Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2012-13
FLF Alm.del Bilag 47
To a roundtable onCSR challenges ofinternational foodsector
The Italian Embassy and Ferrero invite you to the roundtable:
”CSR as a business practice: The Ferrero model”More and more often consumers, institutions and business stakeholders demand that food companiestake clearer positions while sourcing raw materials, protecting animal welfare and respecting theenvironment all along the value chain.All companies face vast and exciting challenges in successfully combining their CSR objectives witheconomic growth and high product quality.The Ambassador of Italy to Denmark and Ferrero would like to invite scientists, politicians,collaboration partners, journalists, CSR managers and others with an interest in this topic for adiscussion of these challenges and their potential solutions.The conference will be held at the residence of the Ambassador of Italy in Fredericiagade 2, 1310Copenhagen K, Friday 30 November 2012, 10:30 am.At the conference, Associate Professor Esben Rahbek Gjerdum Pedersen from the Center forCorporate Social Responsibility at CBS will open the debate by touching upon the challenges faced bymultinational companies as they try to reach complex and ambitious CSR objectives.Next, Ferrero will share their goals, experiences and challenges in meeting specific and ambitious CSRobjectives by 2020. Finally Coop will touch upon the expectations and demands of today’s consumersand retailers regarding the CSR policies of food suppliers.The conference will be wrapped up by an open debate and an Italian lunch.
Carlo TripepiAmbassador of Italy to Denmark
Amb. F. P. FulciVice-President of Ferrero International
SCHEDULE10:3010:50Coffee and welcome by the Ambassador of Italy to Denmark in the ballroomPresentation by Esben Rahbek Gjerdum Pedersen, Associate Professor at Center forCorporate Social Responsibility, CBSFuture demands for the CSR objectives of multinational companies and typical challenges inworking with them11:10Presentation by Francesca Poggiali, Global CSR responsible at FerreroFerrero’s Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2011 and the challenges of working with10 concrete CSR goals until 2020 related to all aspects including purchase of raw materials,production and consumers.11:45Presentation by Sascha Amarasinha, CSR responsible at CoopThe expectations and demands of today’s consumers and retailers towards the CSR policiesof food suppliers.12:05Questions and debate followed by a light lunch with Italian specialties