDICATORSMDBS 201012. Improve the quality of learning byincreasing the number of trained teachers indeprived districts.Indicators:% of trained teachers in:Deprived Districts - 43%National Average - 62%13. Implement specific measures to achievegender parity particularly in areas with lowenrolment of girls at the JHS and SHS levels.Indicators:Gender Parity Index:JHS: 0.94SHS: 0.86
Policy ObjectiveA1 Improve quality ofteaching and learning.
MEANS OF VERIFICATIONEMIS ReportBaseline 2009-10% of trained teachers in:Deprived Districts - 38.5%;National Average - 58.2%Responsibility: Minister of Education
MDBS 201112. Improve the quality of learning byincreasing the number of trained teachersin deprived districts.Indicators:% of trained teachers in:Deprived Districts: -48.5%National Average - 67%(2011/12 EMIS Report)13. Implement specific measures toachieve gender parity particularly in areaswith low enrolment of girls at the JHS andSHS levels.Indicators:Gender Parity Index:JHS: 0.95SHS: 0.88
MDBS 201212. Improve the quality of learning byincreasing the number of trainedteachers in deprived districts.Indicators:% of trained teachers in:Deprived Districts - 53%National Average - 72%13. Implement specific measures toachieve gender parity particularly inareas with low enrolment of girls at theJHS and SHS levels.Indicators:Gender Parity Index:JHS: 0.96SHS: 0.90
Expected OutcomesTeacher performance improved alongsidepupil learning achievement and outcomes(literacy and numeracy).
A2 – Bridge gender gap inaccess to education.
EMIS 2010/11 ReportBaseline 2009/10Gender Parity Index:JHS: 0.93SHS: 0.85Responsibility: Minister of Education
Achievement of MDG on Gender Parity inBasic and Secondary Education.
A3 – Reform and implementEMIS with increased internalcapacity built in.
14. Revise and implement EMIS masterplan withcross Ministry ownership and capacity for softwareediting and analysis built.Indicators:School census conducted, data analysed and EMISreport ready on time for MDBS assessment in April.
Report on revision and implementationof masterplan, including data analysisand software editing capacity.Responsibility: Minister of Education
14. Conduct EMIS and issue report by end 14. Conduct EMIS and issue report byof March.end of March.
Improved EMIS delivered on time toenhance evidence based policy makingprocesses.
B. Health
B1. Scale up high impacthealth, reproduction andnutrition interventions andservices targeting the poor,disadvantaged and vulnerablegroups.
15. Satisfactory performance of the health sectoras defined by and measured through the holisticassessment.(satisfactory - colour code green)
Annual Review Report and related AideMemoir.Responsibility: Minister of Health
15. Satisfactory performance of the healthsector as defined by and measuredthrough the holistic assessment.(satisfactory= colour code green)MoV:Annual Review Report and related AideMemoir.
15. Satisfactory performance of thehealth sector as defined by andmeasured through the holisticassessment.(satisfactory= colour code green)
Increased staff productivity.Improved equity in population staff ratiosby regions.Increased production of middle levelhealth personnel.Reduced child mortality.Improved maternal health.Reduced incidence of malaria and othermajor diseases.Reduced malnutrition in children under 5year old.Improved maternal health.Supervised delivery coverage improved.Reduced child and neonatal mortality.
16. 47% expected deliveries attended bytrained health workers.(2009 baseline: 45.6%)
Annual Review Report and relatedAide Memoir.Responsibility: Minister of Health
16. 50% expected deliveries attended bytrained health workers.MoV:Annual Review Report and related AideMemoir.
16. 55% expected deliveries attendedby trained health workers.MoV:Annual Review Report and related AideMemoir.17. 85% preventive funds disbursed tobeneficiaries by levels and time.MoV:GAC financial report and or annualprogramme of work.
B2. Improve governance andsustainable financing.
17. 80% preventive funds disbursed tobeneficiaries by levels and time.
