Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsudvalget 2012-13
KEB Alm.del Bilag 146
Parliamentary Forum
International cooperation for the energy revolution
The role of regional and global agencies in promoting renewable energy and new grids Brussels, Belgium, 7th – 8th March, 2013 The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy requires close cooperation at both regional and global levels. Members of Parliament have a key role in generating international action at the speed and scale needed to prevent dangerous climate change. To create a reliable supply of clean energy, the nations of each major world region must share their resources among themselves through cross-·‐border trading. In this way, everyone can be connected to the areas where solar, wind, hydro and other renewable energy sources are most abundant, and local fluctuations in sun and wind can be smoothed out. Regional organisations can help make this happen. In the global sunbelt, where most of the world’s poor majority lives, bilateral and multilateral development agencies have an important role to play in enabling access to clean energy for everyone. Members of Parliament approve the budgets which fund those agencies, and need to monitor their work on behalf of their constituents. MPs can encourage and support them to give top priority to accelerating the global transition to a low carbon economy. This Climate Parliament Forum will enable legislators to question agency heads and senior officials from the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, the International Energy Agency, the International Renewable Energy Agency, the OECD, the UN Development Programme, the UN Industrial Development Organisation, the World Bank and other major multilateral and bilateral agencies about what they are doing – or not doing – to support renewable energy. The main sessions of the Forum will focus on the key tasks facing development agencies: Fight poverty with power Finance off-·‐grid renewables and village mini-·‐grids to enable the rural poor to harness their local energy resources. Connect to the richest resources Finance cross-·‐border “electricity highways” to connect everyone to the places where solar, wind and hydropower are cheapest and most abundant, and large-·‐scale renewable power generation in those locations. Mobilise private investment Risk-·‐sharing for renewable energy bonds and other instruments to attract investment. Build political will Work with national and regional legislators to strengthen the policy framework for renewables.
“*” indicates those speakers yet to confirm
Thursday 7th March
09:00 -·‐ 09:50 Welcome and opening comments Sir Graham Watson MEP, Chair of Climate Parliament Hon. Kuoyu Tung, Ambassador to the European Union, Taiwan Rajiv Pratap Rudy MP, Chair, Climate Parliament India Group Ndèye Lucie Cissé MP, Chair, Parliamentary Energy Committee, Senegal * Gunther Oettinger, Energy Commissioner, European Commission Brief round of introductions Session 1: Power to the People 10:00 -·‐ 10:30 Off-·‐grid Renewables & Village Mini-·‐grids: Fighting Poverty with Power Speakers: * Dr. Kandeh K. Yumkella, Director-·‐General, UN Industrial Development Organisation Mark Radka, Head of Energy, United Nations Environment Programme 10:30 -·‐ 10:45 Discussion in plenary 10:45 – 11:00 Tea and coffee 11:00 – 13:00 HEARINGS IN REGIONAL GROUPS: AFRICA, ASIA, EUROPE MPs question regional and global agencies based in or active in their region about their work to support small-·‐scale renewables, and their allocation of resources for energy projects 13:00 -·‐ 14:15 LUNCH Speaker: * Dr Ahmad Mohamed Ali, President, Islamic Development Bank (IDB has confirmed high-·‐level participation, awaiting final confirmation on speaker) Session 2: Connect to the Richest Resources 14:15 -·‐ 14:45 Building new electricity highways and large-·‐scale renewable installations Speakers: Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Managing Director, World Bank Group Donald Kaberuka, President, African Development Bank 14:45 -·‐ 15:15 Discussion in plenary 15:15 -·‐ 15:30 Tea and coffee 15:30 – 17:30 HEARINGS IN REGIONAL GROUPS: AFRICA, ASIA, EUROPE MPs question regional and global agencies based in or active in their region about plans to support large-·‐scale renewables and long-·‐distance transmission 19:00 DINNER Speaker: Werner Hoyer, President, European Investment Bank
Friday 8th March Session 3: Mobilise bond markets and other private investment 09:30 -·‐ 10:00 How can international agencies help clean energy projects gain better access to private investment? Speakers: Rintaro Tamaki, Deputy Secretary-·‐General in charge of Environment, Development, Green Growth, and Financial Affairs, OECD Josué Tanaka, Managing Director, Operational Strategy & Planning for Energy Efficiency & Climate Change, European Bank of Reconstruction & Development 10:00 – 10:30 Discussion in Plenary 10:30 – 11:00 Tea and coffee 11:00 – 13:00 HEARINGS IN REGIONAL GROUPS: AFRICA, ASIA, EUROPE MPs question regional and global agencies based in or active in their region about innovative approaches to financing and risk-·‐sharing for clean energy generation and transmission 13:00 – 14:30 LUNCH Speaker: Philippe Benoit, Head of Energy Efficiency and Environment, International Energy Agency Session 4: Building Political Will 14:30 -·‐ 15:00 Working with Parliaments to strengthen the policy framework for renewables Speakers: Villa Kulild, Director General, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) * Representative of United Nations Development Programme Nicholas Dunlop, Secretary-·‐General, Climate Parliament 15:00 -·‐ 15:30 Discussion in plenary 15:30 -·‐ 16:00 Tea and Coffee 16:00 -·‐ 17:00 DISCUSSION IN REGIONAL GROUPS How can international agencies support parliaments in advancing the energy revolution? 17:00 – 18:00 Parliamentary roundtable discussion 19:00 DINNER *Speaker: Adnan Amin, Director-·‐General, IRENA
Saturday 9th March Optional field trip to renewable energy installation/manufacturing facilities