Transportudvalget 2012-13
TRU Alm.del Bilag 378
Updated programme
Seminars during Elmia Nordic Rail and Elmia Future Transport
8–10 OCtObER
The Programme Council for Elmia Nordic Railand Elmia Future Transport comprises:Stefan Aldborg, Bombardier Transportation Sweden ABJan-Olof Björklund, Swedish Rail Industry Group, SWERIGGuy Ehrling, Swedish Shippers’ Council – for transport buyersLouise Hopkinson, TÜV SÜD Danmark ApSJan Erik Kregnes, Norwegian National Rail AdministrationTage Larsson, Swedish Transport AdministrationMichelle Marcher Lidén, Alstom Transport ABJörgen Nyström, Elmia ABMikael Prenler, Forum for Nordic Railway Association, NJSUlrica Widegren, Elmia ABChristel Wiman, Association of Swedish Train Operating Companies
Gold sponsor:
Bronze sponsor:
Media partners:
Media sponsors:
2GrisC50 / M40 / J35 / N10OrangeM53 / 100
CONtENtS!NEW CONFERENCE FORMAt– AND tHE MINIStER WILL bE HERE!We are proud to present the conference programme ahead of Elmia Nordic Rail and ElmiaFuture Transport 2013 – the big meeting-place for anyone involved in the railway andfuture transport.The Programme Council has been working for over a year to put together the most inter-esting and relevant conference programme possible – and we think we’ve succeeded. Thesubjects presented have both breadth and depth – and bring together large parts of theindustry’s expertise. We are, of course, particularly proud that Sweden’s Minister for Infra-structure Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd will be attending the fair (read more in Key seminar 1).This year we have changed the format of the conference. Rather than a single main semi-nar, we are highlighting three relevant subjects in a key seminar each, one on each day ofthe conference.We have also compressed the number of trade seminars. These carefully selected sub-jects have been brought together under different themes to add depth in each area andperspectives from more speakers. We hope that this will help you the participant get evenmore out of our conference.Browse and read through our programme. We are convinced there are subjects that willincrease your knowledge about the infrastructure and transport of today and tomorrow.Welcome to Elmia on 8-10 October!Mikael PrenlerChairman, Elmia Nordic Rail and Elmia Future Transport Programme Council
TUESDAYKey Seminar ........................................... 4Trade and Exhibitor Seminars ................. 5WEDNESDAYKey Seminar ........................................... 6Exhibitor Seminars .................................. 7THURSDAYKey Seminar ........................................... 8Trade and Exhibitor Seminars ................. 9Gala Dinner .......................................... 10Important information ........................... 11
tUeSday 8 OctOberKEY SEMINAR 1, 13.00–14.30
FUtURE INFRA-StRUCtURE IN tHENORDIC REGIONThe Nordic countries are investing heavily in improving theirtransport systems and thereby strengthening their compe-titiveness and conditions for growth. In Denmark the gov-ernment and opposition have agreed on major infrastructureprojects for the future. Meanwhile the governments in Nor-way and Sweden have proposed transport plans with signifi-cantly higher investment than before.At the same time there are many questions regarding thefuture. How do we co-ordinate the investments so that thelevel of service is not hindered by national borders? Now canthe Nordic region open up to the continent? Is investment inincreased maintenance enough to meet future needs regard-ing functioning transport for passengers and freight?No decisions have yet been taken regarding high-speedrail in either Denmark, Norway or Sweden – will we ever seeit happen?
NEW NAtIONAL PLAN IN SWEDENCatharina Elmsäter-Svärd, Sweden’s Minister for Infrastructure, Ministry of Enterprise and EnergyTorbjörn Suneson, head of Society division, Swedish Transport AdministrationPer Bondemark, Vice President SSAB EMEA and Chairman of the Swedish Shippers’ CouncilNEW tRANSPORt PLAN IN NORWAYRepresentative of Norway’s Ministry of Transport and CommunicationElisabeth Enger, Director General of Norwegian National Rail AdministrationErling Sæther, President of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) Logistics and TransportRAILWAYS OF tHE FUtURE IN DENMARKMichael Svane, Transport CEO, Confederation of Danish Industry TransportJesper Hansen, CEO, Rail Net DenmarkModerator:Anders Karlsson, TRAFIKFORUM/Transport Logistik iDag magazines
The key seminarswill be held inSwedish withinterpretationinto English.
