Udenrigsudvalget 2012-13
URU Alm.del Bilag 148
DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION FORUMEthiopia High-Level Symposium“Arenewed global partnership for development for a post-2015 era”

6-7 June 2013, UNECA Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The development environment is changing……………The world has changed significantly since the adoptionof the Millennium Declaration and Millennium Devel-opment Goal 8 (MDG8) on theglobal partnership fordevelopment.High growth rates in many emerging anddeveloping economies have facilitated progress in pov-erty reduction. Yet, the threat from climate change hasbecome only more urgent, demographic dynamics areleading to diverse challenges at the national level, andinequalities have increased in many countries.Meanwhile, a more multi-polar global economy hastaken shape. Emerging economies are strengtheningtheir voice and influence in global governance. Theprivate sector, non-governmental organizations andprivate philanthropic foundations are playing a largerrole in development cooperation. Rapid urbanizationcalls for greater inclusion of local governments as wellin partnership efforts.………..and demands a renewed global partnership fordevelopmentThus far, the global partnership for development, ascrystallized in MDG8, has galvanized broad support forthe international development agenda. Yet, importantshortfalls remain in delivering on many of its aspects.The global partnership for development will be criticalto underpin the post-2015 development agenda. It willhave to be strengthened – not only to ensure deliveryon existing commitments, but also to address new andemerging challenges and opportunities and to engagethe increasingly diverse group of development actors ina more coherent, effective and legitimate manner.The Ethiopia Symposium aims to launch this dialogueThe Ethiopia High-Level Symposium will provide anopportunity for traditional donors, Southern develop-ment cooperation providers and representatives ofprivate philanthropic organizations, local governments,parliaments and civil society to explore how to renewthe global partnership for development for the post-2015 development agenda.The Symposium will focus on the following questions:1.2.3.What purposes should a renewed global partnershipfor development serve?What principles should guide the global partnershipfor development in the post-2015 setting?What features would the renewed global partnershipfor development need to attract the participation ofthe various actors?What could be key features of a post-2015 monitor-ing and accountability framework, to support imple-mentation and ensure delivery on commitments byall partners?
The Symposium will contribute to intergovernmentalprocesses on development cooperation and post-2015The Ethiopia Symposium will serve as a key preparatoryevent for the 2014 Development Cooperation Forum ofECOSOC. It will set the stage for subsequent DCF high-level meetings on the future of development cooperationin a post-2015 development agenda era (Switzerland,October 2013), and on accountable development part-nerships (Germany, April 2014).The Symposium will contribute to the ongoing prepara-tions for a post-2015 development agenda, including the2013 Special Event of the President of the General As-sembly to follow-up on efforts towards achieving theMDGs including other related processes.The Ethiopia Symposium will be preceded by a number ofspecial stakeholder events.For further information, please contact:DCF SecretariatDoris Schmitz-Meiners (tel.: 1-212-963-4946) or Thomas Boehler(tel.: 1-917-367-9452), Development Cooperation Policy Branch,Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination, United NationsDepartment of Economic and Social Affairs, UN SecretariatthBuilding, 25 floor, New York, NY 10017Email: [email protected]Website: http://www.un.org/esa/coordination/dcpb_stat.htm