Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2012-13
UPN Alm.del Bilag 313
After the announcement of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi‘sdeath on 20 August 2012, Hailemariam was named actingprime minister. He is the first Protestant Christian head ofgovernment in the history of Ethiopia
Public offices:2005–present: Member of the House of People’s Representatives2010-2012: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs2008–2010: Government Chief Whip, with a Ministerial portfolio2005–2008: Social Affairs Special Advisor to the PM, then Public Mobilization & ParticipationSpecial Advisor to the Prime Minister2002–2005: President of the SNNPR2000–2002: Vice President of the SNNPR
Party posts:2010- present: Deputy Chairman of the EPRDF2002–present: Chairman of the SEPDM2000-present: Member of the Executive Committee of the EPRDF and the SEPDM
Education:Upon his return to Ethiopia he served in different academic and administrative capacities, includingthe dean of the Water Technology Institute, for 13 years.Tampere University of Technology in Finland: Masters degree in sanitation engineering.1998: Addis Ababa University, bachelor degree in civil engineering