Transportudvalget 2012-13
TRU Alm.del Bilag 238
Emne: Den Danske Banekonference 2013 | The Danish Railway Conference 2013
Kære Jernbanekollega,(For English, please see below)Tilmeldingsfristen for Den Danske Banekonference nærmer sig – tirsdag den 30. april er sidste frist forrettidig tilmelding.Allerede nu er der omkring 350 tilmeldte til Den Danske Banekonference, der afholdes tirsdag den 21.maj 2013. Titlen for dette års konference er ”Jernbanens Udfordringer”, og BaneBranchen afholder i årkonferencen i samarbejde med CenSec, Danish Railway Group, DI Transport, JETRA, NJS og TØF.DanishKonferencen vil igen i år have 7 parallelle sessioner – heraf 3 på engelsk.Med over 350 jernbaneprofessionelle deltagere i konferencen, et spændende fagligt program, et stortudstillingsområde, Network lounge og netværksmiddag er konferencen stedet, hvor branchen mødes tilungefaglige diskussioner og networking.Se mere om konferencen og programmet på,hvor du også kan tilmelde dig.,Vi glæder os til at se dig den 21. maj til faglige diskussioner og networking!Med venlig hilsenBaneBranchenPS: DTU Transport har ledige stillinger indenfor Baneuddannelsen der støttes af BaneBranchen. Semere på
Dear Railway Colleague,The registration deadline for the Danish Rail Conference is approaching – last day for timely registrationis Tuesday April 30, 2013.Around 350 railway professionals have already registered for the Danish Rail Conference, which is heldon Tuesday May 21, 2013. This year The Danish Rail Sector Association (BaneBranchen) hosts theSectorconference in cooperation with CenSec, Danish Railway Group, DI Transport, JETRA, NJS and TØF.The theme of this year’s conference is “Challenges of the Railway” and there will be 7 parallel sessions– of which 3 are held in English.reWith an interesting programme as well as exhibition area, Network Lounge and Network Dinner and withmore than 350 railway professionals attending the conference, the conference is the place where therailway sector meets for discussion and networking.discussionsSee more about the conference and the programme atwww.railconference.dkwhere you also can
register for the conference.We are looking forward to meeting you at the conference for discussions and networking!Best regardsThe Danish Rail Sector AssociationPS: Technical University of Denmark has vacancies within the railway education supported by theDanish Rail Sector Association. See more
�2013 BaneBranchen |
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