Per Bondemark Elisabeth Enger Erling Sæther
Photo: Hilde Lilljord
Michael Svane
Jesper Hansen
Anders Karlsson
TRADE SEMINARStHEME: INtRODUCtION OF ERtMS IN tHE NORDICCOUNtRIESModerator: Per Olof Lingwall, Board Member Forum forNordic Railway Association, NJSFS13: tUeSday 8 OctOber 14.45–15.25What are the plans for the introduction in Denmark?This session will give a presentation of the roll-out plans forthe Danish signalling programme and account for the choiceof suppliers. Furthermore it will give a status of the programmeincluding the audited budget estimate, which was 4,8 mia.lower than the original estimate.Lecturer: Morten Søndergaard, BanedanmarktHEME: FREIGHt StRAtEGY 1Moderator: Jan Bergstrand, Swedish Transport AdministrationFS16: tUeSday 8 OctOber 14.45–15.25Goods corridors in EUIn the EU currently nine international Rail Freight Corridors areunder establishment, of which six will become operational byNovember this year. These corridors form the rail backbone ofthe Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) and are com-plemented by the Green Corridors. Focus will be on the generalconceptual approach and framework, the areas of activities, thefinance and the benefits for the users of the corridors.Lecturer: Gerhard Troche, European Commission
EXHIBITOR SEMINARSfocus will be on the impact of double sided feeding vs singlesided feeding and low frequency vs industrial frequency. Thesesystem choices have a direct and large impact on EMI andhave a potential to reduce these problems so much, that nospecial efforts as booster transformers or improved immu-nization are necessary. Converter feeding also for industrialfrequency is an attractive alternative, allowing for double sidedfeeding and protecting the public grid from phase unbalancesand other interference. Also the question of frequency is ad-dressed, the default choice of industrial frequency for all newelectrifications can be questioned.Lecturer: Thorsten SchütteExhibitor/host company: Atkins Sverige AB. Stand: B02:99US5: tUeSday 8 OctOber 10.00–10.40Energy Effectiv Rail VehiclesBombardier present Energy Saving technology and design. Cut-ting edge technology creates great potential for decreasing theenergy consumption of railway vehicles. The seminar presentstechnical solutions and design for energy-saving trains/vehicles.Lecturer: Johan PalmExhibitor/host company: Bombardier TransportationStand: B02:50US9: tUeSday 8 OctOber 11.00–11.40Outstanding propulsion and control system integrationcreates superior train reliabilityBombardier presents how smooth integration of the drive trainwith the complete train control system and the on-board subsystems can work with the customer’s maintenance manage-ment system to deliver excellent train reliability and availability.Lecturer: Magnus JonassonExhibitor/host company: Bombardier TransportationStand: B02:50US12: tUeSday 8 OctOber 16.45–17.25Simulation used for training, validation, design andoptimizationUS18: tUeSday 8 OctOber 16.45–17.25Products from Skoda for the Swedish andScandinavian marketModern trams 15 T ForCity, that you can see in Riga, are easilyable to withstand temperature differences + / - 40oC. ŠKODAalso produces electric double-deck unit type 675, which todaycarries passengers on the main railway lines in Ukraine. Dur-ing the European football championships in Ukraine this year,ŠKODA vehicle proved to be an ecological, useful, rapid andoperative transport vehicle. ŠKODA VAGONKA a.s. etablisheditself also on the Finnish market. In 2004, ŠKODA developed,produced and delivered four axle diesel railcars for challengingclimate conditions in central Finland.Lecturer: Tetr ŠrámekExhibitor/host company: Škoda TransportationStand: B07:1005
