Udenrigsudvalget 2012-13
URU Alm.del Bilag 204
May 15.2013Mr/Mrs politician
At first I do apologize because my English is not good and I could not give help from anyone else to writethis letter so I should write it myself.Please
, pleasespend a few time to read it .
I am Darioush Davoudi have wife and a girl we all stuck in a big limbo named Iran .years and years I tried torescue my children and my wife from this retrogressive and lie country with emigration to each democraticcountry but unfortunately you and all politician of democratic countries that always speak about humanrights closed all doors to your countries except investment emigration or illegal emigration. It means that ifsomeone was not capitalist or rich and perhaps was regulated and he did not want to give his families fateto smugglers , could not inter your countries .I heard that one principles of human rights says every one could freely chose his place of life but apparentlythis right is as like as a lot of another rights is for riches or outlaws .My daughter was forced to keep veil from preschool but recently her teacher forced her and herclassmates to keep veil out of school . They wrote a letter to parents and said if they see students withoutveil out of school will punish them and will less their scores . no her teacher nor my wife and I could notunderstand to a eight years children the why off keeping veil .we used to accept bullying after living 30years in this country but certainly you have child and could understand me that it is so difficult to force youreight years daughter to accept bullying without any reason and logic yourself .It is just a smallest sample of pressures that my daughter must to tolerate in future like these below ( pray –fast – governmental demonstrations - quran and religious lessons – internet limitations – satellite ban –music ban – major university – happiness – recreations – dramatic elections – atomic bomb – sanctions - …)What was our guilt that we born in Iran? We do not want to be Iranian and moslem , what should we do ?If we say it in Iran, we must be hanged but I am asking it from you.At last the result of 13 years working as a computer expert of mine is an apartment and a car those costabout 40000 $ us , I do request you please introduce a real democratic country that accept us with thismoney as an emigrant so I could rescue my daughter from that future .I decided to write this letter to you and another politician when I completely disappointed of any way ofemigration so if you could please help us .Thank you for time andAttentionDarioush davoudi