Kulturudvalget 2012-13
KUU Alm.del Bilag 199
Folketinget, 30.05.2013
TV 2 –Norwegian CommercialPublic Service Broadcaster- with Danish Egmont as owner
"TV 2's head office and central newsroom are in Bergen, inaccordance with both previous licence requirements and therequirements for the new licence.“
TV 2 is the driving force behind the establishment of a media city inBergen in 2016.

"TV 2 promises daily in-house production of news

for TV 2 during the agreement period“

A high share, despite increased competition andfragmentation (26 % marked share)Younger viewers then NRKSets the agenda
Challenged by Norwegian and foreign media giantswithout editorial responsibilities.

"TV 2 will broadcast over 50 % Norwegian-

language programming during the agreement


The share of Norwegian in the application was 60.2 %(figures from 2008)The share of Norwegian on 31.12.2012 was 59.1 %The share of Norwegian programmes in prime time hasgrown significantly during the agreement period

"TV 2 will broadcast weekly Norwegian-language

programming for children, and regular Norwegian-

language programming for young people during the

agreement period."

450 hours of children's programmingSeveral Norwegian productions
47 hours of Kollektivet – new youth programme.

"TV 2 will continue to disseminate Norwegian films

and drama productions. According to the invitation to

apply for a licence, it will contribute NOK 10 million to

the Norwegian Film Institute's grant schemes for

audiovisual productions."

300 hours a year with drama, half of them Hotel CæsarHotel Cæsar is the longest lasting every-day-soap inScandinavia with more then 2400 episodes
The benefit for TV 2:The cable owner is under an obligation todisseminate the television broadcasts of thebroadcaster appointed by the authorities toattend to serve special publicconsiderations on market terms.