Retsudvalget 2012-13
REU Alm.del Bilag 373
Fra:BOSCHI ORLANDINI Federico [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:16. juli 2013 17:28Emne:invitation to national Parliaments to send their contributions to Mr Diaz de Mera, rapporteur on theEUROPOL proposal
Dear Colleagues,Following up on the debate on the Europol proposal which recently took place at the latestLIBE/JURI interparliamentary committee meeting on 20 June, and after having had an exchange of viewswith the LIBE secretariat, I am pleased to inform you that your respective Chambers are welcome to send tothe rapporteur on the Europol proposal, Mr DIAZ DE MERA, contributions focusing on the aspect concerningthe joint parliamentary scrutiny of the activities of Europol.The contributions should be sent by Tuesday, 10 September, directly to Mr DIAZ DE MERA's EP emailaddress, with his assistants (Mr Canovas Montoya and Ms Espegel Betegon) and the LIBESecretariat general address and myself in copy.The comments contained in the contributions could provide the rapporteur with useful elements to take intoconsideration in view of the deadline for tabling amendments to the draft report, which is scheduled, aspreviously announced, on 19 September.Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.Kindest regards,


EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTDirectorate for Relations with National ParliamentsLegislative Dialogue UnitAdministrator+32 2 28 41529[email protected]