Simulation systems are used routinely for the training andcompetence management of control room staff on UK railways.High fidelity systems that emulate the interlocking and controlsystems can also be used to validate infrastructure and opera-tional change prior to implementation. This presentation reviewshow such systems are being used to increase operationalreliability, reduce project risk and enhance railway capacity.Lecturer: Tim GrayExhibitor/inviting company: MSE Weibull, TRE. Stand: B05:98US15: tUeSday 8 OctOber 16.45–17.25Effective and efficient Risk analysisIn order to facilitate effective and efficient risk analyses, COWIhas developed a methodology that systematically exploits reuseof results between projects. This methodology is based on thefact that the similarities between railway projects greatly out-number the differences. This lecture presents COWIs approach,theoretically as well as through experiences from real projects.Lecturer: Rune WintherExhibitor/host company: COWI. Stand: B06:50
EXHIBITOR SEMINARSUS2: tUeSday 8 OctOber 10.00–10.40Electromagnetic interference from different AC railwayfeeding systemsThe mitigation of electromagnetic interference from AC railwayfeeding systems is mostly discussed from two aspects:• Reduction of the emission by means of return conductors,booster transformers and autotransformers.• Immunization of trackside equipment against EMI.These aspects will be considered shortly, but the main
WedneSday 9 OctOberKEY SEMINAR 2, 13.00–14.30
MARKEt OPENING INtHE NORDIC REGION– AND EUIn Sweden railway services are completely open to com-petition. Deregulation in other Nordic countries has notgone so far, particularly when it comes to passenger traf-fic. Denmark and Finland are now both facing a more openmarket for rail services. According to the European Com-mission’s proposed Fourth Railway Package, all nationalpassenger traffic markets must be open to competition by2020.The Commission would also like to see a complete sepa-ration between infrastructure managers and operators asa main principle. There are strong trends in the oppositedirection. France, for example, has plans to integrate theinfrastructure manager and national rail operator SNCF.What does the future hold for the railway market? Howcan a system with a lot of operators be made as uncompli-cated as possible, for example when it comes to approvingvehicles?
tHE FOURtH RAILWAY PACKAGEKeir Fitch, DG Move, Cabinet of Vice President Siim Kallas, European Commissionerfor TransportDEREGULAtION OF tHE SWEDISH RAILWAY FROM AN EU PERSPECtIVEThe deregulation and re-regulation of the Swedish railway has been under way for 25 years. Inrecent years the focus has been on opening the whole network to competition, with full effect fromthe end of 2011. There have also been organisational changes, such as the formation of the Swed-ish Transport Administration. Furthermore, several changes in regulations have been brought aboutby EU rules and directives. This talk gives a historical overview and description of the currentsituation with potential areas for improvement, based on the ongoing government report into theorganisation of the railway.Gunnar Alexandersson, Doctor of Economics, Report into the organisation of the railwaySWEDEN’S PUbLIC tRANSPORt ACt AND COMPEtItIONCommercial traffic is both a winner and a loser in Sweden’s new Public Transport Act. The maingain is that they can run commercial intra-regional services. The main loss is that the regions getto run inter-regional traffic services. These services have knocked out commercial rail servicesalong the West Coast trunk line. The major dilemma for commercial railway companies is that theyare both competing with and providing subsidised services. On the Stockholm-Uppsala route, forexample, SJ is competing with itself as the company runs subsidisedcommuter trains and commercial rail services.Staffan Hultén, Associate Professor, StockholmSchool of EconomicsModerator:Anders Karlsson, TRAFIKFORUM/Transport Logistik iDag magazines
The key seminarswill be held inSwedish withinterpretationinto English.
