Ligestillingsudvalget 2012-13
LIU Alm.del Bilag 35
Interparliamentary Committee Meeting on
7 March 2013
Questionnaire addressed to national parliaments for a written contribution
Replies to the questionnaire (around one page in English or French) shall be sent by15 February 2013 to[email protected].
Question 1
Has your Parliament in recent years addressed the issue of the impact of the
economic and financial crisis on women? If so, in which format?
Question 2
Have specific measures for the protection of women during the crisis been
identified in your country in decisions/resolutions or in the broader political
Question 3
Does your Parliament envisage any policy and/or legal initiative in order to
improve the situation of women during the crisis?
Question 4
- What kind of specific activities (information campaign, promotion of best
practices, training, etc.) on gender aspects of the economic and financial crisis
have been put in place?
- What kind of positive effect(s) resulted from such activities?