Udenrigsudvalget 2012-13, Ligestillingsudvalget 2012-13
URU Alm.del Bilag 111, LIU Alm.del Bilag 54
15, rue des GordsWomen’s Committee95430 Auvers-sur-Oise France15, rue des GordsTel: (1) 34 48 07 28 - Fax: (1) 34 48 01 3495430 Auvers-sur-Oise France
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On the occasion of March 8th, the International Women’s Day, the Women’sCommittee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran invites you to itsannual conferenceSolidarity with Iranian women – Towards change in 2013While the Middle East is passing through a historical change, Islamic fundamentalism hasovershadowed the bright horizon of the world. Over the past three decades, the clericalregime in Iran with its misogynist characteristic, has tortured and executed thousands ofwomen activists for their beliefs and perseverance. But the Iranian women have resisted andstood up against religious fascism ruling Iran and nationwide institutionalized suppressionwith great bravery. They are eager for freedom and equality. The very same women whowere the inspiring engine for street protests of millions of Iranians in 2009 uprising, and werebrutally suppressed by the mullahs in front of the stunned eyes and silence of the worldcommunity, did not fade away.Resistance women in camps Liberty and Ashraf, in a lengthy and hard struggle, playingleadership roles in the Iranian resistance, were able to register the deserving position ofwomen in the Iranian resistance movement and have become role models for the Iranianwomen’s struggle.The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran holds its traditionalyearly event on the occasion of March 8th, the International Women’s Day, on March 9thinParis titled “Solidarity with Iranian women – Towards change in 2013”. This conference isheld with the participation of a large number of representatives of women, politicians,personalities and women activists from across Europe, North America and the Muslim world.The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran invites you to jointhe international call for regime change in Iran and support 1000 leading resistance women inLiberty and Ashraf by your participation in this conference.

Date: Saturday, 9 March 2013 - 14.30

Place: Maison de la Mutualité, 24 Rue Saint Victor - 75005 Paris

The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran[email protected]