Keir Fitch6
Staffan Hultén
Anders Karlsson
EXHIBITOR SEMINARSUS25: WedneSday 9 OctOber 9.00–9.40Trackbed Evaluation: Optimising Maintenanceand RenewalsThe quality of track, continued track component performanceand subsequent maintenance are highly dependent upontrackbed condition. This is well recognised in the internationalrailway industry with trackbed performance seen as a keyfactor in the deterioration and whole life cost of railway tracks,and ultimately safety of the line at high speeds. The presenta-tion explains how URS uses a range of novel investigationand asset management techniques to develop bespokemaintenance and renewal programmes for sections of railinfrastructure. Regular condition surveys together with ap-propriately timed and designed interventions help to optimiseplanned maintenance and minimise the need for unforeseenrepairs. The financial, management and safety benefits of thisapproach, which is suitable for public or privately owned in-frastructure, are substantial. The approach called ”Total RouteEvaluation” can be applied to ongoing programmes of sitespecific renewals to major route/network upgrades.Lecturer: Matthew BroughExhibitor/inviting company: URS Infrastructure & EnvironmentUK LimitedStand: B09:24US26: WedneSday 9 OctOber 10.00–10.40Total Cost of OwnershipThe balance between remediation and prevention is a classicproblem in the maintenance work. This seminar describeshow this affects the total cost.Lecturer: Lars-Ove Mogren, Bombardier Transportation Stock-holm, Poul Schram, Bombardier Transportation CopenhagenExhibitor/host company: Bombardier TransportationStand: B02:50US34: WedneSday 9 OctOber 14.45–15.25Optimized track and switch grinding withoutpossession timeFor centuries rail grinding has been time consuming andtroublesome to plan and execute due to expensive and inflex-ible track possession times, often resulting in MaintenanceUS32: WedneSday 9 OctOber 15.45–16.25MIRF (Mobile Intelligent Routing Framework)The MIRF software is a full-stack framework that helps cus-tomers develop multiple-WAN routing application on wirelesscomputers. Faster, Easier, and Shortens Customer Develop-ment Time and Simplified Coding.Lecturer: Matthias Laubner, MoxaExhibitor/host company: Cat ABStand: B03:11US36: WedneSday 9 OctOber 16.45–17.25The TRAXX – locomotives, experiences and futuredevelopmentExperiences of service with TRAXX locomotives on the Nordicmarked will be presented. Also future development of theTRAXX locomotives such as diesel locomotives and dualmode locomotives will be presented.Lecturer: Mattias NemitzExhibitor/inviting company: Bombardier Transportation ZürichStand: B02:507
US30: WedneSday 9 OctOber 16.45–17.25Truly Uninterupted Train-to-Ground CommunicationA data communication system (DCS) for railway applicationsprovidees both ground-based an onboard applications witha solution for exchanging information where and when it´sneeded, irrespective of the position of the train. The usualDCS arhitecture for railway applications is an intergratedEthernet-IP network that includes a wired backbone net-work, wireless wayside network, and onboard network, withthe onboard network handling communications between allcommunication-based train controller (CBTC) sub-systems.A CBTC must be protected by a robust security system andrequires contenuos communication in curcumstances whereroaming is an unavoidable reality and occurs at very highspeeds.For this reason, fast secure roaming and completeredundancy for a DCS are fundamental requirements forachieving smooth CBTC operation.Lecturer: Axel Luedecke, MoxaExhibitor/host company: Cat ABStand: B03:11
Managers being one step behind the development of rollingcontact fatigues. But, thankfully, times are changing. For sometime now Vossloh Rail Services offers revolutionary preventiveand corrective grinding methods for both switches and tracksproviding grinding not only in sync with the timetable but alsoat a very high level of quality. With flexible hand held units allwear parts in the switches can be ground, if necessary, incombination with qualified repair welding. The track is naturallyground with a superior grinding quality by means of HighSpeed Grinding in speeds up to 80km/h resulting in a dramati-cally increased rail life cycle and an acoustically optimized rail.Lecturer: Konstantin von DiestMarcel TaubertExhibitor/host company: Vossloh Rail ServicesStand: B06:20US35: WedneSday 9 OctOber 15.45–16.25How do our future trams better meet the needs ofpassengers?Bombardier provide an industry outlook on the developmentof future trams. The outlook is based on how best to meetpassenger’s needs both in terms of demographic changesand passengers’ preferences.Lecturer: Gotthard SingerExhibitor/host company: Bombardier Transportation WiennaStand: B02:50
tHUrSday 10 OctOberKEY SEMINAR 3, 13.00–14.30
FROM tRAIN CHAOStO tRAIN ORDER ANDA RObUSt RAILWAYTrain delays have major consequences. People’s days arethrown into disarray, companies’ supply chains are brokenand products do not reach customers just in time.The media often depict Sweden’s train system as being inconstant chaos. Yet Swedish Transport Administration sta-tistics show that punctuality is improving and 97% of all pas-senger trains and 83% of all freight trains were delayed by amaximum of 15 minutes last year.So how bad really are things on the Swedish railways? Arethey as bad as the headlines claim? And above all – when willthe railway be considered equally reliable as road transport?
