Retsudvalget 2012-13
REU Alm.del Bilag 184
4 February 2013
Invitation to participation in a Regional Seminar on Timeliness

Re Regional Seminaron Timeliness for Baltic and Nordic countries in Warsaw, 22-23 April


In 2011 ENCJ published a Report on Timeliness. The report deals with the problems connectedwith delayed judgements and backlogs. These problems are in most European countries a majorthreat to effective access to justice and thus to the rule of law. The report examines the hindrancesreportto timely judgements and the remedies that may be used to overcome the hindrances. Securingtimeliness in the judiciary is a tas that requires the joint effort of all stakeholders, not only courts,skadvocates, and prosecutors, but also councils for the judiciary, court administrations, and politiciansin governments and parliaments. The report concludes in a set of best practices, recommended byENCJ. The report is published at the ENCJwebsite: a view to increase awareness of the problem, to deepen the understanding of ccauses andremedies, and to discuss the recommendations and the cooperation between stakeholders, and thusto further the implementation of the recommendations ENCJ has decided to organize Seminars onTimeliness inviting representatives of all stakeholders. It has been decided that the seminars shouldbe organised at a regional level with participants from countries within a region with comparableculture and legal traditions. On such Regional Seminars the participants may approach the problemsin a more concrete and operational manner. A Regional Seminar on Timeliness for Baltic andcreteNordic countries will be held 22- April 2013. The National Council of the Judiciary of Poland-23has most generously offered to host the seminar in Warsaw.The participating countries comprise Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Denmark, Norway,triesSweden and Finland.The purposes of the seminar – focussing on solutions – will be
ENCJ Office, Avenue Louise 65 Brussels65-4,0032 2 535 1682/605[email protected]

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To increase awareness of the problem of timelinessTo deepen understanding of the causes and the remedies to the problemTo discuss recommendations on timeliness and the balancing with other qualityfeatures and independenceTo discuss the cooperation between stakeholders in improving timeliness
The participants invited from each countries will be representatives ofENCJ Members and ObserversJudges’ and Magistrates’ AssociationsProsecutors’ Associations or Central BodiesAdvocates’ AssociationsPoliticians (National Parliaments’ Committees for Justice)Ministries of JusticeThere will be submissions on relevant themes, please, see the enclosed program for the seminar.The seminar will include workshops with discussions in smaller groups on issues chosen and eachwith participation of the different groups of stakeholders, please, see the seminar program fordetails..In my capacity of coordinator for the project Iinvite you to participate in the seminar byrepresentatives from among your active members. I enclose a registration form to be sent ENCJ bymail. We kindly ask you to

register, if possible, before 18February 2013.

Please note thatimmediately after that date you will receive a confirmation of participation by mail and a list ofrecommended hotels in Warsaw.There is no fee for participating in the Seminar, but travel and accommodation costs shall be paidby the participants to the Seminar.
With kind regards
Niels Grubbe