Udenrigsudvalget 2012-13
URU Alm.del Bilag 2
� John Hogg/World Bank
Jobs — Aid at Work8.30 - 17.308 October 2012The Black Diamond / Queen’s HallSøren Kierkegaards Plads 1, Copenhagen, Denmark
Does aid create jobs?
When and how do these jobs work?Are they sustainable? Do they promote development?
Why can’t anyone tell me what works in aid?
This was the plaintive question from a former Danish Development Minister. Trying to structuredevelopment policies based on evidence of success led the governments of Denmark andSweden to commission UNU-WIDER to coordinate ReCom - Research and Communication onForeign aid - which aims to investigate what works in development. A programme that DanidaDirector, Ib Petersen, says should be a catalyst for more effective aid.Now, a year and half or so down the line, it is time for the research results on Jobs andDevelopment. This research is new and has potentially radical implications.
Why? jobs + results
Jobs are critical everywhere but especially in developing countries. We are focused on practical
results. News you can really use: if you are a policy maker in a donor country; if you are apractitioner in a recipient country; and very importantly if you are an aid recipient. But you don’thave to be in development to care about how your money is spent on development, or abouthow development policies are formulated.
We will be talking to some stars of the development world. Amongst them, Gary Fields, a world
leader on employment and poverty reduction, whose latest bookWorking Hard, Working Poor’has just come out. Also, the World Bank’s eagerly anticipatedWorld Development Report 2013 –Jobs’will be made public just days before we meet, and Martin Rama, the Director of the Report,will be joining us. According to Nobel Economics Laureate, George Akerlof: “labour economistsshould read the report, and think about how, in light of it, the subject should be substantiallyrewritten”. In other words, a game changer
An interactive results meeting
Moderator Hilary Bowker, former CNN Senior European Anchor, will ensure a highly interactive
discussion. Thanks to some of the most cutting edge conference communication technology inthe world, you will be able to react almost immediately to what you are hearing from the paneland they will be able to react to you. We hope you can join us and help shape this excitingevent. Register now and begin your contribution.
Register at www.wider.unu.edu/recomjobs