OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2012-13
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 7
Special Representative
PA PresidentandPA Secretary General
PC Brief Week 47, 2012This week, there were meetings of the PC, the FSC, the PrepCom, the ACMF, the other commit-tees, the Contact Group with the Asian Partners for Cooperation, as well as a number of informalmeetings of the committees on draft texts for the Ministerial Council in Dublin. Roberto Montellapaid a visit to Turkey, accompanying President Migliori.The main event in the meeting of the Permanent Council was the welcoming extended to theOSCE’s 57thmember, former Asian Partner for Cooperation Mongolia. In a round of statements,Russia underlined that Mongolia’s access should not to be seen as a precedent. I referred to Pres-ident Migliori’s letter of welcome and the further steps that will be taken to integrate Mongolia alsointo the Parliamentary Assembly.On drafts for the Ministerial Council: There is still little progress. Closest to adoption are two deci-sions that acknowledge a number of decisions that the FSC took this year, and decisions of the PCon OSCE efforts to combat transnational crime (“TNT”). One of the major “TNT”-decisions, the oneon a consolidated OSCE framework for the fight against terrorism, however, needs to be made thisweek, in order to be included. There also still is a question mark regarding the very modest draft onconfidence building measures that could enhance Cyber Security.While slightly fewer amendments were proposed for the draft “Helsinki+40” Declaration, as op-posed to the draft Political Declaration, in which almost no sentence remained without proposalsfor amendments, delegations are still far apart. In addition to Azerbaijan that proposes differentlanguage for most paragraphs, and Russia that equally wishes to see a number of changes, theUS also proposed important changes, most notably to delete the paragraph that speaks about lackof confidence within the OSCE and a legacy of the past that needs to be overcome, and also theone on the need to further enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization, its legalframework and to introduce multi-year programming, all of which have been long-standing PA rec-ommendations. Some EU delegations very strongly opposed these deletions. The PA is also men-tioned as a contributor to the process.In the Human Dimension, it is very probable that the situation of the Vilnius MC will be repeated(no decisions in the 3rd dimension). The “Western” countries would like to see their proposalsadopted (Freedom of the Media, Freedom of Assembly and Association), whereas the countries ofthe CIS want their texts go through (Election Observation, Freedom of Movement, and Neo-Fascism), which so far has led to a deadlock. Even the only text that, as of now, regards a relative-ly non-controversial topic, the Chairmanship’s proposal for a draft decision on Racism and Xeno-phobia, is still far away from consensus.
Andreas NothelleAmbassadorNovember 27, 20121 of 1