Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2012-13
FLF Alm.del Bilag 149


Jerry Bolton [mailto:[email protected]]


12. februar 2013 18:02


Rene Christensen; Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri


Forward of an email titled "Shame on Denmark"
Honorable Rene ChristensenChairman, Food, Agriculture and Fisheries CommitteeDanish Parliment
Mr. Christensen,If even a shred of this article is true (andhttp://www.snopes.com/verifies it is"Probably True"), I implore you as, an Animal rights representative to the Danishparliment, to insist on legislation that will put an end to this barbaric practice. It iscertainly not the kind of activity one associates with a civilized nation such asDenmark. Surely the young men of the Faroe Islands can find a much moreproductive manner in which to show their coming of age !! Your actions areimperative to stop this atrocity.Sincerely,Gerald BoltonFLF-note: Det i henvendelsen omtalte billedmateriale kan rekvireres af udvalgets medlemmer vedhenvendelse til sekretariatet.