Udenrigsudvalget 2012-13, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2012-13
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Fact sheet
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Fact sheetSARC (Syrian Arab Red Crescent)&DRC (Danish Red Cross) in Syria
Content:1. Situation status in Syria2. Who is the President of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC)3. What is SARC (The Syrian Arab Red Crescent)4. SARC’s work in Syria5. This is what SARC supported by Danish Red Cross (DRC) does in Syria (with Danida, the Eu-ropean Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Den-mark)Psychosocial Support (PS):Health Support:Relief Support (Noon Food Items (NFI)):Insulin donation by Danish NOVO Nordisk - in collaboration with Danish RedCross (DRC):Ambulance donation from Danish Red Cross (DRC) in collaboration with theDanish newspaper Politiken:
1. SITUATION STATUS IN SYRIA:Since the conflict started in Syria in March 2011 the number of Syrian refugees who have lefttheir country has surpassed 1.7 million.The fact that more than 1.7 million people are officially registered means the actual number ismuch higher.
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Approx. 8000 Syrians are fleeing from the country every day.5 million Syrians are now internally displaced in their own country.This is double the amount since December 2012, where approx. 2 million were internally dis-placed.The increasingly widening gap between the needs and resources available is a growing chal-lenge according to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).According to refugees the increased fighting and changing of control in towns, particularly inconflict areas, has resulted in a growing number of civilians deciding to leave.8.3 million Syrians, or 38 per cent of the Syrian population, require humanitarian assistance.This includes the more than 1.7 million Syrian refugees in the neighboring countries.Almost 80.000 people have been killed since the conflict started in March 2011.**The numbers of refugees, internally displaced people and people who are being killed due tothe conflict are in constant change.Sources: The UNCHR (United Nations High Commissionerfor Refugees), The UN (United Nations) and the UN News Centre
2. WHO IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE SYRIAN ARAB RED CRESCENT (SARC):Full name: Dr. Abdul Rahman Attar.Current position: President of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) since 1998 and memberof IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) Governing Board.Academic Background: Honorary Doctorate in Economics from Prague University in 1986.Source: SARC (The Syrian Arab Red Crescent)
3. WHAT IS SARC (THE SYRIAN ARAB RED CRESCENT):SARC (The Syrian Arab Red Crescent Society) is the largest national humanitarian organiza-tion in Syria and the sole organization with access to many parts of the country through its 14branches and 80 sub-branches across Syria.SARC provides relief and health support to displaced people remaining in areas targeted byviolence. This is in cooperation with approx. 70 to 80 local NGO’s and with support from IFRC(International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), ICRC (InternationalCommittee of the Red Cross), WFP (World Food Programme), UNHCR (United Nations HighCommissioner for Refugees) and other UN (United Nations) partners and international NGO’s.Sources: IFRC (International Federation ofRed Cross and Red Crescent Societies),BRC (British Red Cross)4. SARC’S WORK IN SYRIA:SARC (Syrian Arab Red Crescent) continues to be the main provider of humanitarian assis-tance in Syria reaching an average of 2 million people (or about 400.000 families) on amonthly basis.At least 3000 volunteers are actively involved in the present SARC aid operations. One shouldkeep in mind that SARC has lost and still is losing a number of volunteers who are either leav-ing the country as refugees or became internally displaced.
