Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2012-13
SUU Alm.del Bilag 411
( As of Jul 2013)
PERSONAL HISTORYMr. Jun MATSUMOTOBirth: 11 Apr 1950, Yoko hama CityMember, House of RepresentativesElected 5 Times / Kanagawa 1st DistrictParty Affiliation: Liberal Democratic Party(LDP)Education: School of Pharma cy, Tokyo University ofPharmacy and Life SciencesPharmacist
Present Posts:House:Chairman, Standi ng Committee on Health, Labour and Welfa re
Past Posts:House:Director, Standing Committee on Health, Labour and WelfareDirector, Standing Committee on Rules and Administ rationDirector, Standing Committee on CabinetAdministration:200820052003Deputy Chief Cabinet SecretaryParliamentary Secretary o f Inte rnal Affairs andCommunicationsParliamentary Secreta ry of Public Management, HomeAffairs, Post s and Telecommunications
Party:Deputy Secreta ry GeneralDeputy Chairman, Diet Affairs Com mitteeDeputy Chairma n, Resea rch Com mission on Social SecuritySystemActing Chairman, Medical Ca re Co mmittee
President, Matsumoto Pharmacy