Retsudvalget 2012-13
REU Alm.del Bilag 375
Fra:HuangLi<[email protected]>Dato:1.jul.201314.13.42CESTTil:MadsThelander<[email protected]>Emne: visit from ChinaDear Mads Thelander,The Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee of National People’s Congress of China is planning to visit Denmarkand exchange views on the establishment, function and reform of judicial system with their counterpart here inthe first half of this coming October.We are wondering whether the Legal Affairs Committee of the Danish Parliament would be interested andhappy to invite and meet with the delegation.I have talked about this with MP Mr.Karsten Lauritzen and he suggests that we should contact you.Thus, I am writing to see whether it is possible for your committee to issue an invitation letter to this delegationand meet with them in the above-mentioned time.If you agree, we will provide the name list, exact date of visit and other relevant information later for you toissue the invitation letter.Thanks in advance for your kind assistance.Best regards.Huang Li(黄黎)Third SecretaryPolitical SectionChinese Embassy in DenmarkAddress: Oeregaards Alle 25, DK-2900 HellerupTel: 0045-39616102Mobile: 0045-28333899Fax: 0045-39460852
Fra:bilateral[mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:9.juli201316:42Til:MadsThelanderEmne:from the Chinese EmbassyDear Mads Thelander,This is Mia Zou from the Political Section of the Chinese Embassy. I allow myself to contact youregarding a Chinese delegation from the Law Committe of the National People's Congress. Thedelegation plans to visit Denmark in September and they would like to book a meeting with theDanish Legal Affairs Committee of the Parliament and have some exchanges of views onlegislation issues such as legislative mechanism and legislative procedures.I know that we have another delegation from the Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee ofNational People's Congress which will visit Denmark in October. But since they have differentfocus and purpose of the visit, and it seems that your committee is the best counterpart of theboth Chinese committees, so I'm wondering if it's possible for your committee to invite both ofthe delegations and meet with them respectively?Please feel free to contact me if there is any question. Many thanks in advance!Best regards,Mia Zou2013-07-09Ms.ZouXiaomo(MiaZou)ThirdSecretaryPoliticalSectionChineseEmbassyinDenmarkTEL: 0045-39616103Dear Mads Thelander,This is Mia Zou from the Political Section of the Chinese Embassy. Referring to my previousemail dated July 9, I would like to discuss with you again regarding the two Chinesedelegations, both from the National People's Congress. I just got the notice from China thatthe delegation from the Internal and Judicial Committee has to postpone their visit fromOctober to early November, while the delegation from the Law Committee still plans to visitDenmark in September. We will highly appreciate if your committee could be able to receivethe both delegations if your programme allows. But if you have some difficulties with thearrangement we will totally understand, and in this case please inform us as early as possible,so that we could ask our colleagues in China to make relevent changes.Thank you very much and looking forward to your reply!Best regards,Mia Zou2013-07-23Ms. Zou Xiaomo (Mia Zou)Third SecretaryPolitical SectionChinese Embassy in DenmarkTEL: 0045-39616103