GAC financial report and or annual17. 85% preventive funds disbursed toprogramme of work.beneficiaries by levels and time.Responsibility: Ghana Aids Commission andMoV:Minister of HealthGAC financial report and or annualprogramme of work.
Increased financial access of the poor tohealth services.Improve financing of health services.
C. Social Protection
MUTLI DONOR BUDGET SUPPORT (MDBS) POLICY MATRIX 2010 - 2012:GOVERNMENT'S REFORM STRATEGY AND PROGRESS INDICATORSMDBS 201018. The Government, through MESW pre-tests and validates the Common Targetingmechanism in collaboration with 4 otherMDAs (Agriculture, Health, Education andLocal Government).19. 55,000 regular LEAP eligible householdsreceiving the cash subsidies.
Policy ObjectiveC1. National Social ProtectionStrategy.
MEANS OF VERIFICATION(a) Revised final questionnaire.(b) Report on the pre-test andvalidation process.Responsibility: Minister ofEmployment and Social Welfare andthe 4 named MDAsDSW Periodic Reports.Responsibility: Minster of Employment &Social Welfare.
MDBS 2011
MDBS 2012
Expected Outcomes
18. The Common Targeting Mechanism is 18. The Common Targeting Mechanism A common targeting mechanism for alltested and adjusted.is implemented.GoG social protection interventions is inplace.
19. 60,000 regular LEAP eligiblehouseholds receiving LEAP Social Grants.
19. 80,000 regular LEAP eligiblehouseholds receiving LEAP SocialGrants.
NHIS registration and school enrolmentincreases among beneficiaries as a resultof conditionalities of the LEAP scheme.Regular, reliable registration,management and tracking systems inplace to run LEAP programme efficiently.
D. Water and Sanitation
D1. Accelerate the provision ofadequate sanitation.
20. Strategic Environmental SanitationInvestment Plan (SESIP) finalized andsubmitted to Cabinet for approval.
Copy of Plan and Letter to Cabinet.20. Implementation of NationalResponsibility: Minister of LocalEnvironmental Sanitation Strategic andGovernment & Rural DevelopmentAction Pan (NESSAP/SeSIP).MoV:Implementation Reports from Metropolitan,Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs)
20. Implementation of NationalStrategic investments in view of adequateEnvironmental Sanitation Strategic and investments.Action Pan (NESSAP/SeSIP).MoV:Implementation Reports from Metropolitan,Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs)
21. Launch and Implement the Ghana Compacton Sanitation and Water for All.
(a) Report on launch of the Compact.21. Implementation of the report on21. Establish Monitoring and Evaluation(b) Budgetary allocation in 2011 MTEF capacity enhancement and training of staff System for Environmental SanitationBudget with commencement of activities of EHSD.Services.in 2011.MoV:Responsibility: Minister of LocalMonitoring and Evaluation Report producedGovernment & Rural Development &by M&E systemMinister of Finance and Economic Planning.
D2. Accelerate the provision ofadequate potable water.
22. Development of Sector Strategic Development Draft Report.22. SSDP finalised and launched.22. 68% access to safe water in ruralResponsibility: Minister of Water RresourceMoV:Plan (SSDP).communities and small towns, asWorks & HousingFinal SSDP document available and launched.defined in the CWSA 5-year investmentplan.MoV:CWSA Annual Report.23. 63% access to safe water in rural communities CWSA Annual Report.23. 65.8% access to safe water in ruralResponsibility: Minister of Water Rresourcecommunities and small towns, as definedand small towns, as defined in the CWSA 5-yearWorks & Housinginvestment plan.in the CWSA 5-year investment plan.MoV:CWSA Annual Report.23. 68% access to safe water in ruralcommunities and small towns, asdefined in the CWSA 5-year investmentplan.MoV:CWSA Annual Report
III. TRANSPARENT AND ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNANCEA. Governance - Attorney General's Department
MUTLI DONOR BUDGET SUPPORT (MDBS) POLICY MATRIX 2010 - 2012:GOVERNMENT'S REFORM STRATEGY AND PROGRESS INDICATORSMDBS 201024. At EOCO 60 new staff trained and all staff fullyoperational in their posts in the regions and inAccra.Lead Institution: EOCO , (MoJ/AGs Dept) MoFEPOther institutions involved in future years: Other lawenforcement agencies including Police, Immigration,NACOB, FIC (Financial Intelligence Centre)
Policy ObjectiveA1. Improve governance andpublic accountability.