19 SARC volunteers have been killed carrying out humanitarian services. Tens of others havebeen injured, have come under attack or have been held detained.Source: IFRC (International Federation of RedCross and Red Crescent Societies), SARC (SyrianArab Red Crescent)
5. THIS IS WHAT SARC SUPPORTED BY DANISH RED CROSS (DRC) DOES IN SYRIA (WITHDANIDA, THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY HUMANITARIAN OFFICE (ECHO) AND THE MINISTRYOF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF DENMARK)*All numbers in the following are only from the last year (May 2012 - May 2013)Psychosocial Support (PS):Presently we are operating with 2 PS (Psychosocial Support) community centers and 2 mobilePS teams providing Psychosocial Support to the displaced Syrian living in the shelters.Due to the current situation and high demands from the SARC branches (Syrian Arab RedCrescent) we are also supporting 4 SARC branches with emergency Psychosocial Support ac-tivities for the internally displaced people by providing these branches financial support andpsychosocial kits.We also support other SARC branches around Syria that do psychosocial work for the affectedpeople as a result of the recent conflict.We provide defusing sessions to SARC staff and volunteers to most SARC branches.In our Psychosocial Support Programme the total target is 30.000 individuals. This year wesupported around 8.000 individuals with the PS activities. We have also supported 34.500children by providing them with 11.500 individual play kits in different SARC branches.Sources: IFRC (International Federation of RedCross and Red Crescent Societies), DRC (DanishRed Cross)
Health Support:Danish Red Cross (DRC) is supporting 8 of SARC’s medical points (the numbers as of May2013) established in hot spots area in order to provide medical assistance to those in imme-diate need.So far we have reached approx. 33.000 individuals through the 8 medical points providingfirst aid services (including the performance of medium advanced surgery) and primarytreatments (e.g. births, pneumonia etc.).The medical points function as basic emergency clinics and ensure a SARC (Syrian Arab RedCrescent) presence close to the affected population. When the case load of injured is not ex-cessive, these points also deal with community emergencies e.g. children with infections, highfever etc. The medical points have proven to be an effective approach to delivering medicalcare to severely affected communities, and the medical points implemented so far has beenwidely accepted and welcomed by the communities they serve.Advanced first aid training, including first aid kits, is provided to SARC branches and also dis-tributed among the local communities.Sources: IFRC (International Federation of RedCross and Red Crescent Societies), DRC (DanishRed Cross)
Relief Support (Noon Food Items (NFI)):Danish Red Cross (DRC) with the support of ECHO (European Community Humanitarian Of-fice) has been supporting SARC in its winterization project by providing blankets and mat-tresses for more than 90.000 affected people.DRC have educated more than 3500 Syrians in first aid and psychosocial work.Sources: IFRC (International Federation of RedCross and Red Crescent Societies), DRC (DanishRed Cross)
Insulin donation by Danish NOVO Nordisk - in collaboration with Danish Red Cross (DRC):With the support of NOVO Nordisk we will cover insulin needs for 15 per cent (15.000) peopleof the total insulin dependent diabetics in Syria for 6 months (starting in February 2013).Prior to the conflict in Syria, all patients were screened by an endocrinologist and registeredas recipients of free insulin.45.000 veils have been distributed to distribution centers. 45.000 remains in cold storage andwill be distributed according to needs.Sources: IFRC (International Federation of RedCross and Red Crescent Societies), DRC (Danish Red Cross)
Ambulance donation from Danish Red Cross (DRC) in collaboration with the Danish news-paper Politiken:Danish Red Cross (DRC) and the Danish newspaper Politiken collection financed 2 ambulan-ces, medicine and First Aid kits. The two ambulances are being used close to the frontlines inSyria for transporting the wounded to the nearest medical points.DRC have in total supported SARC (Syrian Arab Red Crescent) with 15 ambulances. Besidesthe two ambulances from the Politiken collection the others are financed by the Ministry ofForeign Affairs of Denmark (3 ambulances) and ECHO (European Community HumanitarianOffice) (10 ambulances) in collaboration with DRC.Source: DRC (Danish Red Cross)
SARC also does humanitarian work with water and sanitation to the Syrian population.The mentioned projects in this fact sheet are among the largest programmes that SARC runs in Syria,but they are engaged in many other areas of humanitarian work within the country.
All sources: DRC (Danish Red Cross), SARC (The Syrian Arab Red Crescent Society), IFRC (International Federa-tion of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross), BRC (British RedCross), ECOH (European Community Humanitarian Office), UN (United Nations),UNHCR(United Nations HighCommissioner for Refugees).