Forsvarsudvalget 2012-13
FOU Alm.del Bilag 90
The Berlin Framework Forum:Creating the Conditions and Building the Frameworkfor a Nuclear Weapons-Free WorldBerlin, GermanyFebruary 21 - 22, 2013Sponsored by Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament and theMiddle Powers Initiative with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany,the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs of Austria, the FriedrichEbert Foundation, and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.DRAFT AGENDA
February 2018:30 – 21:30Public Roundtable:“Paths to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World” (tentative title)Sponsors: IALANA, INES, IPPNW, IPB with the support of MPI and PNND/Futurewithout Nuclear Weapons, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Konrad-Adenauer-FoundationTHURSDAY
February 219:00 – 10:00 Opening Session (large auditorium)Opening statement by MPI Chair AkibaRemarks by Uta Zapf, PNND Co-President, Chair of Bundestag Subcommittee onDisarmament and Arms ControlWelcoming remarks by Co-SponsorsGovernment of Germany:Government of Austria:Ebert Foundation:Adenauer Foundation:Keynote address by Foreign Minister Westerwelle (TBC)10:15 -11:30: Plenary:Strategic Security(missile defense, space, cyber, long-range non-nuclear strike, nuclear deterrence)11:30-11:45: Coffee Break11:45am – 13:15: Plenary:Cooperative and Common Security(nuclear deterrence, non-nuclear security – OSCE, NATO expansion, security architecture for Europe and Russia,rule of law)
13:15 – 14:45: Buffet Lunch15:00 – 16:15: Working Groups1.Solving the missile defense dilemma2.Reducing the role of nuclear weapons3.Regional security arrangements16:15 - 16:45: Coffee Break16:45 – 18:30: Resumption of Working Groups19:30: DinnerFRIDAY
February 229:00 – 10:30: Plenary:Conditions for Zero(conditions for giving up the last nuclearweapons; verification, irreversibility, transparency, enforceability; extent of nuclearinfrastructure)10:30-11:00: Coffee Break11:00-12:30: Plenary:Building the Framework(Framework Agreement, NWC, Ban,Framework of Instruments)12:30-13:15pm: Reports from working groups with comments13:15 -13:45: Concluding remarks:MPI ChairMFA representativePNND Co-president13:45 - 15:00: Farewell lunch15:15: Optional program (TBD by the German hosts)