tRANSPORt ANALYSIS – FROM tRAIN CHAOS tO tRAIN ORDERIs the so-called train chaos a genuine problem or a media construction? The Transport Analy-sis organisation provides decision-makers with relevant information; the starting point is thetransport policy goal to provide long-term sustainable transport which is efficient in terms ofpublic finances. Transport Analysis introduces this key seminar by giving an idea of the extentof train delays in different parts of Sweden.Fredrik Lindberg, Statistician, Transport AnalysistRAIN CHAOS – MYtH OR REALItY?Signal faults, overhead line faults, a bag at a station, short circuits, missing train drivers andso on. A simple fault in a large system and everything falls apart? How can a simple fault haverepercussions across the whole country? Commuters pay with time and society with moneywhen transport services come to a halt. Are the problems really that big, or do other factorscome into play? They are counted in costs to society, time and falling passenger numbers,but is this the actual reality, and what can be done to address the problems?Alex Landex, Lecturer, Technical University of Denmark, Department of TransportVULNERAbILItY IN tHE SWEDEN-DENMARK-CONtINENt CORRIDORHow important parts of Sweden’s trade and industry are affected by a derailment in Denmark.Mats Erkén, Managing Director, ScandFibre Logistics ABVULNERAbILItY IN tHE FREIGHt tRANSPORt SYStEMMats Nyblom, Managing Director, Hector RailVULNERAbILItY IN tHE PASSENGERtRANSPORt SYStEMJonas Skovgaard, Head of SJ Traffic Management, SJ ABPANEL DEbAtE
Photo: Peter Nørby
Concluding discussion with the lecturers and Morgan Rehn,Head of Unit Swedish Transport AdministrationModerator:Ingemar Lundin, Senior Consultant, IlunakonsultMats ErkénMats NyblomJonasSkovgaardIngemar Lundin
The key seminarswill be held inSwedish withinterpretationinto English.
Alex Landex
TRADE SEMINARStHEME: SAFEtY AND SECURItYFS43: tHUrSday 10 OctOber 9.00–9.40Train Passenger SafetyTo attract a broad group of passenger, the comfort of beingsafe onboard the train is an essential factor. In this seminar aresearcher and an industrial designer describe how the traininterior should be designed to obtain passenger comfort froma passenger safety perspective.Lecturer:Olle Lundberg, Lundberg DesignMatthias Marggraf, Bombardier TransportationGermanyFS44: tHUrSday 10 OctOber 10.00–10.40Active and passive safety for LRVSafety for LRV passengers concerns people outside and insidethe vehicles. Many cities determine their public transport deci-sion on how well the public traffic can be integrated in the cities.The seminar touches base on how good internal and exter-nal technical design and equipment safeguard all citizens.Lecturer:Matias Cindric, IndustrialDesignGotthard Singer, Bombardier ViennaFS45: tHUrSday 10 OctOber 11.00–11.40From forensics to real-time surveillanceThe transportation sector is fairly unique in its complexity.Incidents happen throughout the disparate areas of a transitsystem all of the time. Whereas analog CCTV was essentiallyseen as an investigative tool (used after the event), ongoingdevelopments in network video technology mean that cam-eras now play a crucial role in the prevention and reductionof the effects of incidents as well as increasingly becomingeffective business and operational tools.Lecturer:David Thomasson, Axis Communications UK Ltd
EXHIBITOR SEMINARSUS42: tHUrSday 10 OctOber 11.00–11.40State-of-the-art ultrasonic inspection systems for wheelset components and railsWheels and axles of trains are exposed to high dynamic stresswhich may result in cracks and other damage and eventu-ally lead to a higher risk of accidents. Early detection makesit possible to trace minor deficiencies, while improving safetyand raising long-term cost efficiency.As established market leader for automated ultrasonic test-ing systems, NDT Systems and Fraunhofer IZFP has becomea player in the railroad market with a comprehensive range ofinnovative products for rails, railroad wheels, wheel sets andaxle inspection.These automated ultrasonic inspection systems inspectwheels and axles in the maintenance and production process.High flexibility, easy integration in maintenance revision cycles,short