MEANS OF VERIFICATION(a) Staff lists indicating name, position,duty station and date of assumption.(b)Training materials, training reportand attendance register.(c) Copy of Operational Manual withDistribution list and acknowledgementby Regional Directors.Responsibility: MoJ /AG and MoFEP
MDBS 201124. Reduction of time in treatment ofdockets from 8 to 3 months –investigations.
MDBS 2012
Expected Outcomes
24. Increase in number of dockets open Legal and institutional framework andfor investigation at EOCO from around efforts to combat corruption40-50 to 100.strengthened.MoV:Results from surveyTarget for 2013: General positiveperception on the effectiveness of EOCO indetecting and prosecuting economic crimeand 2012
MUTLI DONOR BUDGET SUPPORT (MDBS) POLICY MATRIX 2010 - 2012:GOVERNMENT'S REFORM STRATEGY AND PROGRESS INDICATORSMDBS 201025. A National Anti-Corruption Action Plan(NACAP) fully developed and submitted toParliament.
Policy Objective
MEANS OF VERIFICATION(a) Finalized Action Plan(b) HANSARD (official publication fromParliament).Responsibility: CHRAJ
MDBS 201125. Implementation of Action Plan.
MDBS 201225. Implementation of Action Plan.
Expected OutcomesLegal and institutional framework andefforts to combat corruptionstrengthened.
(Specific target tbd)
(Specific target tbd)
Lead Institution: CHRAJ (GoG plan has beenassigned by President to CHRAJ leadership)Other institutions involved: A-G, Judiciary,Parliament, DPs, SFO, CSOs (GII, CDD andGACC), private sector (PEF), MoFEP,APRM, NDPC, Anti-Corruption Experts /Practitioners.B. Local Governance and Decentralization
B1. To develop and implementa coherent and comprehensivedecentralization strategy whichconsolidates administrative,fiscal and political policyobjectives.
26. Decentralization Policy andImplementation Plan developed andsubmitted to Cabinet for approval.
Cabinet approval of the26. Execution of Year 1 ImplementationDecentralization Policy FrameworkPlan.and Implementation PlanResponsibility: Minister of LocalGovernment and Rural Developmentand Minister of Finance and EconomicPlanning(a) Amended and gazetted law whichestablishes the Department of Birthsand Deaths Registry to allow itsdevolution.(b) List of staff under MMDAs.(c) Budget of MLGRD and sampleMMDAs in which the transfer offunctions and resources are reflected.Responsibility: LGSS, MLGRD, OHCS,MoFEP.27. Devolution (transfer of staff andresources) of the remaining departmentsunder the first schedule of L.I. 1961 inaccordance with the provisions of the saidL.I.
26. Execution of Year 2 Implementation Improved alignment of policy andPlan.legislation framework enables central andlocal governments to act within clearparameters and more effectively carryout their roles and responsibilities.
27. Transfer of functions, staff, and financialresources of all three MLGRD departments todistricts in accordance with L.I. 1961 andconsequent ministerial realignment.These departments of MLGRD are:- Department of Births and Deaths Registry- Department of Parks and Gardens- Department of Community Development
27. Devolution (transfer of staff andresources) of the departments under thesecond schedule of L.I. 1961 inaccordance with the provisions of thesaid L.I. (prior to their devolution theirestablished enactments have to beamended).
C. Governance - Public Sector Reform
C1. To transform theSubvented Agencies Sectorto deliver on mandate..
28. Action plan on Subvented Agency reform(i.e. decisions on those for closure,withdrawal of subvention, those on reducedsubvention and timelines forimplementation) announced.
