Retsudvalget 2012-13
REU Alm.del Bilag 67
Til Folketingets RetsudvalgINVITATIONConference on International Criminal Law: The Rome Statute - Ten Years After and AheadRegistration form:
Conference participation is free of charge, but registration is necessary.Programme:
Wednesday 14 November 15.15-16.15The Ceremonial Hall/Festsalen, University of Copenhagen, Main Building, Frue PladsHonorary lecture: "THE ICC AT TEN "Key note speaker: Professor of International Law, William A. Schabas, Middlesex University, LondonThursday 15 November 2012Udvalgsværelse 3, Nørregade 10, University of Copenhagen09.00-10.45Session 1 - APPRAISING THE WORK OF THE ICC IN ITS FIRST DECADE: CHALLENGES AND WAYS FORWARDSpeakers:Judge Daniel Nsereko, Appeals Chamber of the Special Tribunal for LebanonAssistant Professor, PhD Iryna Marchuk, Research Centre for International Law and Justice, CILJ11.00-12.30Session 2 - LIBYA, KENYA AND BEYOND: THE CHALLENGES OF THE ICC'S COMPLEMENTARITY PRINCIPLESpeakers:Dr Mohamed M. El Zeidy, Legal Officer for Pre-Trial Chamber II, ICCAssistant Professor, PhD Martin Mennecke, Research Centre for International Law and Justice, CILJ14.00-15.30Session 3 - NATIONAL PROSECUTIONS OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMES: LESSONS LEARNEDSpeakers:Professor, Associate Judge of Appeals Håkan Friman, SwedenChief Public Prosecutor Siri Frigaard, National Authority for Prosecution of Organized and other SeriousCrime, NorwayDirector Geraldine Mattioli-Zeltner, Human Rights Watch, International Justice Program15.30-16.00Conclusion of the conference by Professor William A. SchabasThe International Criminal Court(ICC) is the first permanent, treaty based, international criminalcourt established to help end impunity for the perpetrators of the most serious crimes of concern to theinternational community.In 1998, an historic milestone was reached when 120 States adopted the Rome Statute, the legal basisfor establishing the ICC on the basis of common definitions of genocide, crimes against humanity and warcrimes.Ten years ago, on 1 July 2002, the ICC opened its doors. Today it is supported by 121 States Parties,with 15 individual cases, seven ongoing investigations in country situations and 12 outstanding arrestwarrants.The conference is held to mark the Court's tenth anniversary. The event will give practitioners andacademics a unique opportunity to discuss results accomplished and challenges to be addressed. The listof speakers include prominent international experts.
Best regards, Jørn Vestergaard

Jørn Vestergaard

Professor of Criminal Law

Faculty of Law

University of CopenhagenSankt Peders Str. 191453 København KTEL +45 21 60 26 80MOB +45 21 60 26 80http://[email protected]