testing times, easy data analysis as well as quick andcomplete readout of results are the prime features of ourproducts.Lecturer: Wolfgang Kappes, Fraunhofer IZFPAndreas Knam, NDT System & ServicesExhibitor/host company: BL ConsultStand: B05:21US44: tHUrSday 10 OctOber 10.00–10.40Ensuring ERTMS development in the Nordic countriesThe roll-out of the re-signalling of the entire Danish railwaynetwork is on its way. Norway is heading in the same directionand large projects are also in planning in Sweden.Alstom have equipped a large part of the signalling systems inEurope with safe and effective onboard and trackside ERTMSsignalling solutions.Alstom will present the Danish re-signalling project and howthis and other European experiences can be applied to theNordic environment.Lecturer: Christian Algreen UssingExhibitor/host company: AlstomStand: B03:68
yhotepart!WelcometOThis year will be the tenth anniversaryfor Elmia Nordic Rail, and we’recelebrating with gold, glitz and glamour.n Wednesday October 9th we are settingthe stage for the Nordic Rail Gala Dinnerat Elmia – an evening with firstclass food,tWE AR E NO ItIONALADH E tRHOLDING t U FFEt tH IS Y E ARR AIL bNOR DICb Ut A
Men uInG drInKS ta r t e r
entertainment and music. The hostess for the evening isSarah Dawn Finer, who will not only be performingherself, but will have the pleasure of introducing theartists Jessica Andersson and Magnus Carlsson.Order ticketsOrder tickets don’t delay.The venue has a maximum capacity of 1,600(compared to the 2,400 tickets sold for theNordic Rail Buffet at the previous fair).Tickets cost SEK 595 if you have purchased aConference Package. The Gala Dinner ticketalone costs SEK 1,250 (exc. VAT).O C tO b E R9tH!
Seared Salmo
n Shichimi Togarashi with soy mayonnaiseSaint-Jacques,and Scallopwith horseradish-spiced cucumb erand crisp whiteradish.Wine: ClassicRiesling, PeterLehmann Wines, Australia
19.30W E LC O M E
MaIn cOUrSechicken from Tocka Gård withsausage. Chesage cockerelrr y grav y withpotato terrine(‘priest’s cheeand prästostse’), topped with fresh herbs(artichoke heaand a vegetabrt, parsley rootle garnishpurée, tomato, carrot and greWine: Suri Baen asparagus)rbera D’asti, P.iedmont, ItalyMinced springdeSSertde Venise, Fraberr y frappe ancend meringues.
Chocolate mo
Wine: Beaume10
usse with rasp
IMPORtANt INFORMAtION!CONFERENCE PRICESPre-ordered tickets may be collected when registering atElmia. Prices exclude VAT.conference SeK 2,500Gala dinner ticket with conference package SeK 595Gala dinner ticket alone SeK 1,250Matchmaking 9–10 October SeK 2,250Includes participation in the matchmaking event, lunch andafternoon coffee on the Wednesday, one ticket to the GalaDinner, morning coffee and lunch on the Thursday.
CANCELLAtIONIn the event of cancellation by 5 September 2013, 40% ofthe fee will be charged. In the event of cancellation after 5September 2013, the whole fee will be charged. Registrationmay be transferred to another person in the same company/organisation.
conference premises and technologyAnnika Pettersson, phone +46 36 15 21 37e-mail: [email protected]Project ManagerJörgen Nyström, phone +46 36 15 22 30e-mail: [email protected]
HOtEL ACCOMMODAtION AND tRAVELBook accommodation and travel in plenty of time! DestinationJönköping will help you with your accommodation and travelarrangements. Make your bookings at: destinationjonkoping.seor by phone on +46 36 10 71 71.
tRADE FAIR OPENING tIMES (CEt)Tuesday 09.00–17.30Wednesday 09.00–17.30Thursday 09.00–16.00
CONtACtAdmission to the fairAdmission free to anyone who works in the industry and to any-one with an entry card. Other visitors pay SEK 200 including VAT.Price includes admission to the fair and all exhibitor seminars.exhibitor seminars and Functional Foodconference programme and speakersUlrica Widegren, phone +46 36 15 23 41e-mail: [email protected]
RegistrationPlease register is binding. Participants may registeruntil the start of the programme, depending on availability.Await confirmation from Elmia. Conference fees are paid byinvoice.
What do you think about the programme?What questions would you like toaskthe speakers? • ab, box 6066, Se-550 06 Jönköping, Sweden • Phone: +46 36 15 20 00
Mediaspjuth 135-5414