(a) Joint Memo to Cabinet withproposed action plan (sponsoredby Ministers for PSR and MOFEP);and/or(b) Announcements, policystatements (e.g. White Paper).Responsibility: Minister of State forPublic Sector Reform , Minister ofFinance and Economic Planning andthe Minister of Employment andSocial Welfare.
28. Action plan developed and undertakentowards the strengthening of capacity forimproved service delivery in 5 SubventedAgencies on full government subvention.MoV:Action PlanResponsibility: PSRS, PSC, Sector Ministriesand implementing agencies
28. Closure/withdrawal of subventionImproved performance and productivitycompleted for identified Subventedin the Civil Service.Agencies (as enshrined in the SubventedAgency ACT 706, which requires thatthe process of closure/ withdrawal ofSubvented Agencies should becompleted in 24 months).MoV:2013 Budget statementResponsibility: PSRS, MOFEP, MESW,Organized Labour, Sector Ministries &Implementing Agencies.
Policy Objective
MDBS 201129. Efficient and reliable human resourcedatabase for two (2) Public Services i.e.Civil and Local Government Service,developed and validated.MoV:Database ReportResponsibility: OHCS, LGS, PSC, FWSC, PSRS
MDBS 201229. Updated and harmonized Schemesof Service for the various Classes withinthe Civil Service in the context of theSingle Spine Salary Structure.MoV:Copy of each completed Scheme of Service.Responsibility: OHCS, PSC, FWSC, PSRS
Expected OutcomesReduced financial burden on governmentbudget and funds released for otherdevelopment activities.Improved productivity and accountabilityof SAs.Improved service delivery / customerorientation.SAs delivering on their core mandate.
C2. To support and strengthen29. Civil Service Bill revised and submitted tothe Civil Service to meet its roleParliament.and mandate in the light ofdecentralization.
D. Governance - Public Financial Management
D1. Efficient and reliable publicexpenditure management.
30. Stabilised Cash management system providesweekly cash statements aligned with the TSAaccount.
(a) Weekly cash statements designed30. An automated weekly Cashfor CAGD and BoG position, indicatingManagement System of all cash inflowscash inflow against cash outflow and the and outflows of GoG operational.requisite financing (Excel Sheet).(b) An extract of automated BoGbalance position capturing all MDAaccounts as defined under the TreasurySingle Account phase 2 agreement.Responsibility: CAGD
30. An automated weekly CashImprovement in budget executionManagement System of all cash inflows including appropriate releases ofand outflows of GoG operational (Allbudgeted funds.GoG accounts are operationally linked tothe TSA, under the GIFMIS).
31. 2011 Budget and monthly statements of the(a) Copy of 2011 Budget volume usingpublic accounts based on the harmonised Chart of the Chart of Accounts.Accounts.(b) Monthly financial statement by CAGDof the Public Accounts per MDA basedon the Chart of Accounts.Responsibility:CAGD32. Commitment controls are reinstatedand enforced for all MDAs, within thecontext of the liquidation plan, such that nonew arrears over their budget accruethrough uncontrolled spending on Item 3and 4.
31. 2012 Budget and (monthly) financialreports are based on the singleharmonised Chart of Accounts includingany modification of the Chart of Accountsand the budget classification.
31. 2013 Budget and (monthly) financial Improved policy relevance of budget andreports are based on the singlefinancial reporting.harmonised Chart of Accounts includingany modification of the Chart ofAccounts and the budget classification.
(a) Circular to MDAs32. Automated monthly overview of(b) CAGD financial statement 2010.commitments and outstanding paymentsResponsibility: Minister of Financefor all MMDAs enrolled on GIFMIS.and Economic Planning and CAGD
32. Automated monthly overview ofImprovement in management ofcommitments and outstanding payments commitments and build-up arrears.for all MMDAs enrolled on GIFMIS.
D2. Strengthen RevenueCollection and Transparency.
33. Commencement of integration of revenueagencies by strengthening the LTU by:(a) Adoption of evaluation report.(b) Development and adoption of selection criteriafor segmentation and allocation of taxpayers toLTO, MTO and STO.
