OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2012-13
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 18
GENERAL INFORMATION22ndAnnual Sessionof the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
İstanbul, 29 June-3 July 2013
INFORMATION CONCERNING THE 22ndANNUAL SESSIONOF THE OSCE PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLYVENUE OF THE SESSIONCongress Center ‘’İstanbul Lütfi Kırdar Uluslararası Kongre ve Sergi Sarayı’’( Istanbul Lütfi Kirdar ICEC)Address:Gümüş Caddesi No:4, Harbiye ,34367 İstanbulTel.: + 90 212 373 11 00Fax: + 90 212 224 08 78http://www.icec.org/en/home_pageE-mail:[email protected]All meetings will be held at the CongressCenter ‘’İstanbul Lütfi KırdarICEC”. The Grand National Assembly ofTurkey will make all the arrangements for the Annual Session. For information please contact the staff listedbelow:
The Grand National Assembly of TurkeyMs. Saren Akseli and Mr. Cenk IleriTel: + 90 312 420 51 49Fax: + 90 312 420 67 56E-mail:[email protected]
International Secretariat of the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyMs. Odile Lelarge, Conference Co-ordinatorTordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., DenmarkTel: +45 33 37 80 34Fax: +45 33 37 80 30E-mail:[email protected]
HOTELS AND ACCOMMODATIONHotel reservation forms for the Annual Session are available inAnnex A.All reservations must be made bysending the hotel reservation form directly to the related hotel.A copy must also be sent to:Ms. Odile Lelarge at the International Secretariat of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly,by e-mail:[email protected]or by fax: (+45) 33 37 80 30 andMs. Didem Hasturk at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey,by e-mail:[email protected]or by fax: +90 312 420 67 56.Kindly note that all hotel reservation forms include 2 pages.We recommend that you send credit card information by fax and to the hotel only, to limit the risk of credit carddetails being intercepted over email.The International Secretariat and the Grand National Assembly of Turkey do not need a copy of credit cardinformation. We kindly ask you to send the International Secretariat and the Grand National Assembly of Turkeya copy of the first page of the booking form only or to hide/black out the credit card information.Secretaries of Delegation who wish to make group reservations must fill in a separate form for each participant.Reservations must be completed by 15 May 2013 at the latest.Reservation forms submitted later than 15May 2013 will be subject to availability at the requested hotel.Reservations will be treated on a first come first serve basis. Considering that the Annual Session 2013 is duringhigh tourist season in Istanbul, we strongly recommend that delegations make their reservations without delayand before the cut-off date of 15 May. After this date, hotel room availability cannot be guaranteed.
Please make sure to read the cancellation policies of the hotels.For further information on the servicesoffered by each hotel, we recommend that you consult the following websites:Hilton İstanbul:www.hiltonistanbul.com.trThe Marmara Taksim :www.themarmaracollection.comSwiss Hotel the Bosphorus:www.swissotel.com.trGrand Hyatt:www.istanbul.grand.hyatt.comPoint Hotel Taksim :www.pointhotel.comNippon Hotel :www.nipponhotel.com.trConrad İstanbul:http://www.hilton.com.tr/tr/Conrad/An information desk will be located in the lobby of each hotel throughout the session.
REGISTRATIONThe registration form (AnnexB)must be send toMs. Odile Lelargeat the International Secretariat of the OSCEParliamentary Assembly (fax: +45 33 37 80 30; e-mail:[email protected])before 24 May 2013.We kindly askyou to send a copy of the registration form toMs. Aycan Vergili(fax: +90 312 420 67 56/ e-mail:[email protected]).The registration desk will be open in the lobby of the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentrefrom 12.00 to 20.00 on 28June.For the remainder of the Annual Session, registration will be open every day from 08.00. Please registeras soon as possible after your arrival inİstanbul.Participants and accompanying persons will be able to collecttheir identity badges, conference bags and further conference information upon registration upon registrationat the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre only.
TRAVEL TO İSTANBULParticipants are kindly requested to indicate their flight references as well as their dates of arrival anddeparture both in the registration form and the hotel reservation form, in order to facilitate their transfer.Atatürk InternationalAirport is the main airport to enter İstanbul. It is located approximately31 km away fromthe convention centre. A welcome service will be located in the arrivals area to greet the participants and helpwith any matter that might occur. There will only be organized transport from and to this airport.Buses to thehotels will be provided on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 June, and on Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 July fordeparture from hotels.Information on the 22 Annual Session will be available atoscepa2003istanbul.orgat the beginning of March2013.Participants arriving on any other dates should use a taxi (30-40 minutes journey). The drive costs nomorethan 50 Euros. Tipping the driver is not required.nd
SPECIAL NEEDSThe Secretaries of Delegation should informMr. Mücahit ARSLAN (e-mail:[email protected])of guestswith special needs in order to make the necessary transportation and other arrangements in advance.
VISASEntering and staying in Turkey is subject to holding a valid passport or other forms of travel documents withthe necessary authorizations required by the Turkish authorities, permitting entrance in Turkey. Visaapplications should be made in the participant’s country of residence or any other country through the TurkishEmbassy or Consulate.We recommend that you contact the Turkish authorities in your country of residence to check all theformalities necessary to obtain a visa for the Annual Session.
