Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsudvalget 2012-13
KEB Alm.del Bilag 102
Tariffs payable per kWh of electricityproducedThe level of the generation tariff is dependent on the technology and the system size and type
Table of Feed-In Tariffs from 1st December 2012 to 31stMarch 2013This includes adjustments fordegression,together withindex linkingeffective up to April 2012.Table A: Listing of all Generation Tariff levels for the current periodTariff
Energy Source
Type / Rate
≤250kW14.70Anaerobic digestion
>250kW - 500kW13.60Anaerobic digestion
>500kW8.96Anaerobic digestion
≤15 kW21.00Hydro
>15 - 100kW19.60Hydro
>100kW - 500kW15.50Hydro
>500kW - 2MW12.10Hydro
>2MW - 5MW4.48Hydro
<2 kW(limited)12.50Micro-CHP
≤4 kWHigher rate15.44Solar PV
≤4 kWMedium rate13.90Solar PV
>4 - 10kWHigher rate13.99Solar PV
>4 - 10kWMedium rate12.59Solar PV
>10 - 50kWHigher rate13.03Solar PV
>10 - 50kWMedium rate11.72Solar PV
>50 - 150kWHigher rate11.50Solar PV
>50 - 150kWMedium rate10.35Solar PV
>150 - 250kWHigher rate11.00Solar PV
>150 - 250kWMedium rate9.90Solar PV
≤250kWLower rate7.10Solar PV
>250kW - 5MW7.10Solar PV
≤5MWStandalone7.10Solar PV
>100 - 500kW17.50Wind
>500kW - 1.5MW9.50Wind
>1.5MW - 5MW4.48Wind
existing systems transferred from RO9.90Any
Historical and future tariffsSee these more detailed tables to view:
Table B:Tariffs payable now on previously installed systems (includingindexation)Table C:Starting tariffs applicable to previously installed systemsTable D:Starting tariffs applicable in future periods (includingdegression)
We used to show all this in one table, but there have already been so many changes to the tariffs andthe bands ...Ofgem's equivalents to our table B are availablehere.
Other benefitsThese tables show only the generation tariff. The Feed-In Tariffs scheme also provides two furtherbenefits: an additional payment for surplus energy exported to the grid (this is called theexporttariff)and a saving on energy purchased from your electricity supplier.
Eligible Energy SourcesoExcluded installationsTariff LevelsoPayable nowoHistoricaloFutureoDefinitionsoDegressionoContingent degressionoRPI IndexationInstallation datesOther Eligibility CriteriaoEnergy efficiency criteriaMeteringConsents and Approvals
What are FITs?Quick GuideHow the Tariffs workTariff RegulationReviews of the schemeAll the finer detailsTariff uptakeEligibility & TariffsEligible Energy Sources
Tariff LevelsInstallation datesOther Eligibility CriteriaMeteringConsents and ApprovalsWant advice?How can I claim FITs?Choose your renewableFind an installerHow to registerWhat are the benefits?Energy savingTerms & Conditions
All content � Feed-In Tariffs Ltd.