Publication of criteria.Responsibility: Ghana Revenue Authority
33. Completion and testing of TINRegistration module of IT system.
33. Further implementation of thestrategic plan (To be detailed).
Efficient, comprehensive and transparentRevenue Administration.
34. Reporting template developed by NationalSteering Committee to collect data for oil and gasEITI reports.
Templates.Responsibility: Minister of Finance &Economic Planning, National SteeringCommittee
34. Development of a draft EITIlegislation.
34. Submit legislation to Cabinet.
Transparency of revenue from mineraland oil resources.
Policy ObjectiveE. Governance- Monitoring & Evaluation
E1. Strengthen M&E system.
35. Widening the use of Evidence BasedPolicy Making (EBPM) across sectors anddistricts: MDAs and MMDAs have developedcosted M&E plans based on the MTDP whichexplicitly identify the indicators to bedisaggregated by sex, and submitted to theNDPC.
(a) 20 MDAs submitted draft planswhich meet NDPC checklistrequirements.(b) At least 20 MMDAs that submittheir M&E plans meet NDPCchecklist requirements.

Responsibility : MDAs , MMDAs and NDPC

35. 13 MDAs and all MMDAs to produceAnnual Progress Reports (APRs) inaccordance with their respective M&Eplans with sex disaggregation according toM&E plans.Responsibility : MDAs and NDPC
35. All MDAs and MMDAs to produceWidening the use of evidence basedAnnual Progress Reports (APRs) inpolicy making.accordance with their respective M&Eplans with sex disaggregation accordingto M&E plans.
36. Ghana Statistical Development Plan:GSS to have released preliminary populationresults of the 2010 Population and Housing Censusfollowing enumeration.
Preliminary population results publiclyavailable.Responsibility: Ghana Statistical Service(GSS)
36. Ghana Statistical Development Plan:GSS to have released final results anddistrict-level population data of the 2010Population and Housing Census.(exact reports to be detailed)37. All MDAs and MMDAs to have specificand separate budget lines for M&E andstatistics.
36. Ghana Statistical Development Plan: A GPRS/Development Plan responsiveGSS to have released analytical reports census and survey programme, which ison thematic areas of the 2010being implemented according to the plan.Population and Housing Census.(exact reports to be detailed)37. Government of Ghana Budgetexpenditure for M&E and statistics to beabove x% of agreed budget.(this will be more specifically defined
37. Undertake a national baseline assessment ofBaseline study setting out resourceGovernment funding to MDAs and MMDAs on M&E flows, resource allocations,and statistics.disbursements and actual expenditure.Responsibility: NDPC and GSS
once baseline report is available)F. Gender Equality
F1. Bridge gender inequalitygaps in policy implementation.
38. GRB Monitoring Unit (GRB-MU) establishedand functional.
GRB-MU 2010 end of year report.Responsibility: Minister of Women andChildren's Affairs
38. GRB-MU to evaluate theimplementation of GRB activities in threeinitial pilot MDAs (Health, Education andAgriculture).MoV:GRB-MU evaluation reports
38. GRB-MU issues GRB Compliancecertificates to MDAs.MoV:GRB Compliance Certificate
The target will achieve commitment inpromoting gender mainstreaming andGRB in MDAs and MMDAs.
39. Increase in the annual implementation andspending of DV-NPA activities by the DVSecretariat by 300% in 2010 over 2009 ( fromGHC 325K to GHC 1m).
(a) Quarterly financial reports on DVNPA activities implemented in 2010(b) 2009 DV-NPA annual reportResponsibility: Minister of Women andChildren's Affairs
39. Increase in the annual implementation 39. M&E of DV NPA activities.and spending of the DV-NPA activities byMoV:M&E reports of DV NPA activitiesthe DV Secretariat by 250% (to at leastGHC 250m).MoV:DV-NPA M&E framework
The target deals directly with theprotection of the rights of women,children and men.The target will ensure effective M & E ofDV-NPA activities.