For detailed information on the visa regime, you can visitwww.mfa.gov.tr,the website of the Ministry ofForeign Affairs of Turkey.InAnnex C,you will find the visa regimes for OSCE PA participating states and partners for cooperation forentering Turkey, along with contact information for the Turkish embassies in these countries for those needingvisas.
CUSTOMSFor the customs regulations on items imported into Turkey, see the website of the Turkish customs:www.gumrukticaret.gov.tr
TRANSPORTATION DURING THE ANNUAL SESSIONCoach transport will be provided between the selected hotels and the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre for eachsession as well as for all social functions and for the accompanying persons’ programme. Transportationschedules will be available at the information desks at the hotels and the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre. Wekindly ask you to respect the bus departure schedule.
INFORMATION AND HOSPITALITY DESKThe information desk will be open in the lobby of the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre throughout the AnnualSession. All information for accompanying persons will be provided at the nearby hospitality desk. There willalso be hospitality desk at the hotels.
SECURITYAll participants, including accompanying persons, observers, delegation staff and members of the press will berequired to wear identity badges at all the meetings and social functions, as well as for all transport organizedfor the session. There will beaccess control measures at the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre.There will be no admittance to any programme functions without the appropriate identity badge. In case ofloss of your personal badge, please report to the registration desk immediately.For security reasons, participants should also be in possession of some other means of identification and beprepared for identity checks.
INTERPRETATIONDuring the session, simultaneous interpretation will be provided in the six official OSCE languages (English,French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish) as well as in Turkish.
INSURANCEPersonal and medical insurance is the responsibility of the individual participant. The Grand National Assemblyof Turkey will not be responsible for any loss of luggage, currency or personal effects, or any medical costs.
DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATIONSA list of diplomatic representations in Turkey, including contact information is available on the DiplomaticMissions page of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkish Republic:www.mfa.gov.trForeign diplomatic representations in Ankara andİstanbul will be informed of the Session and the evening ofTuesday 2 July has been reserved for hospitality by the diplomatic missions.
ACCOMPANYING PERSONSA programme for accompanying persons will be arranged while delegates are engaged in conference sessions.Accompanying persons are also welcome to join the guided tour on Sunday afternoon 30 June as well asevening functions/receptions.The accompanying persons programme will be available to orange badgeholders only.Accompanying persons are requested to sign up for the excursions they would like to participate
at the information desk of the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre by 29 June at 16:00. They are asked to wear theirbadges during every part of the programme.
DRESS CODEBusiness attire is required for formal occasions. Casual wear (and comfortable footwear) is suitable andrecommended for the excursion on Sunday afternoon 30 June and the accompanying persons programme.Given the hot weather conditions and high humidity in July, we recommend the use of suitable light clothing.
MEDICAL FACILITIESA first aid facility will be available for participants at the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre throughout the session.However, illness requiring medical treatment or hospitalization is the responsibility of the individual. Delegatestaking medicine should bring enough to cover their needs, take a copy of the prescriptions with them, andensure that they have a valid health insurance. Delegates should not forget to bring their health insurance cardor documents. If you were to face medical expenses, these documents would allow your reimbursement uponreturn.
CATERINGThere is one restaurant, BorsaRestaurant, in the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre. Also, several restaurants andcafes are in the close vicinity of the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre.Upon their arrival in İstanbul, the participantswill be provided with a list of restaurants and cafes. Tippingin İstanbul is optional. However, it is usual to leavea tip in a restaurant if you are happy with the service. A ten per cent tip is considered generous.
CLIMATEThe average temperature in İstanbul in late June and early Julyis and 27�C (high) and 19�C (low). Althoughmostly sunny, summer rainfall is not uncommon. In the conference period the sun rises approximately at 04:30and sets at approximately 19:45.
TIMEİstanbul standard time zone is GMT +2 hours.
CURRENCYThe currency used in Turkey is the Turkish Lira ( ), which is the only currency acceptable for payment. Creditcards (Visa and MasterCard) are accepted in hotels, restaurants, cafes and supermarkets. Cash can be obtainedfrom ATMs or at the nearest bank.
BANKING SERVICESWorking hoursof banks in İstanbul are from 09:00 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 17:00. Please note that banks areclosed on Saturdays and Sundays. Money can also be exchanged at the hotels and at the official exchangeoffices in the city Centre.An ATM will be available inside the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre.
ELECTRICITYThe voltage in İstanbul is 220V and European style two-pinsockets are used.TELECOMMUNICATIONSThe international code for Turkey is +90. There will be internet and fax available at the Lütfi Kırdar CongressCentre. For availability of internet and fax at the hotels, see information on hotels amenities on hotel websites.
SMOKINGSmoking is prohibited inside all public buildings, restaurants, bars and public transportation.CITY AND CONFERENCE INFORMATIONThe website for the Annual Session,oscepa2003istanbul.orgwill be updated with conference-relatedinformation in English. The websitesehirrehberi.ibb.gov.trcontains tourist and practical information aboutİstanbul.