Transportudvalget 2012-13
TRU Alm.del Bilag 88
20. 11. ffltt-
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ARES(2012) 1540486
Mr Henrik Dam KristensenMinisterMinistry of TransportFrederiksholms Kanal 27 FDK-1220 Copenhagen K
Dear Minister,I would like to inform you that the Commission services have examined carefully yourproposal, by your letter of 17/09/2012, to include the sections Aarhus-Frederikshavn andAarhus-Hirtshals in the core network.The examination has confirmed that the methodology used to identify the core network allowsthe acceptance of your proposal, as the proposed sections link the node of Aarhus with thenodes of Goteborg and Oslo respectively.I have also taken note that the European Parliament tabled an amendment on this issue. Myservices have duly informed the rapporteurs that the proposed amendment is in line with themethodology. As you know, the TRAN Committee will vote on these amendments on27 November 2012. Upon a positive vote, there will be a possibility to insert the abovesections in the core network.Once the negotiation between the institutions will start, the Commission will support theinclusion of the road and rail sections Aarhus-Frederiksund and Aarhus-Hirtshals in the corenetwork.Yours sincerely,
Siim KallasSlim
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