Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2012-13
UPN Alm.del Bilag 24
Maryam AbdulHadi AlKhawajaPersonal Information:Nationality:
Birth Date:
Telephone Nr:
Office Address:
Denmark/Bahrain26thJune 1987+458175795914 DronningensgadeCopenhagen K, 1420Denmark[email protected][email protected]
Qualifications and Studies:Name of Institute
University of BahrainAlHoora SecondaryCommercial School for GirlsEnrollment
January 2005August 2001Degree
Bachelor of Arts – Major:English Literature. Minor:American StudiesHigh School DiplomaDate
June 2009June 2004
Work Experience:Institute
Gulf Centerfor HumanRightsBahrainCenter forHumanRightsGulf Centerfor HumanRightsTitle
End Date
Job Responsibilities
Serving as deputy to thedirector, helping to formoverall strategy of the center,delegating work, writingstatements, editing.Overseeing all activities inthe Center, delegating work,organizing the input andoutput of the organization,maintaining internationalrelations.Overall objectiveTo mobilize the internationalefforts for developing andputting into action advocacystrategies tothe purpose of providingsupport and protection tohuman rights defenders whoare at risk in the
September Current‘11
May ‘11
Head ofInternationalOffice
Gulf countries. This shouldinclude independentjournalists and bloggers.Specific objectives• Provide input for the GHRCadvocacy strategy• Initiate, develop andsustain long-term effectiverelationships with relevantofficialinstitutions, as well as NGO’sin the Nordic countries andthe EU, US, Canada,Australia,other countries as required.• Engage with relevant UNbodies• Mobilizing the internationalhuman rights mechanismswhenever appropriate• Coordinate bringing upspecific cases of humanrights defenders and cases offreedom ofspeech to the relevantinternational institutions.Outputs1. Identification and mappingof the most relevantinternational partners2. Recommendations withregards to interaction withinternational Human Rightspartners3. Interviews and externalcommunication on Humanrights violations and GHRCsactivitiesReporting to internationalbodies such as the EU andUN. Working with NGO’s likeHuman Rights Watch,Amnesty, IFEX, FIDH, etc.Writing reports, statements,documenting cases andparticipating in seminars.Networking. Participating inthe Human Rights Council inthe United Nations in Geneva
BahrainCenter forHumanRights
Head ofForeignRelations
Aug. ‘10
Maryam Abdul-Hadi Al-Khawaja
The NewYork Times,CanadianTelevisionBroadcast, LeFigaroNewspaper,The LosAngelesTimes,GermanNewspaperand the BBCBrownUniversity,Providence,RI, USAUniversity ofScranton,Pennsylvania,USA
Jan. ‘07
Sept. ‘10
Meeting with the EU bodies inBrussels and congressmembers in the US as well asthe administration. I oftenget invited to speak atrenowned universities aboutthe human rights situation inBahrain.Instant English- Arabictranslation of questions andanswers during interviews.
June ‘10
Assisting in the Arabiclanguage classes, tutoring,serving as a culturalambassadorCreating and designinglessons, teachingintermediate and advancedArabic at the university,tutoring students, assistantteacher for beginners Arabic,helping in the language lab.Conducting workshops for thestudents in preparation forprograms like Model UnitedNations, TradeQuest andYouth Leadership Council.Supervising trips abroad forconferences. Training,supervising students andfacilitating two leadershipconferences.Teaching Grades 6 and 7English. Coming up withcoursework plans for the nextyear.Put together the rights andresponsibilities of employeesbooklet. Selected candidatesfor job interviews. Came up
Aug. ‘09
Dec ‘09
Aug. ’08
June ‘09
AbdulrahmanKanooInternationalSchoolLost Paradiseof DilmunWaterpark, AlAreen
Full-timeEnglishTeacherHR andTrainingCoordinator
Nov. ‘07
June ‘08
July ‘07
Nov. ‘07
Maryam Abdul-Hadi Al-Khawaja
1stDec. ‘06
AbdulrahmanKanooInternationalSchoolBahrainSociety forTraining andDevelopment
English,Math,Science andArabicPrivate TutorGrade 1EnglishTeacherSecretary
April ‘06
June ‘07
with ideas for employeetrainings.Checking all newspapers forany articles about thecandidates running, recordingthe amount of space givenper candidate to then find thenewspaper that was the mostneutral by the end of theelections.Tutored several grade 3/4/5students in different subjects
Sept. ‘04
Feb. ‘05
Teaching Grade 1 English.
Sept. ‘04
Oct. ‘04
Answering calls, filling outforms, taking meetingminutes and filing papers.
History of Activism:Location
Ongoing Active member of the Bahrain Center for HumanRights. Attended and organized numerousdemonstrations and sit-ins demanding basic rights,as well as to demand the release of politicalprisoners and the stopping of torture. Attendedtalks and symposiums. Attended testimonies ofvictims of police brutality in Bahrain, as well ashelped gather information and create videos tospread information. Translating statements andreports about detainees, illegal kidnappings andtorture.May ‘10 Active member of the Brown Students for Justice inPalestine. Created awareness about the humanrights abuses in the Palestinian territories andhelped collect signatures about the divestmentcampaign calling for the divestment from anycompanies that profit from the illegal (according tothe UN) occupation of Palestinian territories. I alsoled a campaign to raise awareness about thehuman rights abuses in Bahrain and the religiousdiscrimination taking place. We collected around500 signatures and raised funds to help families of
Jan. ‘10
Maryam Abdul-Hadi Al-Khawaja
University ofScranton,USAUnitedStatesCongress,USA
Aug. ‘09
Oct. ‘08
UnitedNations,New York,USA
July ‘06
political detainees.Dec. ‘09 Joined the Justice Club, in which I gave a speechabout Bahrain to raise awareness about theabsence of human rights as well as the religiousdiscrimination taking place there.N/AI was invited by the Human Rights Caucus at UScongress to give a speech about my experience inrelevance to the absence of religious freedom inBahrain. The government led a smear campaign inthe media against the group of activists that spokeat this session including myself, and our case wasadopted by organizations such as Frontline, OMCTand FIDH.N/AI was part of the delegation that went to the UNbuilding and met with the Secretary General’sassistant to hand over the mass petition ofdemanding that the Prime Minister resign, due tohis human rights violations.
ExcellentVery GoodGoodWriting
ExcellentVery GoodGood
Other skills:
Typing (English and Arabic).Computer Programs (Microsoft Office, ULead VideoStudio).
Maryam Abdul-Hadi Al-Khawaja