Forsvarsudvalget 2012-13, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2012-13
FOU Alm.del Bilag 44, UPN Alm.del Bilag 52
Nordic defence ministers' meeting in SkagenOn 5thand 6thNovember a Nordic defence ministers' meeting took place in Skagen, chaired by the Danish minister ofdefence Mr. Nick Hækkerup
The meeting was the second Nordic defence ministers' meetings during the Danish 2012 NORDEFCO presidency. At the centreof discussions was the topic of enhanced Nordic cooperation on tactical air transport. The ministers signed a letter of Intent, asa tangible expression of the excellent potential for deeper cooperation in this regard. The potential areas of cooperation in thisregard include pooling of air transport capacities, command and control, joint training and common sustainment solutions. Thiscooperation initiative exemplifies the ‘Smart Defence’ nature of the Nordic defence cooperation. Possibilities for enhancedNordic support to capacity building in East Africa were also discussed during the meeting.
The ministers also discussed the further development of Nordic cooperation including a number of other areas of potentialcooperation in the short as well as longer term. In the short term airspace surveillance, procurement of small arms ammunition,tugboats, armored vehicles rubber tracks, batteries and unit group rations provide good opportunities for positive results.
The Ministers also discussed the situation in Afghanistan and the Nordic countries’ future engagement. Nordic support forAfghanistan was confirmed, and enhanced Nordic cooperation possibilities after 2014 will be considered.
Furthermore ministers discussed possibilities for joint contributions to UN peacekeeping operations.
During the meeting, the Ministers welcomed the willingness of Finland and Sweden to participate in air surveillance in Iceland. Afinal decision, including a due parliamentary process, can be taken in Finland and Sweden only after the matter has beendiscussed in NATO.
The situation in Syria was discussed and the Ministers expressed their concern of the situation, and intent to follow thedevelopment closely.
Finland presented its plans and priorities for the chairmanship in 2013.
In the margin of the meeting the four Nordic Defence and Security Industry Associations signed a Memorandum ofUnderstanding in the presence of the Nordic Ministers. The Memorandum aims at strengthening the cooperation of the NordicDefence Industry by establishing a Joint Nordic Defence Industry Cooperation Group.
The ministers concluded at the end of the meeting:“This has been a most productive and useful meeting. The signature ofthe Letter of Intent on Nordic tactical transport cooperation as well as the identification of a number of other new areasfor cooperation on capabilities is clear testimony for the new energy and political will for concrete cooperation withinNORDEFCO. We are also very pleased indeed with our common Nordic efforts within NORDEFCO on Afghanistan andEastern African capacity building”.
[PICTURE OF THE MINISTERS]From left: The Iceland ambassador to Denmark, Sturla Sigurdjónsson, the minister of defence of Denmark, Nick Hækkerup, theminister of defence of Sweden, Karin Enström, the permanent secretary of state of Norway, Eirik Øwre Thorshaug, and theminister of defence of Finland, Carl Haglund.Kotrol af rækkefølge og navne.