Forsvarsudvalget 2012-13
FOU Alm.del Bilag 13

Input / Output Metrics – Individual Nation’s Fact Sheet

Year: 2011

Denmark1. Percentage of Gross Domestic Product(GDP) on Defence2. Percentage of Defence Expenditure onMajor Equipment and Associated Researchand Development3A. Percentage of Implementation ofQuantitative National Targets (Year: 2016)1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Selected IndicatorDefence Expenditures(current prices, mil. of national currency):Major Equipment Expenditures(current prices, mil. of national currency):
Abs. Value24,2592,348--
Contribution (%)1.369.6860.1847.9057.7767.1672.7313.9510.459.0925.013.27
3B. Percentage of Implementation ofQualitative National Targets (Year: 2016)7, 8,9, 10
4A. Deployable Land Forces Personnel as aPercentage of Land Forces Personnel4B. Deployable Airframes as a Percentageof Airframes4C. Deployable Vessels as a Percentage ofVessels5A. Sustainable Land Forces Personnel as aPercentage of Land Forces Personnel5B. Sustainable Airframes as a Percentageof Airframes5C. Sustainable Vessels as a Percentage ofVessels6A. Land Forces Personnel Deployed Abroadon NATO Operations as a Percentage ofDeployable Land Forces Personnel6B. Land Forces Personnel Deployed Abroadon non-NATO Operations as a Percentageof Deployable Land Forces Personnel6C. Land Forces Personnel Deployed Abroadon NATO and non-NATO Operations as aPercentage of Deployable Land ForcesPersonnel7A. Airframes Deployed Abroad on NATOOperations as a Percentage of DeployableAirframes7B. Airframes Deployed Abroad on non-NATO Operations as a Percentage ofDeployable Airframes7C. Airframes Deployed Abroad on NATOand non-NATO Operations as a Percentageof Deployable Airframes8A. Vessels Deployed Abroad on NATOOperations as a Percentage of DeployableVessels8B. Vessels Deployed Abroad on non-NATOOperations as a Percentage of DeployableVessels8C. Vessels Deployed Abroad on NATO andnon-NATO Operations as a Percentage ofDeployable Vessels9. Percentage of fulfilment of NATOCommand Structure (NCS) positions10. Percentage of Fulfilment of NATO ForceStructure Headquarters11. Percentage of Immediate ResponseForce (IRF) Fulfilment
Deployable Land Forces Personnel (unit):Deployable Airframes (unit):Deployable Vessels (unit):Sustainable Land Forces Personnel (unit):Sustainable Airframes (unit):Sustainable Vessels (unit):Land Forces Personnel Deployed Abroad onNATO Operations (unit):Land Forces Personnel Deployed Abroad onnon-NATO Operations (unit):Land Forces Personnel Deployed Abroad onNATO and non-NATO Operations (unit):Airframes Deployed Abroad on NATOOperations (unit):Airframes Deployed Abroad on non-NATOOperations (unit):Airframes Deployed Abroad on NATO andnon-NATO Operations (unit):Vessels Deployed Abroad on NATOOperations (unit):Vessels Deployed Abroad on non-NATOOperations (unit):Vessels Deployed Abroad on NATO and non-NATO Operations (unit):
Base year: 2016.Reference: DPCS 2011 as of June 2011.3Contributions two years later than requested: adjusted at 80%.4Weighting system was used to address the relative magnitude of each force contribution.5Only very limited assessment of quality of forces included.6Does not assess readiness discrepancies unless significant.7Measures degree of implementation of force goals (which seek to address qualitative shortfalls of forces) within the required timeframes.8Can only be considered as a very rough measurement of the progress in transforming forces.9Measurement is imprecise, especially for force goals with multiple requirements or for force goals with a very long implementation time.10Weighting factor for each force goal takes into consideration effort and resources over the period of time required to implement it. However,it does not take into consideration that the level of effort to implement a force goal is different from nation to nation.