OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2012-13
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 5
MINUTESSTANDING COMMITTEEOF THE OSCE PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLYTiranaSaturday 06 October 20122:00 p.m.1.Call to OrderThe meeting was called to order at 1:55 p.m. with Mr Riccardo MIGLIORI (Italy),President of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, in the Chair.2.Adoption of the AgendaThe draft agenda was adopted
Report by the President, Mr Riccardo Migliori (Italy)The PRESIDENT addressed the Standing Committee on his recent and futureactivities.
Report by the TreasurerMr Roberto BATTELLI (Slovenia) presented the Treasurer’s Report to the StandingCommittee. Mr BATTELLI informed the Standing Committee he would report on theaudit of the Assembly’s 20thfinancial year at the Bureau Meeting in Dublin onDecember 5, 2012, and to the Standing Committee in Vienna in February 2013.Speakers: Ms BARNETT (Germany)
Report by the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyMr Spencer OLIVER (Secretary General of the OSCE PA) presented his report. Thisincluded brief reports from Mr Neil SIMON (Director of Communications for theOSCE Parliamentary Assembly) and Ambassador Andreas NOTHELLE (SpecialRepresentative)Speakers: Mr SMALING (Netherlands), Ms POZUELO (Spain), Ms BARNETT(Germany), Mr GROSSRUCK (Austria), Mr MIGLIORI (President), AmbassadorZANNIER (OSCE Secretary General), Mr BATTELLI (Slovenia), Mr KANERVA(Finland), Ms EGERSZEGI-OBRIST (Switzerland)
Briefing by the OSCE Secretary General, Ambassador Lamberto Zannier, on theProposed OSCE Budget for 2013Ambassador ZANNIER (OSCE Secretary General) gave a presentation on theProposed OSCE Budget for 2013.Speakers: Mr KOSKINEN (Finland), Mr BLONDAL (Iceland), Mr MIGLIORI(President)
Reports and Information on Activities of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Election Observation Missions
Parliamentary Elections in Belarus (September 23, 2012)Ambassador NOTHELLE (Special Representative) reported to the StandingCommittee on this election observation mission.Parliamentary Elections in Georgia (October 1, 2012)Ms SCHOEN (Deputy Secretary of the OSCE PA) reported to the StandingCommittee on this mission.
Ad Hoc Committees
Ad Hoc Working Group on BelarusMs ZAPF (Germany) reported on the activities of the Ad Hoc Working Group onBelarus.
Ad Hoc Committee on Transparency and Accountability in the OSCEMr KOSKINEN (Finland) presented his report on the Ad Hoc Committee onTransparency and Accountability in the OSCE
Special Representatives
Special Representative on South CaucasusMr SOARES (Portugal) presented his report to the Standing Committee.Speakers: Mr GEGHAMYAN (Armenia)
Special Representative on the OSCE BudgetMr BLONDAL (Iceland) presented his report to the Standing Committee.
Special Representative on South East EuropeMr BATTELLI (Slovenia) presented his report to the Standing Committee.
Reports and Information on Future Activities of the OSCE ParliamentaryAssembly8.1Future Election Observation Missions
Ms SCHOEN (Deputy Secretary General of the OSCE PA) reported to the StandingCommittee on preparations for the following upcoming election observation missions:Parliamentary Elections in Montenegro (October 14, 2012)Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine (October 28, 2012)Presidential and Congressional Elections in the U.S.A. (November 6, 2012)Ms SCHOEN (Deputy Secretary General of the OSCE PA) also spoke about thepossible election observation mission toRomania (December 9, 2012).Speakers: Mr MIGLIORI (President), Mr NERI (France)
Future Meetings of the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyThe PRESIDENT advised that the Standing Committee had information on futuremeetings of the OSCE PA:-Meeting of theBureauon 5 December 2012 in Dublin, Ireland (in conjunctionwith the OSCE Ministerial Council on 6 and 7 December 2012).-Winter Meetingon 21 and 22 February 2013 in Vienna, Austria (meeting ofthe Standing Committee, joint and individual meetings of the three GeneralCommittees)-Meeting of theBureauin April 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark (exact dateTBC)-22


Annual Sessionfrom 29 June to 3 July 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey-Fall Meetings2013 (location and dates TBC)3
Any Other BusinessThe PRESIDENT introduced a Question of Urgency to the Standing Committee:Resolution onThe Developments of Turkish-Syrian Borderby Mr ONEN (Turkey)Mr ONEN (Turkey) presented the resolution to the Standing Committee.Speakers: Mr GEGHAMYAN (Armenia), Mr COMPAGNA (Italy), Mr NERI(France), Mr GROSSRUCK (Austria), Mr VORIDIS (Greece), Mr KOVALEV(Russian Federation), Mr MIGLIORI (President)Mr MONTELLA (Director of Presidential Administration) read out the resolution.Speakers: Mr GEGHAMYAN (Armenia)The Resolution was agreed on.
Close of MeetingThe PRESIDENT closed the meeting at 5:10 p.m.