Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2012-13
SUU Alm.del Bilag 389
16th European Health Forum Gastein | 2nd to 4th October 2013
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16thEuropean Health Forum Gastein
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Resilient and Innovative Health Systems for Europefrom 2ndto 4thOctober 2013in Bad Hofgastein, Austria
2nd programme announcement
We have the great pleasure to announcethis year's keynote speech:download the PDF version
How to Use Innovationon the Way to RecoverybyUwe E Reinhardt,Professor of Political Economy,,Princeton University, USA
Find out more about thisyear's exciting speakers andinteresting sessions!
High-level speakers include also:level
Alois Stöger,Minister of Health, Austria,
Tonio Borg,EU Commissioner for HealthZsuzsanna Jakab,Regional Director, WHO EuropePaola Testori Coggi,Director, Director-General, DG Health andConsumers of the European Commission
We look forward to welcoming you to our event in the GasteinValley in October and to sharing a few days of fruitful exchangeand networking.
Kind regards,
Dorli Kahr-GottliebSecretary General,International Forum Gastein
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