Udenrigsudvalget 2012-13
URU Alm.del Bilag 148
Geneva, 5April 2013

2014 Development Cooperation Forum of the United Nations:

First High Level Symposium

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 6 -7 June 2013

Dear Mr. Lorentzen,Consistent with its strategic priorities, the IPU is working closely with the Development CooperationForum (DCF) of the United Nations to help improve the quality and quantity of developmentcooperation broadly defined. I am pleased to inform you that the first High Level Symposium of the2014 DCF will take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 6-7 June of this year.Theme and format of the symposiumThe symposium, entitled “Arenewed global partnership for development for a post-2015 era”comesat a critical time as the global community is about to re-think the development agenda for the periodstarting after 2015, when the current Millennium Development Goals will be replaced by a new set ofSustainable Development Goals addressing the world’s most important social, economic andenvironmental challenges.The main purpose of the meeting will be to look specifically at the question of financing of the newSustainable Development Goals. Given the changing landscape of development cooperation, whichtoday includes much more than traditional aid from official sources, what should replace the currentMDG 8 (on the global partnership for development) to help all countries carry forward a moreambitious agenda for sustainable development? What purpose should a renewed global partnershipfor development serve? What could be key features of a post-2015 monitoring and accountabilityframework to support delivery on commitments by all partners? These are the kind of questions thatwill be at the heart of the discussion in Addis Ababa.As with previous meetings of the DCF, the symposium will be interactive, with plenary sessions andsmall group discussions among all stakeholders. While the official meeting will only last two days, on6 and 7 June, an additional informal briefing for parliamentarians may be held in the afternoon of theday before, 5 June, for those able to arrive early.
Hon. Kristian Pihl Lorentzen, MPPresident of the Danish Inter-Parliamentary GroupFolketingetDenmarkcc.: Ms. Mette Vestergaard, Secretary of the Danish Inter-Parliamentary Group[email protected]
2ParticipationTo keep this engagement manageable, only twelve members of parliament will be allowed toparticipate on afirst-come first-served basisalong with other stakeholders from governments,development agencies, civil society, private foundations and local authorities. A total of just over onehundred participants are expected. Given the budget constraints faced by many parliaments and ourdesire to ensure diversity and wide regional representation, we will only be able to accommodateonemember from each parliament.Registration for the event will close as soon as the quota of twelve is reached and by no later than 10May. Note however that, for those requiring an entry visa, processing times may take some time, soearly registrations are highly encouraged.Limited funding may be available through the United Nations to cover the cost of travel andaccommodation for a few MPs from Least Developed Countries. To qualify for funding, registrationsmust be received by Saturday, 20 April.The member representing your parliament would need to be familiar with development cooperationissues, and able to draw from direct experience of interaction with development agencies, donors,civil society or other actors active in this field. It would also be important for your appointee to beallowed to participate in the next two symposia of the DCF in Switzerland (October 2013) andGermany (spring 2014) as well as the final session in July 2014.DocumentationThe IPU is working with the organizers to make sure that questions of particular interest toparliamentarians will be included in the agenda. A draft programme and a substantive aide memoirewill be available by mid-May. Please refer to the attached concept notes for a more in-depth overviewof the main topics.Registration procedure and logistical informationIt would be greatly appreciated if a member of your parliament could be designated to attend thesymposium. The attached registration form should be submitted by either email or fax as indicated onthe form (please copy to the IPU New York office at[email protected]).Also attached is a logisticalnote providing a list of recommended hotels which each participant must reserve directly, informationabout the venue of the meeting, visa requirements and other useful details.ForfurtherbackgroundontheDCFpleaseconsulttheWebsiteathttp://www.un.org/en/ecosoc/newfunct/develop.shtmlor contact Mr. Alessandro Motter in our NewYork office ([email protected]).Thank you so much for your kind consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Anders B. JohnssonSecretary General