Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsudvalget 2012-13
KEB Alm.del Bilag 263
Press Release“The North Seas as the future energy pool of Europe”Members of Parliamentfrom all over Europe meet in Dublin.Request strong political supportfor offshore wind in the North Seas.Dublin, 21 June 2013 - Members of Parliament from allover Europe meet on 21 and 22 June 2013 in DublinCastle for the 13thInter-Parliamentary Meeting onRenewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to demandleadership and more European cooperation on offshorewind and launch a Parliamentary Platform as a politicalsupport to the governmental North Seas CountriesOffshore Grid Initiative (NSCOGI).Members of European, national and regional parliamentsas well as city councils from more than 17 EU MemberStates and neighbouring countries attended the EUFORES13thInter-Parliamentary Meeting on Renewable Energyand Energy Efficiency. The abundant energy potential ofthe North Seas region was the main focus of thediscussions. Onshore and offshore wind, grids andinfrastructure, harbours, ships and the supply chain,financing and legal implications have been discussed. 10European countries started the so called North SeasCountries Offshore Grid Initiative (NSCOGI). It aims atimproving the cooperation of the countries in the region todevelop the future energy system.Claude Turmes,Member of European Parliament andPresident of EUFORES, underlined: "TheNorth Seas bearan endless potential of renewable energy sources. The 10countries involved in the joint governmental North SeasCountries Offshore Grid Initiative need to intensity theirefforts together with the European institutions to make this
Claude TurmesPresident
Fiona HallVice-President
Anni PodimataVice-President
Dr. Jan GeissSecretary General
lighthouse project happen in practice. The economic crisisshould not weaken this promising cooperation. If MemberStates join forces, the North Seas can indeed becomethefuture energy pool of Europe."Intense exchanges between the parliamentarians andexperts from the European Commission, governments,scientists and industry representatives took place andbrought more light into the complex debate on the NorthSeas.Senator Cáit Keane,parliamentary host of IPM13, said: "Iam very honoured to welcome my parliamentarycolleagues from all over Europe in Dublin Castle for thisyear's Inter-Parliamentary Meeting. It is indeed crucial inthese days to discuss and shape the energy future ofEurope. Renewables are key in this challenge and theNorth Seas can be a leading example for Europeancooperation and interconnection – we need to get closer!"This was also confirmed byFiona Hall,Member ofEuropean Parliament and EUFORES Vice-President: "Inorder to reach the 2020 targets for renewable energy in theEuropean Union, we need strong commitment andleadership by political institutions on all levels. We need todeliver the security and confidence that investors arelooking for in order to lay the grounds for this hugeendeavour: nothing less than the transition to a trulysustainable EU energy system based on renewables andenergy efficiency. The North Seas can play a key role if wegrasp what they offer to us - but we need to make this ajoint European project."During IPM13, Members of Parliament established a newNSCOGI Parliamentary Platform as a new political supportto NSCOGI, which will be organised by EUFORES as theEuropean parliamentary network on renewables andenergy efficiency.Background: 13thEUFORES Inter-ParliamentaryMeeting on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency(IPM13)EUFORES organised its annual Inter-ParliamentaryMeeting on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency thisyear in Dublin Castle in cooperation with the IrishParliament and the Irish EU Council Presidency. The latestsituation of renewable energy and energy efficiency was
discussed, whilst a strong focus lied this time on thepotential of the North Seas and the needs how to harvesttheir energy in the future. Members of Parliamentdiscussed the North Seas Countries Offshore Grid Initiative(NSCOGI), which was started by 10 countries neighbouringthe North Seas. IPM13 was the occasion to kick-start aparliamentary platform related to NSCOGI as an additionalsupport and political input to speed up the development ofthe North Seas energy systems.About EUFORESEUFORES is the European cross-party parliamentarynetwork on renewable energy and energy efficiency.FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACTEUFORES – European Forum for Renewable Energy SourcesDr. Jan GeissSecretary GeneralE-mail:[email protected]Tel.: +32 2 546.1948www.eufores.org

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