Skatteudvalget 2012-13
SAU Alm.del Bilag 222
Fra:Dorthe Andersen Maurel [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:31. maj 2013 13:11Til:Folketingets Oplysning; Gro Iversen; Morten Villumsen; Britt Thøgersen; Jesper Thinghuus; LizaChristensen; Jette Nedergaard; Amalie B. AndresenCc:Asser Rasmussen Berling; Poul Erik Dam Kristensen; Frode Neergaard; Steen Ryd Larsen; Laura HøeghPoulsen; Dyveke Vestergaard Johansen; Hanne Genborg Reyt; Dorthe Andersen MaurelEmne:OECD High-level Parliamentary Seminar, Stockholm, 17. - 18. juni 2013Som opfølgning på nedenstående sendes hermed en venlig påmindelse om det kommendeOECD højniveau parlamentsseminar med særligt fokus på inklusiv vækst og den nordiskemodel, som holdes i Stockholm den 17.-18. juni 2013.Foreløbigt program vedhæftes og der kan findes yderligere informationer på
OECD anmoder om, at eventuel bekræftelse om deltagelse sendes snarest muligt til MsJennifer Bisping, [email protected]; tlf. +33 (0) 1 45 24 93 26 eller Ms Silvia Terrón,[email protected]; tlf. +33 (0) 1 45 24 95 72.Med venlig hilsenOECD-delegationen / Dorthe Maurel_______________________________________________________DORTHE MAUREL-ANDERSEN /[email protected]ASSISTANTDIRECT +33 1 4431 2157PERMANENT DELEGATION OF DENMARK TO THE OECDDÉLÉGATION DE DANEMARK AUPRÈS DE L'OCDE / 77 AVENUE MARCEAU / 75116 PARISPHONE +33 1 4431 2150 /WWW.OECD.UM.DK
From:Frode NeergaardSent:30 April 2013 18:02To:[email protected]; [email protected];Morten Villumsen; Britt Thøgersen ([email protected]);[email protected]; [email protected];Jette NedergaardCc:Asser Rasmussen Berling; Steen Ryd Larsen; Laura Høegh Poulsen; Dyveke Vestergaard Johansen;Dorthe Andersen Maurel; Hanne Genborg ReytSubject:OECD High-level Parliamentary Seminar, Stockholm, 17.-18. juni 2013Hermed fremsendes til underretning og videre foranstaltning program og meddelelse om afholdelse af detårlige OECD High-level Parliamentary Seminar, d. 17.-18. juni – denne gang i Stockholm med temaet:Lessons from the Nordic Model.For yderligere information om seminaret henvises til de i nedenstående email indeholdte kontaktoplysninger.Venlig hilsen,OECD-delegationenFrom:[email protected][mailto:[email protected]]Sent:30 April 2013 15:09To:[email protected]Cc:[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]
Subject:OECD High-Level Parliamentary Seminar, 17-18 June 2013 - Séminaire parlementaire de hautniveau de l'OCDE, 17-18 juin 2013
(texte en fran§ais ci-dessous)Dear Ambassador,We would like to call your attention to the next

OECD High-level Parliamentary Seminar,

which will take placeon

Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 June 2013.

Thanks to the kind offer of the Swedish Parliament the seminarwill be held in


As you are aware, in addition to our regular seminars in Paris, last year we started tohold an annual High-Level Parliamentary Seminar ‘on the road’ in a Member country, with the first of suchseminars held in Chile in March 2012.This High-Level Parliamentary Seminar on “From

Economic Turbulence to Inclusive Growth: Lessons from

the Nordic Model?”

will be held at Swedish Parliament. It will offer an opportunity for parliamentarians toexchange views with their peers and OECD experts on a range of key issues, with, on the one hand, a specificfocus on inclusive growth and the Nordic model and, on the other hand, on how parliaments can learn fromexperts and independent sources. The Secretary-General as well as the Swedish Minister of Financial MarketsMr. Peter Norman are likely to speak at the seminar.Please find attached a draft programme, which is also available on the OECD website( would be very grateful if you could share this information with parliamentary representatives from yourcountry who might be interested in attending.Looking further ahead, the following

High-Level Parliamentary Seminar in Paris

will take place


Wednesday 2 October 2013.

Please note that this seminar will be held the day after the

enlarged annual


on the activities of the OECD of the

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly,

which will be heldon

October 1 in Strasbourg.

The two events will be held back-to-back to facilitate parliamentary participationin both. The programme of the seminar is currently under preparation. We will share more details closer to thedate.For more information on the OECD Parliamentary Network and for an updated list of OECD events withparliamentarians, please refer to ( you have any queries your office may wish to contact Jennifer Bisping, Deputy Head of Public Affairs[[email protected]; Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 24 93 26] and Silvia Terrón [[email protected]; Tel: +33 (0) 145 24 95 72].Thank you in advance for your collaboration.