Socialudvalget 2012-13
SOU Alm.del Bilag 333
Visit toATR (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International), 4thSeptember 2013
1) Visiting ATR and obtain knowledge of advanced teleoperated androids for elderlypeople.2) Discuss and exchange information about issues and challenges for expanding use of newtechnologies in welfare system.1. Teleoperated androids: Telenoid R1Telenoid R1 was made as a minimal design of human being, in other words, a robot that canlook like any human. ATR are currently investigating the effectiveness of using Telenoid R1 toproject human presence. Also they are considering its applications as a remote tool of humanmental support in places such as elderly house or home care,
2. ATR is investment project of Invest in Denmark.ATR decided to participate in the project of Patient@home (Innovative Welfare Technologyfor the 21st Century) and signed the agreement with the Region of Southern Denmark in 2012.ATR and the Region of Southern Denmark will develop welfare technology using Telenoid R1to support elderly people and improve service level of elderly care system using innovativetechnologies. The project was registered as strategic alliance project in Invest in Denmark.ProcessLanguage: English/Japanese
Background informationCompany overviewATR is a private company supported by public funds. It was founded 1986 with the support ofpartners from industry, academia and government, aiming to promote basic and creativeresearch activities in telecommunications and to contribute to society. ATR constantly pursueresearch and development to contribute to a wide variety of welfare of society and humanity byoutstanding achievements, and to develop highly-professional human resources.